jyjy144 Level 1 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:1) 6 stones (2, 8, D:1) a +0 leather armour (7, 37, D:1) a +0 club a goblin corpse (skeletalised by now) (10, 34, D:1) a +2 short sword of draining (11, 32, D:1) a +0 dagger a goblin corpse (skeletalised by now) (16, 16, D:1) a +0 club a rat skeleton a rat skeleton a goblin skeleton (20, 36, D:1) a +0 dagger (32, 30, D:1) a +0 spear (40, 8, D:1) 6 stones (40, 15, D:1) a ball python corpse (skeletalised by now) (42, 1, D:1) 7 stones (49, 28, D:1) a +0 leather armour (55, 4, D:1) a +0 ring mail (55, 21, D:1) 3 stones (55, 26, D:1) 6 stones (56, 33, D:1) a +3 dagger of venom (57, 14, D:1) a rat corpse (skeletalised by now) (57, 20, D:1) a +0 club (57, 35, D:1) a bat corpse (skeletalised by now) Level 2 of the Dungeon [Shop] Iseedd's Weapon Shop a +0 flail of protection (74 gold) a +0 antimagic short sword (132 gold) a +0 club (12 gold) a +5 lajatang of speed (864 gold) a +0 mace (36 gold) a +0 mace (36 gold) a +2 great sword of holy wrath (284 gold) a +1 spear of venom (127 gold) a +0 short sword of draining (88 gold) (0, 0, D:2) a hobgoblin skeleton (1, -15, D:2) a +0 leather armour (1, -5, D:2) a stone (2, -9, D:2) a ball python skeleton (3, -4, D:2) a +0 club (10, -9, D:2) a jackal skeleton a hobgoblin skeleton (10, 12, D:2) a frilled lizard skeleton (12, 32, D:2) 7 stones (13, -10, D:2) a +0 falchion (16, 29, D:2) a ball python corpse (skeletalised by now) (23, 26, D:2) an orb of wrath (25, 8, D:2) a +0 club a goblin skeleton (26, 6, D:2) 6 stones (29, 18, D:2) a +1 dagger of venom (42, -13, D:2) a +0 club a goblin skeleton (43, -13, D:2) a +0 dagger a goblin skeleton (43, -12, D:2) a hobgoblin skeleton (44, -9, D:2) a +0 shortbow (52, -15, D:2) a +0 chain mail Level 3 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:3) a quokka skeleton (4, 10, D:3) 2 stones (5, -25, D:3) a rat skeleton (5, -17, D:3) a +0 club 3 stones (5, 21, D:3) a +0 short sword (11, -21, D:3) a +0 pair of gloves (23, 0, D:3) a bat skeleton (30, -9, D:3) an adder corpse (skeletalised by now) Level 4 of the Dungeon (2, 7, D:4) a +0 hand axe an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) (2, 21, D:4) a +0 dagger (3, 7, D:4) a +0 dagger (3, 8, D:4) a +0 flail 2 boomerangs a +0 ring mail (4, -6, D:4) a +0 great sword (5, 6, D:4) a +0 dagger an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) (10, 6, D:4) a +0 dagger a kobold corpse (skeletalised by now) (11, 6, D:4) a hobgoblin corpse (skeletalised by now) (16, 17, D:4) a +0 dagger a goblin skeleton (19, 2, D:4) a +0 chain mail (23, -1, D:4) a +0 club a goblin corpse (skeletalised by now) (25, 31, D:4) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (25, 32, D:4) a +0 leather armour a +0 club (26, 32, D:4) a +0 whip (27, 31, D:4) a +0 hand axe an orc skeleton (27, 32, D:4) a +0 chain mail a +0 trident (32, 32, D:4) a +0 short sword (39, 5, D:4) a hobgoblin skeleton (40, 21, D:4) 7 stones (41, 14, D:4) an adder skeleton (45, 7, D:4) a +0 quarterstaff a +1 dagger of venom 8 stones a +0 hand axe 2 boomerangs an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) (45, 8, D:4) a +0 whip (46, 8, D:4) a +0 hand axe (46, 17, D:4) a +0 short sword Level 5 of the Dungeon (2, 11, D:5) a +0 pair of gloves (4, 30, D:5) a +0 scale mail (14, 13, D:5) a hound skeleton (18, 23, D:5) a +0 robe (19, -3, D:5) a +0 dagger (24, 36, D:5) a +0 scythe