Dungeon Sprint DCSS version 0.32-a0-1708-g51ab8bf2ec (webtiles) character file. Game seed: 10829853952097242325 514296 bongcheondong the End of an Era (level 19, 50/189 HPs) Began as a Demonspawn Gladiator on July 6, 2024. Was the Champion of Qazlal. Escaped with the Orb! The game lasted 00:11:38 (2342 turns). bongcheondong the End of an Era(DsGl) Turns: 2342, Time: 00:11:38 Health: 50/189 AC: 34 Str: 18 XL: 19 Next: 88% Magic: 36/36 EV: 21 Int: 8 God: Qazlal [******] Gold: 0 SH: 47 Dex: 29 Spells: 18/18 levels left rFire + + . G - +9 double sword (heavy) rCold + + + D - +18 shield of the Gong {Loud rN+ Will+ rCorr EV-5} rNeg + + + I - +9 plate armour "Ucuynwi" {rPois rF+ Str+4} rPois + c - +0 helmet rElec . (cloak unavailable) rCorr + (no gloves) SInv . (no boots) Will ++... e - amulet of magic regeneration Stlth + K - ring "Eniorap" {rPois rC+++ rN+ Int-3 Dex+2} HPRegen 0.51/turn N - ring of Brilliance {+Blink rF+ rN+ Dex+6 Slay-2} MPRegen 0.90/turn %: no teleportation, repel missiles, guardian spirit @: studying 3 skills A: spiny 3, magic shield, magic regeneration, magic link, sharp scales 1, weakness stinger 3 0: Orb of Zot a: Renounce Religion, Evoke Blink, Upheaval, Elemental Force, Disaster Area You escaped. You worshipped Qazlal. Qazlal was exalted by your worship. You visited 1 branch Inventory: Hand Weapons F - the +11 Singing Sword {sonic wave} (You found it in the Dungeon) G - a +9 heavy double sword (weapon) Missiles d - 3 throwing nets (quivered) Z - 2 javelins Armour c - a +0 helmet (worn) D - the +18 shield of the Gong (worn) {Loud rN+ Will+ rCorr EV-5} (You found it in the Dungeon) Loud: It is deafeningly noisy when blocking attacks. EV-5: It affects your evasion (-5). rN+: It protects you from negative energy. Will+: It increases your willpower. rCorr: It protects you from acid and corrosion. E - the +15 Maxwell's patent armour {-Cast -Tele rElec Will+ rCorr} (You found it in the Dungeon) rElec: It insulates you from electricity. Will+: It increases your willpower. -Cast: It prevents spellcasting. -Tele: It prevents most forms of teleportation. rCorr: It protects you from acid and corrosion. I - the +9 plate armour "Ucuynwi" (worn) {rPois rF+ Str+4} (You found it in the Dungeon) Str+4: It affects your strength (+4). rF+: It protects you from fire. rPois: It protects you from poison. O - the +0 cloak "Zuberch" {Rampage Str+4 Int-5 Dex+5} (You found it in the Dungeon) Str+4: It affects your strength (+4). Int-5: It affects your intelligence (-5). Dex+5: It affects your dexterity (+5). Rampage: It bestows one free step when moving towards enemies. Jewellery a - the ring "Lyvulaym" {Will+ MP+9 Str+3} (You took it off a guardian mummy in the Dungeon) [ring of magical power] Str+3: It affects your strength (+3). Will+: It increases your willpower. MP+9: It affects your magic capacity (+9). e - an amulet of magic regeneration (around neck) o - the ring of Ushrudoi {Str+3 Slay+4 Stlth+} (You found it in the Dungeon) [ring of slaying] Str+3: It affects your strength (+3). Slay+4: It affects your accuracy & damage with ranged weapons and melee (+4). Stlth+: It makes you more stealthy. u - the ring of Esashralo {rF++ rC+ MP+9 Str+3} (You found it in the Dungeon) [ring of magical power] Str+3: It affects your strength (+3). rF++: It greatly protects you from fire. rC+: It protects you from cold. MP+9: It affects your magic capacity (+9). K - the ring "Eniorap" (left hand) {rPois rC+++ rN+ Int-3 Dex+2} (You found it in the Dungeon) [ring of positive energy] Int-3: It affects your intelligence (-3). Dex+2: It affects your dexterity (+2). rC+++: It renders you almost immune to cold. rPois: It protects you from poison. rN+: It protects you from negative energy. N - the ring of Brilliance (right hand) {+Blink rF+ rN+ Dex+6 Slay-2} (You found it in the Dungeon) [ring of dexterity] Dex+6: It affects your dexterity (+6). Slay-2: It affects your accuracy & damage with ranged weapons and melee (-2). rF+: It protects you from fire. rN+: It protects you from negative energy. +Blink: It lets you blink. X - the ring "Woschal" {rF+ Wiz Str+3 Stlth+} (You found it in the Dungeon) [ring of wizardry] It improves your spell success rate. Str+3: It affects your strength (+3). rF+: It protects you from fire. Stlth+: It makes you more stealthy. Wiz: It increases the success rate of your magical spells. Wands b - a wand of flame (31) w - a wand of digging (4) B - a wand of mindburst (18) C - a wand of light (16) M - a wand of paralysis (42) P - a wand of roots (6) Scrolls k - 3 scrolls of blinking q - 4 scrolls of amnesia r - 9 scrolls of fog s - 5 scrolls of identify t - 2 scrolls of fear v - a scroll of brand weapon H - 4 