Dungeon Descent DCSS version 0.31.0-32-g396128a36d (webtiles) character file. Game seed: 13410598339079123160 184 creatorofworlds the Cudgeller (level 5, -4/53 HPs) Began as a Troll Berserker on June 30, 2024. Was a Priest of Trog. Slain by an ogre ... wielding a +0 giant club (13 damage) ... on level 4 of the Dungeon. The game lasted 00:23:22 (3183 turns). creatorofworlds the Cudgeller (Troll Berserker) Turns: 3183, Time: 00:23:23 Health: -4/53 AC: 7 Str: 33 (34) XL: 5 Next: 36% Magic: 4/4 EV: 10 Int: 3 God: Trog [***...] Gold: 208 SH: 0 Dex: 12 Spells: 4/4 levels left rFire . . . a - +0 mace rCold x . . (no shield) rNeg . . . f - +0 robe of the Voracious God {rC- Str+7 Dex+3} rPois . (helmet restricted) rElec . m - +2 cloak rCorr . (gloves unavailable) SInv . (boots unavailable) Will +.... (no amulet) Stlth + j - ring of willpower HPRegen 1.08/turn e - +4 ring of slaying MPRegen 0.09/turn %: no passive effects @: no status effects A: large, unfitting armour, claws 3, regeneration 1, shaggy fur 1, tough skin 1 a: Renounce Religion, Berserk, Trog's Hand You were on level 4 of the Dungeon. You worshipped Trog. Trog was most pleased with you. You visited 1 branch of the dungeon, and saw 4 of its levels. You collected 208 gold pieces. Inventory: Hand Weapons a - a +0 mace (weapon) Missiles d - 43 stones (quivered) h - 11 poisoned darts Armour b - a +0 animal skin f - the +0 robe of the Voracious God (worn) {rC- Str+7 Dex+3} (You found it on level 2 of the Dungeon) Str+7: It affects your strength (+7). Dex+3: It affects your dexterity (+3). rC-: It makes you vulnerable to cold. g - a +1 robe m - a +2 cloak (worn) Jewellery c - a ring of protection from cold e - a +4 ring of slaying (right claw) j - a ring of willpower (left claw) Scrolls i - a scroll of immolation k - a scroll of identify l - a scroll of revelation Potions n - a potion of brilliance Skills: + Level 3.2 Fighting + Level 4.0 Maces & Flails + Level 0.3 Throwing + Level 3.4 Dodging + Level 0.2 Stealth You had 4 spell levels left. You didn't know any spells. Your spell library contained the following spells: Spells Type Power Damage Failure Level Blink Tloc 0% N/A 67% 2 Lesser Beckoning Tloc 0% N/A 67% 2 Momentum Strike Conj/Tloc 0% 3d8 67% 2 Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations Branches: Dungeon (3/12) Altars: Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations You are too large for most types of armour. You have claws for hands. Your natural rate of healing is unusually fast. You are covered in fur. (AC +1) You have tough skin. (AC +1) Message History The adder bites you but does no damage. The adder bites you but does no damage. The adder attacks as it pursues you! The adder barely misses you. The adder attacks as it pursues you! The adder closely misses you. x2 The adder bites you but does no damage. The adder attacks as it pursues you! The adder bites you but does no damage. The adder bites you. You are poisoned. The adder poisons you! You feel sick. You feel sick. You feel sick. The adder attacks as it pursues you! The adder bites you but does no damage. You feel sick. The adder bites you but does no damage. You completely miss the adder. The adder is moderately wounded. You feel sick. The adder bites you but does no damage. You miss the adder. The adder is moderately wounded. You feel sick. You are no longer poisoned. The adder bites you but does no damage. The adder barely misses you. You closely miss the adder. The adder is moderately wounded. The adder barely misses you. You sock the adder! You kill the adder! Trog accepts your kill. Your Maces & Flails skill increases to level 4! You barely miss the ogre. The ogre is lightly wounded. The ogre barely misses you. You sock the ogre! The ogre is heavily wounded. The ogre hits you with a +0 giant club!! * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * You hit the ogre. The ogre is severely wounded. The ogre hits you with a +0 giant club! You die... ######## ###########....... #@O............... #)##.#.##.###.#### #)##.#.##.###.#### #)##.....?........ ##)##.#.#.##.###.## #.....#..........[. #..##.#.#.#.##.#.## #..##...#........## #..##.#......#.#... You could see an ogre. Vanquished Creatures Terence (D:2) Robin (D:2) A gnoll (D:1) 2 adders 2 dart slugs 4 ribbon worms 5 orcs (D:4) 7 ball pythons 8 endoplasms 9 giant cockroaches 10 hobgoblins 9 jackals (D:1) 5 quokkas 4 bats 2 frilled lizards (D:2) 11 goblins 9 kobolds 4 rats 94 creatures vanquished. Notes Turn | Place | Note -------+----------+------------------------------------------- 0 | D:1 | creatorofworlds the Troll Berserker began the quest for the | Orb. 0 | D:1 | Reached XP level 1. HP: 22/22 MP: 0/0 0 | D:1 | Noticed a jelly 1 | D:1 | Found a runed translucent door. 228 | D:1 | Reached XP level 2. HP: 29/29 MP: 1/1 706 | D:1 | Reached skill level 3 in Maces & Flails 752 | D:1 | Reached XP level 3. HP: 29/36 MP: 2/2 1481 | D:1 | Reached ** piety under Trog 1636 | D:2 | Reached XP level 4. HP: 44/44 MP: 3/3 1777 | D:2 | Identified the +0 robe of the Voracious God {rC- Str+7 | Dex+3} 2120 | D:2 | Noticed Terence 2129 | D:2 | Killed Terence 2234 | D:2 | Found a faded altar of an unknown god. 2266 | D:2 | Noticed Robin 2300 | D:2 | Reached *** piety under Trog 2396 | D:2 | Reached XP level 5. HP: 35/53 MP: 4/4 2407 | D:2 | Killed Robin 2615 | D:2 | You fall into a shaft and drop 1 floor! 3122 | D:4 | Noticed an ogre 3181 | D:4 | Reached skill level 4 in Maces & Flails 3183 | D:4 | Slain by an ogre Illustrated notes Levels and vault maps discovered: D:1: dpeg_arrival_caged_fury, layout_loops_corners, st_stairs_1, minivault_5 D:2: layout_basic, dreamdust_ecumenical_altar_grove, minmay_misc_feat_secret_circle, uniq_robin, uniq_terence D:3: layout_basic, slow_altar_2, chequers_temple_overflow_minitemple, led_xom_imps D:4: layout_rooms, mainiacjoe_overflow_surrounded_room, minmay_diced_spiral Skill XL: | 1 2 3 4 5 | ---------------+----------------+----- Maces & Flails | 3 4 | 4.0 Dodging | 3 | 3.4 Fighting | 3 | 3.2 Throwing | | 0.3 Stealth | | 0.2 Action | 1- 3 | 4- 6 || total ---------------------------+-------+-------++------- Melee: Mace | 116 | 132 || 248 Punch | | 1 || 1 Throw: Stone | 7 | || 7 Use: Scroll | 4 | 3 || 7 Potion | 1 | 2 || 3 Stab: Sleeping | 1 | || 1 Armour: Animal skin | 43 | || 43 Robe | 127 | 188 || 315 Dodge: Dodged | 132 | 160 || 292