Code of Conduct To help provide a safe and fun environment for everyone, please read this document and follow all rules while connected to this public DCSS server. Users that are found to be in violation of these rules may have their account suspended at any time, with no warning. 1. Be courteous to other players. Harassment will not be tolerated. 2. Don't use obscene account or clan names. 3. Don't use account names, clan names, or chat messages to send spam or advertisements for unrelated content. Advertising your Dungeon Crawl content is okay. 4. Do not attempt to steal or break into user accounts that don't belong to you. 5. Abuse of the system is not acceptable. This includes the following: * Performing repetitive actions to reach extremely high turncounts, outside of normal gameplay (e.g. waiting for millions of turns) * Running chat bots without prior consent from an administrator * Engaging in any attack which degrades the performance of the server These actions can negatively impact server performance and affect the online experience for other players. Use good judgement to determine whether something is abusive. If you aren't sure, contact an administrator first. Abusive users will be banned without warning. 6. Please do not use anonymizing services to evade bans, or to engage in abuse or other unkind behavior. This code of conduct was written in good faith to preserve a fun atmosphere and a functioning server environment, so that all players can enjoy the game.