scrolls of enchant weapon Potions f - 9 potions of curing g - 13 potions of heal wounds h - 8 potions of haste i - 5 potions of magic j - 2 potions of berserk rage l - 2 potions of brilliance m - a potion of invisibility n - 3 potions of resistance p - 6 potions of might Miscellaneous y - a phantom mirror z - a box of beasts T - a condenser vane U - a lightning rod (4/4) V - a phial of floods Skills: O Level 27 Fighting + Level 16.2 Long Blades + Level 3.3 Throwing O Level 27 Armour O Level 27 Dodging O Level 27 Stealth O Level 27 Shields O Level 27 Invocations O Level 27 Evocations You had 18 spell levels left. You didn't know any spells. Your spell library contained the following spells: Spells Type Power Damage Failure Level Magic Dart Conj 0% 1d3 91% 1 Sandblast Erth 0% 2d4 91% 1 Shock Conj/Air 0% 1d3 91% 1 Slow Hex 0% N/A 91% 1 Sting Conj/Alch 0% 1d3 91% 1 Blink Tloc 0% N/A 97% 2 Call Imp Summ 0% N/A 97% 2 Ensorcelled Hibernation Hex/Ice 0% N/A 97% 2 Jinxbite Hex 0% N/A 97% 2 Lesser Beckoning Tloc 0% N/A 97% 2 Mercury Vapours Alch/Air 0% N/A 97% 2 Momentum Strike Conj/Tloc 0% 3d8 97% 2 Static Discharge Conj/Air 0% 3-3/arc 97% 2 Sublimation of Blood Necr 0% N/A 97% 2 Confusing Touch Hex 0% N/A 99% 3 Dazzling Flash Conj/Hex 0% N/A 99% 3 Frozen Ramparts Ice 0% 1d1 99% 3 Fugue of the Fallen Necr 0% N/A 99% 3 Hailstorm Conj/Ice 0% 3d5 99% 3 Inner Flame Hex/Fire 0% N/A 99% 3 Mephitic Cloud Conj/Alch/Air 0% N/A 99% 3 Ozocubu's Armour Ice 0% N/A 99% 3 Passwall Erth 0% N/A 99% 3 Sigil of Binding Hex 0% N/A 99% 3 Swiftness Air 0% N/A 99% 3 Tukima's Dance Hex 0% N/A 99% 3 Airstrike Air 0% 2d(0-16) 100% 4 Anguish Hex/Necr 0% N/A 100% 4 Brom's Barrelling Bould Conj/Erth 0% 2d3 100% 4 Cause Fear Hex 0% N/A 100% 4 Cigotuvi's Putrefaction Necr/Air 0% N/A 100% 4 Dimensional Bullseye Hex/Tloc 0% N/A 100% 4 Dispel Undead Necr 0% 3d6 100% 4 Ignite Poison Fire/Alch 0% N/A 100% 4 Leda's Liquefaction Alch/Erth 0% N/A 100% 4 Martyr's Knell Necr/Summ 0% N/A 100% 4 Olgreb's Toxic Radiance Alch 0% N/A 100% 4 Summon Blazeheart Golem Fire/Summ 0% N/A 100% 4 Summon Lightning Spire Summ/Air 0% N/A 100% 4 Vhi's Electric Charge Tloc/Air 0% N/A 100% 4 Alistair's Intoxication Alch 0% N/A 100% 5 Hoarfrost Cannonade Ice/Alch 0% N/A 100% 5 Irradiate Conj/Alch 0% 3d11 100% 5 Metabolic Englaciation Hex/Ice 0% N/A 100% 5 Silence Hex/Air 0% N/A 100% 5 Conjure Ball Lightning Conj/Air 0% 3x3d6 100% 6 Death Channel Necr 0% N/A 100% 6 Permafrost Eruption Ice/Erth 0% 2x4d1 100% 6 Sculpt Simulacrum Ice/Alch 0% N/A 100% 6 Enfeeble Hex 0% N/A 100% 7 Hellfire Mortar Fire/Erth 0% 3d14 100% 7 Manifold Assault Tloc 0% N/A 100% 7 Orb of Destruction Conj 0% 9d5 100% 7 Ozocubu's Refrigeration Ice 0% 4d7 100% 7 Rimeblight Ice/Necr 0% 2d4 (prima100% 7 Spellforged Servitor Conj/Summ 0% N/A 100% 7 Summon Hydra Summ 0% N/A 100% 7 Discord Hex 0% N/A 100% 8 Disjunction Tloc 0% N/A 100% 8 Ignition Fire 0% 3d3 100% 8 Chain Lightning Conj/Air 0% N/A 100% 9 Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations Branches: Dungeon (1/1) Altars: Ashenzari Cheibriados Dithmenos Fedhas Gozag Hepliaklqana Kikubaaqudgha Makhleb Nemelex Xobeh Okawaru Qazlal Ru Sif Muna Trog Uskayaw Vehumet Wu Jian Xom Yredelemnul Beogh Jiyva Lugonu Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations You are completely covered in sharp spines. When hurt, damage is shared between your health and your magic reserves. You regenerate magic rapidly. When low on magic, you restore magic in place of health. You are partially covered in razor-sharp scales. (AC +1, Slay +1) You have a sharp stinger which inflicts weakening toxins. Message History Bony is almost dead. The cutting wind hits Bony but does no damage. Bony is almost dead. Your air elemental disappears in a puff of smoke! Bony is engulfed in a thunderstorm. Aiming: Upheaval Press: ? - help, Dir - move target, f - Bony Aim: Bony (almost dead, surrounded by acidic fog) A blizzard blasts the area with ice! The blast of ice hits Bony!! You kill Bony! Qazlal accepts your kill. You have mastered Stealth! You have mastered Evocations! You need to enable at least one skill for training. Your Throwing skill gained 2 levels and is now at level 3! Why would you want to do that? Found four items. Found six items. Things that are here: a +4 heavy longbow; a +1 leather armour of fire resistance Why would you want to do that? Found four items. You see here a book of Dangerous Friends. You pick up a manual of Air Magic and begin studying. Things that are here: a +2 robe of resistance; the +3 pair of gloves of Incorporation {rF+++} Your protection from electricity is fading. There is a transporter here. An exit appears before you! You enter the transporter and appear at another place. Found the Orb of Zot. Found a staircase leading out of the dungeon. You feel less protected from electricity. You see here the Orb of Zot. You pick up the Orb of Zot! The Orb lets out an ear-shattering shriek! The lords of Pandemonium are not amused. Beware! Now all you have to do is get back out of the dungeon! There is a staircase leading out of the dungeon here. You have escaped! ..(≈..).....▓..▓.......▓..▓.|.ß©ß ..).)†).....▓.▓▓▓.....▓▓▓.▓...... ....(.......▓..▓.......▓..▓..)[|/ .......≈....▓.............▓...... .≈.≈≈.......▓......©......▓...).. ≈...≈.≈.≈≈..▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓...)). ▓.≈≈....▓...▓ßßßßßßßßßßßßß▓...†.. ▓▓≈≈≈..▓▓ ..▓ß...........ß▓..▓... ▓.≈....≈▓...▓ß..@°....©..ß▓....†. .....≈.≈....▓ß.○..°......ß▓....©. ....©.......▓ßßßßßßßßßßßßß▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ .....ß©ß....!. .[.:=.ß©ß..... [:)):).)[=%[). ./..!)[|.†[†|" ")).=|=?:=[/.) )!..≈)[/.[/.)) =)).)=|))/...) .≈≈...).≈|[|)| †........†.... )≈≈..≈)≈≈..≈.. There were no monsters in sight! Vanquished Creatures An ancient lich (D) A royal mummy (D) 34 pandemonium lords (D) A Killer Klown (D) 5 shard shrikes (D) A golden dragon (D) A Tzitzimitl (D) 5 Ice Fiends (D) 3 tentacled monstrosities (D) 5 electric golems (D) A Hell Sentinel (D) 2 liches (D) 6 titans (D) A quicksilver dragon (D) 7 Orb Guardians (D) 3 deep elf master archers (D) An Executioner (D) 7 acid blobs (D) An eldritch tentacle (D) 4 tentacled starspawn (D) A shadow dragon (D) 6 storm dragons (D) Agnes (D) Kirke (D) Donald (D) 3 fire giants (D) 4 rockslimes (D) 8 narguns (D) Roxanne (D) A sin beast (D) 7 azure jellies (D) A draconian knight (D) A deep elf elementalist (D) A demonspawn blood saint (D) 4 spriggan defenders (D) 4 stone giants (D) A very ugly thing (D) 3 green draconians (D) 2 yellow draconians (D) A demonspawn soul scholar (D) 3 black draconians (D) 11 wendigos (D) 3 white draconians (D) 3 red draconians (D) Snorg (D) A mummy priest (D) 3 great orbs of eyes (D) 6 merfolk javelineers (D) Josephine (D) 5 yaktaur captains (D) A blizzard demon (D) 2 hydras (D) A rakshasa (D) 4 centaur warriors (D) 12 spriggan air magi (D) A dancing weapon (D) A two-headed ogre (D) 3 death yaks (D) 3 vampire magi (D) 3 hell hogs (D) 2 thrashing horrors (D) 3 soul eaters (D) 9 spriggan berserkers (D) 2 deep elf knights (D) A skyshark (D) An obsidian bat (D) 2 sixfirhies (D) 2 wretched stars (D) 3 skeletal warriors (D) 3 large abominations (D) 3 necromancers (D) A lindwurm (D) A deep elf pyromancer (D) 2 deep elf zephyrmancers (D) A glowing shapeshifter (D) 2 cyclopes (D) 3 orc sorcerers (D) A cyclops (shapeshifter) (D) 6 shining eyes (D) 3 moths of wrath (D) A meliai (shapeshifter) (D) An elephant (D) A rust devil (D) A kobold blastminer (D) An apocalypse crab (D) 4 black mambas (D) A smoke demon (D) An orange demon (D) 3 eyes of devastation (D) A naga mage (D) 9 cane toads (D) A cane toad (shapeshifter) (D) 3 komodo dragons (D) A torpor snail (D) 2 hellions (D) 4 yaktaurs (D) A rime drake (D) 3 efreet (D) An ice devil (D) A freezing wraith (D) 3 tormentors (D) 2 ancient zymes (D) A red devil (D) 3 guardian mummies (D) 2 merfolk (D) A troll (D) A hellwing (D) A polar bear (shapeshifter) (D) A raiju (D) A blink frog (D) 6 wind drakes (D) 2 polar bears (D) A raiju (shapeshifter) (D) 4 air elementals (D) 16 slime creatures (D) A wyvern (D) A ynoxinul (D) A shapeshifter (D) Grum (D) 4 vampires (D) 2 yaks (D) 2 fire elementals (D) 6 starcursed masses (D) A human (shapeshifter) (D) 2 golden eyes (D) A golden eye (shapeshifter) (D) Eustachio (D) A steam dragon (shapeshifter) (D) 7 neqoxecs (D) Edmund (D) 2 nagas (D) 7 small abominations (D) 2 hell hounds (D) 7 water moccasins (D) Pargi (D) A sky beast (D) 8 orc warriors (D) A sky beast (shapeshifter) (D) 2 ogres (D) 3 laughing skulls (D) A wolf (D) 3 centaurs (D) A phantom (D) 4 wights (D) A quasit (D) 5 jellies (D) An orc priest (D) An iron imp (D) Jessica (D) 3 orc wizards (D) 4 mummies (D) 2 adders (D) 3 white imps (D) 2 ufetubi (D) 2 spectral adders (D) 5 adder zombies (D) 3 adder skeletons (D) 2 orcs (D) A spectral bat (D) 3 bat skeletons (D) 4 bat zombies (D) 3 endoplasms (D) A ball python (D) 4 ball python skeletons (D) 3 ball python zombies (D) 2 bat simulacra (D) 2 jackal skeletons (D) A quokka simulacrum (D) 4 quokka zombies (D) 5 spectral ball pythons (D) A spectral giant cockroach (D) 3 fire vortices (D) 2 starspawn tentacles (D) 496 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills) 3 pandemonium lords (D) An Ice Fiend (D) A titan (D) A shadow dragon (D) A storm dragon (D) 3 ghouls (D) A hell hog (D) A soul eater (D) A sixfirhy (D) 3 deep elf archers (D) 2 death drakes (shapeshifter) (D) A swamp dragon (shapeshifter) (D) 2 ugly things (D) A moth of wrath (shapeshifter) (D) A fire elemental (D) A hog (shapeshifter) (D) A jackal zombie (D) 25 creatures vanquished. Vanquished Creatures (others) 8 pandemonium lords (D) An eldritch tentacle (D) A fire giant (D) A rust devil (D) A red devil (D) A ball python simulacrum (D) 13 creatures vanquished. Grand Total: 534 creatures vanquished Notes Turn | Place | Note -------+----------+------------------------------------------- 0 | D | bongcheondong the Demonspawn Gladiator began the quest for | the Orb. 0 | D | Reached XP level 1. HP: 16/16 MP: 1/1 0 | D | Found a blossoming altar of Fedhas. 0 | D | Found the +6 Majin-Bo {spellvamp, MP+6 Int+6} 0 | D | Found the +27 heavy crossbow "Sniper" {heavy, Acc+∞ SInv} 0 | D | Found the +10 dark maul {heavy} 0 | D | Found the +15 Maxwell's patent armour {-Cast -Tele rElec | Will+ rCorr} 0 | D | Found the +18 shield of the Gong {Loud rN+ Will+ rCorr | EV-5} 0 | D | Found the +16 obsidian axe {drain, demonic, Mesm ^Drain Fly | SInv} 0 | D | Found the +7 great mace "Firestarter" {flame, immolate, | rFlCloud rF++} 0 | D | Found the +6 shillelagh "Devastator" {shatter} 0 | D | Found the +11 plutonium sword {^Contam Stlth-} 0 | D | Found the +8 lance "Wyrmbane" {slay drac, rPois rF+ rC+ | AC+3} 0 | D | Found the +9 sword of Zonguldrok {reap} 0 | D | Found the +13 scythe of Curses {drain, curses, ^Drain} 0 | D | Found the +9 sword of Power {lifebolt} 0 | D | Found the +7 mace of Variability {chaos, chaos arc} 0 | D | Found the +11 Singing Sword {sonic wave} 0 | D | Found the +8 storm bow {elec, penet} 1 | D | Found a shimmering blue altar of Sif Muna. 1 | D | Found a sacrificial altar of Ru. 1 | D | Found a bloodstained altar of Trog. 1 | D | Found a stormy altar of Qazlal. 1 | D | Found an iron altar of Okawaru. 1 | D | Found a sparkling altar of Nemelex Xobeh. 3 | D | Found a transporter. 3 | D | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha. 3 | D | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva. 3 | D | Found a corrupted altar of Lugonu. 3 | D | Found a hazy altar of Hepliaklqana. 3 | D | Found a burning altar of Makhleb. 3 | D | Found an opulent altar of Gozag. 57 | D | Became a worshipper of Qazlal Stormbringer 58 | D | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in sharp spines. | [demonic ancestry] 58 | D | Reached XP level 2. HP: 24/24 MP: 1/4 94 | D | Entered arena 2. 94 | D | Noticed a water moccasin 94 | D | Noticed a water moccasin 94 | D | Found a transporter. 99 | D | Killed a water moccasin 100 | D | Reached skill level 5 in Long Blades 100 | D | Reached XP level 3. HP: 31/31 MP: 4/6 100 | D | Gained mutation: You have a small tail. [demonic ancestry] 100 | D | Reached XP level 4. HP: 38/38 MP: 4/7 100 | D | Killed a water moccasin 101 | D | Reached skill level 5 in Fighting 101 | D | Reached skill level 5 in Dodging 101 | D | Reached skill level 5 in Invocations 101 | D | Reached XP level 5. HP: 44/44 MP: 4/9 109 | D | Entered arena 3. 109 | D | Noticed an air elemental 109 | D | Noticed a deep elf pyromancer 109 | D | Noticed an air elemental 109 | D | Found a transporter. 109 | D | Paralysed by an air elemental for 1 turns 112 | D | Noticed a fire elemental 112 | D | Noticed a fire elemental 114 | D | Killed an air elemental 114 | D | Reached * piety under Qazlal 115 | D | Reached XP level 6. HP: 27/52 MP: 5/11 118 | D | Killed a deep elf pyromancer 119 | D | Reached skill level 5 in Armour 119 | D | Reached skill level 5 in Shields 119 | D | Reached XP level 7. HP: 7/59 MP: 6/13 120 | D | Killed an air elemental 127 | D | Got the ring of Ushrudoi {Str+3 Slay+4 Stlth+} 293 | D | Entered arena 4. 293 | D | Found a transporter. 297 | D | Reached ** piety under Qazlal 297 | D | Reached *** piety under Qazlal 298 | D | Gained mutation: You are mostly covered in sharp spines. | [demonic ancestry] 298 | D | Reached XP level 8. HP: 67/67 MP: 14/14 303 | D | Got the Handbook of Ensorcelling 308 | D | Entered arena 5. 308 | D | Found a transporter. 315 | D | Reached **** piety under Qazlal 319 | D | Got the +9 plate armour "Ucuynwi" {rPois rF+ Str+4} 331 | D | Entered arena 6. 331 | D | Found a transporter. 335 | D | Reached ***** piety under Qazlal 353 | D | Entered arena 7. 354 | D | Found a transporter. 374 | D | Entered arena 8. 374 | D | Noticed a hell hog 374 | D | Noticed an efreet 376 | D | Found a transporter. 380 | D | Killed an efreet 380 | D | Killed a hell hog 381 | D | Reached skill level 10 in Long Blades 381 | D | Reached skill level 10 in Invocations 381 | D | Gained mutation: You have a tail ending in a sharp stinger. | [demonic ancestry] 381 | D | Reached XP level 9. HP: 57/75 MP: 11/16 387 | D | Got Sif Muna's Anthology of Charged Alteration 409 | D | Entered arena 9. 409 | D | Noticed a cyclops 409 | D | Noticed a wind drake 409 | D | Noticed a wind drake 409 | D | Noticed a merfolk 409 | D | Noticed a merfolk 409 | D | Noticed a wind drake 410 | D | Reached ****** piety under Qazlal 411 | D | Killed a merfolk 411 | D | Killed a wind drake 412 | D | Found a transporter. 413 | D | Killed a cyclops 413 | D | Killed a wind drake 413 | D | Killed a merfolk 413 | D | Killed a wind drake 490 | D | Entered arena 10. 490 | D | Found the +6 arbalest "Damnation" {damnation} 490 | D | Noticed a deep elf archer 490 | D | Noticed a deep elf archer 490 | D | Noticed a +2 vampiric war axe 490 | D | Noticed a deep elf knight 490 | D | Noticed a deep elf archer 490 | D | Noticed a deep elf zephyrmancer 490 | D | Noticed a deep elf zephyrmancer 490 | D | Noticed a deep elf knight 491 | D | Found a transporter. 493 | D | Killed a deep elf knight 493 | D | Killed a deep elf knight 493 | D | Killed a deep elf zephyrmancer 493 | D | Killed a deep elf zephyrmancer 493 | D | Killed a +2 vampiric war axe 494 | D | Reached skill level 10 in Fighting 494 | D | Reached XP level 10. HP: 86/86 MP: 9/19 496 | D | Killed a deep elf archer 496 | D | Killed a deep elf archer 498 | D | Killed a deep elf archer 499 | D | Reached XP level 11. HP: 92/92 MP: 4/20 589 | D | Entered arena 11. 591 | D | Reached skill level 10 in Armour 591 | D | Reached skill level 10 in Dodging 591 | D | Found a transporter. 603 | D | Got the ring of Brilliance {+Blink rF+ rN+ Dex+6 Slay-2} 624 | D | Entered arena 12. 624 | D | Noticed a shadow dragon 625 | D | Noticed a soul eater 625 | D | Noticed a ghoul 631 | D | Found a transporter. 632 | D | Killed a shadow dragon 634 | D | Killed a ghoul 635 | D | Reached skill level 10 in Shields 637 | D | Killed a soul eater 740 | D | Entered arena 13. 740 | D | Noticed a hell hog 740 | D | Noticed a fire giant 740 | D | Noticed a fire giant 740 | D | Noticed a hell hog 740 | D | Noticed a hell hog 741 | D | Noticed a fire giant 741 | D | Noticed a fire giant 744 | D | Found a transporter. 746 | D | Killed a hell hog 746 | D | Killed a hell hog 746 | D | Killed a fire giant 747 | D | Reached skill level 15 in Long Blades 748 | D | Killed a hell hog 751 | D | Killed a fire giant 751 | D | Killed a fire giant 752 | D | Reached skill level 15 in Invocations 752 | D | Gained mutation: You are completely covered in sharp | spines. [demonic ancestry] 752 | D | Reached XP level 12. HP: 65/103 MP: 6/23 760 | D | Killed a fire giant 767 | D | Got the Encyclopedia of Reconfiguration and the Boulder 889 | D | Entered arena 14. 890 | D | Identified the ring "Lyvulaym" {Will+ MP+9 Str+3} 890 | D | Noticed a mummy priest 891 | D | Identified the staff of the Past {rC+ rN+ Int+3 Necro | Alchemy} 891 | D | Noticed a royal mummy 891 | D | Found the +8 pair of quick blades "Gyre" and "Gimble" | {protect} 892 | D | Found a transporter. 893 | D | Killed a mummy priest 897 | D | Killed a royal mummy 1079 | D | Entered arena 15. 1079 | D | Noticed Snorg 1079 | D | Noticed Pargi 1079 | D | Noticed Josephine 1080 | D | Noticed Eustachio 1080 | D | Noticed Agnes 1080 | D | Noticed Donald 1080 | D | Noticed Edmund 1080 | D | Noticed Kirke 1081 | D | Noticed Grum 1081 | D | Noticed Roxanne 1081 | D | Noticed Jessica 1082 | D | Killed Pargi 1082 | D | Killed Edmund 1082 | D | Killed Grum 1082 | D | Killed Donald 1082 | D | Killed Jessica 1082 | D | Killed Eustachio 1082 | D | Killed Josephine 1083 | D | Killed Kirke 1083 | D | Killed Snorg 1086 | D | Killed Agnes 1087 | D | Found a transporter. 1099 | D | Killed Roxanne 1100 | D | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in razor-sharp | scales. (AC +1, Slay +1) [demonic ancestry] 1100 | D | Reached XP level 13. HP: 97/113 MP: 16/25 1142 | D | Entered arena 16. 1142 | D | Noticed an ancient lich 1148 | D | Found a transporter. 1154 | D | Killed an ancient lich 1155 | D | Reached skill level 15 in Fighting 1163 | D | Got Sif Muna's Quarto of the Wendigo 1168 | D | Got Sif Muna's Meditations on Synthesis 1275 | D | Entered arena 17. 1277 | D | Noticed a lich 1277 | D | Identified the +1 scimitar "Zezxuuti" {heavy, *Noise rPois | Int+4} 1277 | D | Identified the +9 battleaxe "Uwkynoil" {freeze, rN++ Str+2} 1281 | D | Killed a lich 1284 | D | Found a transporter. 1367 | D | Entered arena 18. 1370 | D | Identified the ring "Wumehoer" {rCorr Int+4 SInv} 1370 | D | Identified the +5 ring mail "Hoing" {rC+} 1376 | D | Found a transporter. 1391 | D | Got the Exposition on the Syncline 1394 | D | Got the amulet of Tatsyes {Faith ^Fragile rPois rF+ Will++} 1402 | D | Entered arena 19. 1404 | D | Noticed a ghoul 1405 | D | Noticed a ghoul 1410 | D | Killed a ghoul 1410 | D | Killed a ghoul 1411 | D | Found a transporter. 1418 | D | Got the ring "Eniorap" {rPois rC+++ rN+ Int-3 Dex+2} 1424 | D | Got the +0 cloak "Zuberch" {Rampage Str+4 Int-5 Dex+5} 1451 | D | Entered arena 20. 1457 | D | Found the +7 lajatang of Order {silver, rMut} 1459 | D | Reached XP level 14. HP: 126/126 MP: 20/28 1460 | D | Reached skill level 15 in Armour 1462 | D | Found a transporter. 1463 | D | Reached skill level 15 in Dodging 1475 | D | Got the ring "Soacre" {Will+ rCorr Stlth+} 1489 | D | Got the ring of Lady Luck {rF+ Slay+4} 1495 | D | Entered arena 21. 1498 | D | Noticed a titan 1498 | D | Paralysed by an air elemental for 1 turns 1498 | D | Noticed an electric golem 1498 | D | Noticed a storm dragon 1498 | D | Noticed an electric golem 1498 | D | Noticed a storm dragon 1498 | D | Noticed a titan 1499 | D | Noticed a storm dragon 1499 | D | Noticed a titan 1499 | D | Noticed a titan 1499 | D | Noticed an electric golem 1499 | D | Noticed a storm dragon 1499 | D | Identified the +1 rapier "Fotryih" {flame, Will- Int+4} 1499 | D | Noticed a titan 1499 | D | Noticed an electric golem 1499 | D | Noticed a titan 1499 | D | Noticed a storm dragon 1499 | D | Noticed an electric golem 1500 | D | Killed a storm dragon 1500 | D | Killed a titan 1500 | D | Killed a storm dragon 1500 | D | Killed an electric golem 1500 | D | Killed an electric golem 1500 | D | Killed a titan 1501 | D | Reached skill level 15 in Shields 1501 | D | Killed a titan 1501 | D | Killed a titan 1501 | D | Killed a storm dragon 1501 | D | Killed a storm dragon 1501 | D | Killed a titan 1501 | D | Killed an electric golem 1501 | D | Killed an electric golem 1501 | D | Paralysed by an air elemental for 1 turns 1505 | D | Killed a titan 1506 | D | Found a transporter. 1506 | D | Killed a storm dragon 1519 | D | Killed an electric golem 1525 | D | Got the ring "Woschal" {rF+ Wiz Str+3 Stlth+} 1527 | D | Got the ring of the Fool {Dex+4 Slay+4} 1709 | D | Entered arena 22. 1712 | D | Noticed a stone giant 1713 | D | Noticed a stone giant 1713 | D | Noticed a stone giant 1713 | D | Noticed a stone giant 1713 | D | Noticed a deep elf master archer 1713 | D | Noticed a deep elf master archer 1713 | D | Identified the +6 dire flail "Ocatz" {flame, *Slow Str+3 | Int+6} 1714 | D | Identified the +0 ring mail of Parts Unknown {Fly Regen+ | Dex+4} 1714 | D | Noticed a deep elf master archer 1714 | D | Identified the +10 rapier of Objectivity {freeze, Dex+2} 1714 | D | Found a transporter. 1715 | D | Killed a deep elf master archer 1715 | D | Killed a deep elf master archer 1715 | D | Killed a deep elf master archer 1715 | D | Killed a stone giant 1715 | D | Killed a stone giant 1715 | D | Killed a stone giant 1716 | D | Reached skill level 27 in Invocations 1716 | D | Gained mutation: You regenerate magic rapidly. [demonic | ancestry] 1716 | D | Reached XP level 15. HP: 133/139 MP: 22/32 1744 | D | Got the Compilation of the Enthralled Summer 1748 | D | Entered arena 23. 1753 | D | Noticed a storm dragon 1753 | D | Noticed a tentacled monstrosity 1753 | D | Noticed an Orb Guardian 1754 | D | Noticed an Orb Guardian 1754 | D | Noticed a tentacled monstrosity 1754 | D | Noticed a storm dragon 1754 | D | Noticed a black draconian knight 1754 | D | Noticed a quicksilver dragon 1754 | D | Noticed a Killer Klown 1754 | D | Noticed a tentacled monstrosity 1754 | D | Noticed an Orb Guardian 1754 | D | Noticed an Orb Guardian 1754 | D | Noticed a golden dragon 1755 | D | Noticed an Orb Guardian 1755 | D | Noticed a shadow dragon 1755 | D | Noticed an Orb Guardian 1755 | D | Found a transporter. 1755 | D | Noticed an Orb Guardian 1756 | D | Killed an Orb Guardian 1756 | D | Killed a golden dragon 1756 | D | Killed an Orb Guardian 1756 | D | Killed an Orb Guardian 1756 | D | Killed an Orb Guardian 1756 | D | Killed a tentacled monstrosity 1756 | D | Killed an Orb Guardian 1756 | D | Killed an Orb Guardian 1756 | D | Killed a shadow dragon 1756 | D | Killed a storm dragon 1756 | D | Killed a quicksilver dragon 1756 | D | Killed a tentacled monstrosity 1756 | D | Killed a Killer Klown 1756 | D | Killed a black draconian knight 1757 | D | Gained mutation: When hurt, damage is shared between your | health and your magic reserves. [demonic ancestry] 1757 | D | Reached XP level 16. HP: 97/153 MP: 24/33 1758 | D | Killed a storm dragon 1758 | D | Killed an Orb Guardian 1758 | D | Killed a tentacled monstrosity 1790 | D | Got the Directory of Maleficia 1905 | D | Entered arena 24. 1909 | D | Noticed a shard shrike 1909 | D | Noticed a shard shrike 1910 | D | Noticed a titan 1910 | D | Noticed an Ice Fiend 1910 | D | Paralysed by a wendigo for 1 turns 1911 | D | Killed a shard shrike 1911 | D | Killed a shard shrike 1911 | D | Killed a titan 1911 | D | Killed an Ice Fiend 1911 | D | Killed an Ice Fiend 1912 | D | Noticed an Ice Fiend 1912 | D | Found the ring of Shadows {Umbra +Inv Stlth+} 1913 | D | Noticed a shard shrike 1913 | D | Noticed a shard shrike 1913 | D | Noticed an Ice Fiend 1914 | D | Killed a shard shrike 1914 | D | Killed a shard shrike 1914 | D | Killed an Ice Fiend 1914 | D | Killed an Ice Fiend 1914 | D | Killed a shard shrike 1920 | D | Paralysed by a wendigo for 1 turns 1928 | D | Found a transporter. 2152 | D | Got the ring of Esashralo {rF++ rC+ MP+9 Str+3} 2160 | D | Entered arena 25. 2165 | D | Noticed an acid blob 2165 | D | Noticed an acid blob 2166 | D | Noticed an acid blob 2167 | D | Noticed an acid blob 2167 | D | Noticed an acid blob 2167 | D | Noticed an acid blob 2167 | D | Noticed an acid blob 2168 | D | Killed an acid blob 2168 | D | Killed an acid blob 2168 | D | Killed an acid blob 2168 | D | Killed an acid blob 2168 | D | Killed an acid blob 2168 | D | Killed an acid blob 2168 | D | Killed an acid blob 2169 | D | Gained mutation: You have a sharp stinger which inflicts | weakening toxins. [demonic ancestry] 2169 | D | Reached XP level 17. HP: 171/171 MP: 26/34 2171 | D | Found a transporter. 2182 | D | Got the Lectures on Poisonous Conduction 2193 | D | Entered arena 26. 2201 | D | Noticed a lich 2201 | D | Noticed Geetom the pandemonium lord 2202 | D | Noticed Fuqadd the pandemonium lord 2203 | D | Noticed Egempaf the pandemonium lord 2203 | D | Noticed Ynulit the pandemonium lord 2203 | D | Paralysed by accursed screaming for 1 turns 2204 | D | Killed a lich 2205 | D | Killed Geetom the pandemonium lord 2205 | D | Killed Ynulit the pandemonium lord 2205 | D | Killed Fuqadd the pandemonium lord 2206 | D | Reached skill level 27 in Fighting 2209 | D | Killed Egempaf the pandemonium lord 2210 | D | Found the +3 Elemental Staff {ele, rElec rF+ rC+ AC+3} 2211 | D | Found a transporter. 2250 | D | Entered arena 27. 2261 | D | Found the +12 glaive of Prune {freeze, Prune} 2265 | D | Reached XP level 18. HP: 140/182 MP: 26/35 2268 | D | Found a transporter. 2282 | D | Entered arena 28. 2289 | D | Noticed Fovysuof the pandemonium lord 2290 | D | Noticed Vocismer the pandemonium lord 2290 | D | Noticed Nosopn the pandemonium lord 2290 | D | Noticed Yllel the pandemonium lord 2290 | D | Noticed Agacooco the pandemonium lord 2290 | D | Noticed Botwoth the pandemonium lord 2290 | D | Noticed Duipp the pandemonium lord 2291 | D | Noticed Pait the pandemonium lord 2291 | D | Noticed Enta the pandemonium lord 2291 | D | Noticed Niziup the pandemonium lord 2291 | D | Noticed Weismuq the pandemonium lord 2291 | D | Noticed Itigog the pandemonium lord 2291 | D | Noticed Iffeva Ophu the pandemonium lord 2291 | D | Noticed Vipedigg the pandemonium lord 2291 | D | Noticed Suoll the pandemonium lord 2291 | D | Noticed Hosema Copt the pandemonium lord 2291 | D | Noticed a Hell Sentinel 2292 | D | Noticed Zoel the pandemonium lord 2292 | D | Noticed Vawysud the pandemonium lord 2292 | D | Noticed Maergh the pandemonium lord 2292 | D | Noticed a Tzitzimitl 2292 | D | Noticed Cucirycw the pandemonium lord 2292 | D | Noticed Diafiedo the pandemonium lord 2292 | D | Noticed Bies the pandemonium lord 2292 | D | Noticed Balil the pandemonium lord 2292 | D | Noticed Wewkut the pandemonium lord 2292 | D | Noticed Beulabau the pandemonium lord 2293 | D | Killed Botwoth the pandemonium lord 2293 | D | Killed Weismuq the pandemonium lord 2293 | D | Killed Fovysuof the pandemonium lord 2293 | D | Killed Vocismer the pandemonium lord 2293 | D | Noticed Moll the pandemonium lord 2293 | D | Noticed Sytt the pandemonium lord 2293 | D | Noticed Dunaroat the pandemonium lord 2293 | D | Noticed Couseu the pandemonium lord 2294 | D | Reached skill level 27 in Armour 2294 | D | Reached skill level 27 in Dodging 2294 | D | Reached skill level 27 in Shields 2294 | D | Killed Hosema Copt the pandemonium lord 2294 | D | Killed Beulabau the pandemonium lord 2294 | D | Killed Diafiedo the pandemonium lord 2294 | D | Killed Yllel the pandemonium lord 2294 | D | Killed Cucirycw the pandemonium lord 2294 | D | Killed Zoel the pandemonium lord 2294 | D | Killed a Tzitzimitl 2294 | D | Noticed Essejees the pandemonium lord 2294 | D | Noticed Buhateargh the pandemonium lord 2294 | D | Noticed an Ice Fiend 2295 | D | Found a transporter. 2295 | D | Noticed Zijipsao the pandemonium lord 2295 | D | Noticed Poke the pandemonium lord 2295 | D | Noticed Zowneemyt the pandemonium lord 2295 | D | Noticed Daatril the pandemonium lord 2295 | D | Noticed Sifipegg the pandemonium lord 2295 | D | Noticed Zazois the pandemonium lord 2295 | D | Noticed Oklell the pandemonium lord 2295 | D | Killed Duipp the pandemonium lord 2295 | D | Killed Suoll the pandemonium lord 2295 | D | Killed Dunaroat the pandemonium lord 2296 | D | Killed Maergh the pandemonium lord 2296 | D | Killed Itigog the pandemonium lord 2296 | D | Killed a Hell Sentinel 2296 | D | Killed Zijipsao the pandemonium lord 2296 | D | Killed Sifipegg the pandemonium lord 2296 | D | Killed Zowneemyt the pandemonium lord 2296 | D | Killed Agacooco the pandemonium lord 2296 | D | Killed Balil the pandemonium lord 2296 | D | Killed Couseu the pandemonium lord 2296 | D | Killed Wewkut the pandemonium lord 2296 | D | Killed Essejees the pandemonium lord 2296 | D | Killed Poke the pandemonium lord 2296 | D | Killed Sytt the pandemonium lord 2296 | D | Killed Niziup the pandemonium lord 2297 | D | Gained mutation: When low on magic, you restore magic in | place of health. [demonic ancestry] 2297 | D | Reached XP level 19. HP: 46/189 MP: 0/36 2300 | D | Killed Zazois the pandemonium lord 2300 | D | Killed Buhateargh the pandemonium lord 2300 | D | Killed Moll the pandemonium lord 2300 | D | Killed Enta the pandemonium lord 2301 | D | Killed Vipedigg the pandemonium lord 2301 | D | Killed Nosopn the pandemonium lord 2301 | D | Killed Daatril the pandemonium lord 2301 | D | Killed Iffeva Ophu the pandemonium lord 2302 | D | Killed Oklell the pandemonium lord 2302 | D | Killed Bies the pandemonium lord 2304 | D | Noticed Toeghuu the pandemonium lord 2305 | D | Noticed Reana the pandemonium lord 2307 | D | Killed Vawysud the pandemonium lord 2309 | D | Killed Pait the pandemonium lord 2309 | D | Killed Reana the pandemonium lord 2310 | D | Noticed Bony the pandemonium lord 2313 | D | Killed Toeghuu the pandemonium lord 2314 | D | Killed Bony the pandemonium lord 2315 | D | Reached skill level 27 in Stealth 2315 | D | Reached skill level 27 in Evocations 2336 | D | Got the Orb of Zot 2342 | D | Escaped with the Orb! Illustrated notes Levels and vault maps discovered: D: sprint_v [room_start, room_1, room_2, room_3, room_4, room_5, room_6, room_7, room_8, room_9, room_10, room_11, room_12, room_13, room_14, room_15, room_16, room_17, room_18, room_19, room_20, room_21, room_22, room_23, room_24, room_25, room_26, room_27] Skill XL: | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | ---------------+----------------------------------------------------------+----- Fighting | 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 19 21 25 27 | 27.0 Long Blades | 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 15 16 | 16.2 Armour | 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 13 14 18 20 23 26 27 | 27.0 Dodging | 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 12 14 17 19 23 26 27 | 27.0 Shields | 2 3 4 5 7 9 11 12 14 17 19 23 26 27 | 27.0 Invocations | 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 13 15 17 21 27 | 27.0 Stealth | 21 27 | 27.0 Evocations | 21 27 | 27.0 Throwing | 3 | 3.3 Action | 1- 3 | 4- 6 | 7- 9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 || total ---------------------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------++------- Melee: Double sword | 4 | 8 | 22 | 31 | 22 | 4 | 3 || 94 Tailslap | | | 2 | 4 | 3 | | 1 || 10 Invoke: Upheaval | | | 3 | 5 | 6 | 10 | 2 || 26 Disaster Area | | | 2 | 6 | 10 | 10 | 5 || 33 Elemental Force | | | | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 || 8 Ability: Evoke Blink | | | | | | 1 | || 1 Use: Potion | 2 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 3 | 3 || 11 Scroll | | | | 1 | 4 | | 1 || 6 Stab: Paralysed | | | | 3 | 1 | | || 4 Distracted | | | | 2 | | | 1 || 3 Armour: Plate armour | 3 | 24 | 13 | 11 | 31 | 16 | 3 || 101 Dodge: Dodged | | | 1 | 3 | 11 | 6 | 5 || 26 Repelled | | | | 4 | 13 | 8 | 3 || 28 Block: Kite shield | 13 | 20 | 45 | 29 | 81 | 30 | 5 || 223 Table legend: (Time is in decaauts) A = Elapsed time spent in this place. B = Non-inter-level travel time spent in this place. C = Inter-level travel time spent in this place. D = Time resting spent in this place. E = Time spent auto-exploring this place. F = Levels seen in this place. G = Mean time per level. A B C D E F G +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-----+--------+ Total | 2337 | 2337 | 0 | 1448 | 0 | 1 | 2337.0 | Dungeon | 2337 | 2337 | 0 | 1448 | 0 | 1 | 2337.0 | +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-----+--------+ Top non-repeatable levels by time: D: 2337 daAuts