a +0 robe (28, 0, D:5) a +0 flail an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) (30, 7, D:5) a +0 ring mail (31, -13, D:5) a +0 war axe (31, 8, D:5) a +0 scale mail (34, 2, D:5) a +0 dagger (47, -3, D:5) a +0 halberd (48, -3, D:5) a +0 giant club (48, -2, D:5) a +0 sling a +0 flail (48, -1, D:5) a +0 halberd (48, 0, D:5) a +0 spear (49, -1, D:5) a +0 robe a +0 club a gnoll skeleton (55, 19, D:5) +0 steam dragon scales a steam dragon corpse (skeletalised by now) Level 6 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:6) a +0 whip (2, 15, D:6) 8 stones (2, 45, D:6) a +0 pair of boots (9, 30, D:6) a +0 halberd a +0 leather armour a gnoll corpse (skeletalised by now) (10, 29, D:6) 2 stones (19, 16, D:6) a +0 whip a +0 flail a +0 leather armour a +0 club a gnoll skeleton a gnoll skeleton (33, 20, D:6) a +0 whip 5 stones a kobold corpse (skeletalised by now) (34, 20, D:6) a +0 club a curare-tipped dart a +0 leather armour (35, 21, D:6) a +0 dagger 2 stones (35, 22, D:6) a +0 short sword 4 stones a kobold corpse (skeletalised by now) (36, 6, D:6) 8 stones (36, 22, D:6) a +0 short sword Level 7 of the Dungeon [Shop] Koacaom's Serpentskin Sales a scroll of poison (40 gold) a +1 scale mail of poison resistance (130 gold) a +2 mace of venom (156 gold) a +1 tower shield of poison resistance (135 gold) a ring of poison resistance (200 gold) a serpent talisman (300 gold) a ring of poison resistance (200 gold) (12, -26, D:7) a +0 trident (15, -15, D:7) a +0 ring mail (21, -34, D:7) a +0 orcbow a centaur skeleton (24, -53, D:7) a +0 club a +0 leather armour an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) (24, -30, D:7) a +0 pair of gloves (25, -31, D:7) a hound skeleton (26, -28, D:7) 5 large rocks (32, -6, D:7) a +0 robe (35, -12, D:7) a +1 long sword a +0 robe (36, -55, D:7) a hound corpse (skeletalised by now) (36, -12, D:7) a +4 short sword a +0 robe (37, -16, D:7) a +0 short sword 3 poisoned darts (37, -15, D:7) a +2 hand axe a +0 robe (37, -13, D:7) a +4 great sword of freezing a +0 robe (39, -18, D:7) a +0 dagger 3 stones a +0 short sword 2 poisoned darts an iguana corpse (skeletalised by now) (40, -18, D:7) a +0 morningstar a +0 robe (42, -19, D:7) a +0 short sword Level 8 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:8) a +0 club 3 stones (2, -1, D:8) a +0 dagger a curare-tipped dart (4, -1, D:8) a stone a +0 club (5, -2, D:8) 2 stones a +0 whip (8, 7, D:8) a +0 leather armour (11, -14, D:8) 2 boomerangs (19, -15, D:8) a +0 shortbow a centaur skeleton (28, -7, D:8) a +0 quarterstaff (30, 6, D:8) a +0 spear (32, 16, D:8) a +0 club a +0 ring mail a +0 dagger a +0 robe of resistance (38, -23, D:8) a +0 hand axe (39, -22, D:8) a +4 dagger of speed a +0 robe an orc skeleton (39, -21, D:8) a +0 chain mail 3 boomerangs a +0 trident an orc skeleton (39, -20, D:8) a +0 leather armour a +0 hand axe an orc skeleton (40, -18, D:8) a +0 club an orc skeleton (44, 0, D:8) a +0 robe (44, 6, D:8) a howler monkey skeleton (44, 10, D:8) a howler monkey skeleton a howler monkey skeleton (44, 12, D:8) 3 poisoned darts (47, -5, D:8) a +0 scale mail (52, -4, D:8) 2 stones a +0 shortbow (52, -1, D:8) a +0 pair of boots (58, -12, D:8) a +0 arbalest Level 9 of the Dungeon (2, -7, D:9) a +0 chain mail (13, 19, D:9) a +0 mace a +0 robe (15, 15, D:9) a +2 short sword a +0 robe (15, 16, D:9) +0 acid dragon scales an acid dragon corpse (skeletalised by now) (16, 10, D:9) a +0 falchion (16, 14, D:9) a +1 great sword a +0 robe a +0 mace a +0 robe (16, 15, D:9) a +0 short sword a kobold corpse (skeletalised by now) (19, -21, D:9) a +0 shortbow a centaur skeleton (19, -19, D:9) a +0 ring mail (22, -18, D:9) 6 stones (24, -17, D:9) a +0 cloak (33, -21, D:9) a +0 giant club a +0 giant spiked club a two-headed ogre corpse (skeletalised by now) (33, 12, D:9) a howler monkey skeleton (34, 13, D:9) a +0 whip a stone (35, 13, D:9) a +0 whip (35, 14, D:9) a +0 whip a kobold skeleton (35, 15, D:9) a +0 short sword 4 poisoned darts a kobold skeleton (36, 16, D:9) a yak skeleton a yak skeleton a yak skeleton (40, -21, D:9) a +0 shortbow a centaur corpse (skeletalised by now) (42, -19, D:9) a +0 flail (42, -7, D:9) a +0 sling (50, -20, D:9) a bullfrog corpse (skeletalised by now) (51, 15, D:9) a +0 dagger a +0 robe an orc skeleton (51, 16, D:9) a +0 dagger a +0 robe an orc skeleton (52, 16, D:9) a +2 hand axe of pain a +0 leather armour Level 10 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:10) a +0 rapier (2, 4, D:10) a +0 spear (4, -4, D:10) a +0 dagger a +0 robe an orc skeleton (6, -3, D:10) a +0 club a +0 ring mail an orc skeleton (7, -3, D:10) a +0 hand axe a +0 ring mail (7, 2, D:10) a +0 chain mail (8, -1, D:10) a +0 whip an orc skeleton (21, -22, D:10) a +1 hat (21, -13, D:10) a +0 giant club a +0 giant club a two-headed ogre skeleton (28, -28, D:10) a +0 spear (28, -21, D:10) a +0 chain mail (28, 9, D:10) 7 stones (33, -26, D:10) a yak corpse (skeletalised by now) (34, -26, D:10) a yak corpse (skeletalised by now) (37, -15, D:10) a +0 hand axe an orc skeleton (37, -14, D:10) a +0 war axe (37, -1, D:10) a yak skeleton (38, -15, D:10) a +0 mace a +0 dagger of speed a +0 robe an orc skeleton (39, -15, D:10) a +0 dagger of venom a +0 robe (39, -3, D:10) a +0 short sword (41, 10, D:10) a +0 shortbow a centaur skeleton Level 11 of the Dungeon [Shop] Kaov's Assorted Antiques a tin of tremorstones (2/2) (1440 gold) a scroll of fog (144 gold) a +1 pair of boots of rampaging (594 gold) a +3 plate armour of cold resistance (1620 gold) a phial of floods (1440 gold) a wand of flame (8) (201 gold) a phantom mirror (1440 gold) a potion of enlightenment (180 gold) [Shop] Naacwomn's Jewellery Shop the brooch of Shielding {Spirit SH+8} (1300 gold) [amulet of guardian spirit] Spirit: It causes incoming damage to be divided between your reserves of health and magic. SH+8: It affects your SH (+8). a +6 ring of intelligence (720 gold) a +6 ring of intelligence (720 gold) a ring of wizardry (600 gold) a +6 ring of dexterity (720 gold) a ring of fire (500 gold) a serpent talisman (600 gold) the ring of Iduumup {*Corrode rN+ Dex+3 SInv} (638 gold) [ring of positive energy] Dex+3: It affects your dexterity (+3). rN+: It protects you from negative energy. SInv: It lets you see invisible. *Corrode: It may corrode you when you take damage. the amulet "Zotion" {Faith Str+5} (1150 gold) [amulet of faith] Faith: It allows you to gain divine favour quickly. Str+5: It affects your strength (+5). (0, 0, D:11) a +0 whip a +0 scale mail (0, 1, D:11) a +0 flail a +0 flail an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) (1, 33, D:11) a +0 giant club a +0 giant spiked club a two-headed ogre corpse (skeletalised by now) (16, -2, D:11) an electric eel skeleton (19, -2, D:11) a +0 flail of protection (19, 2, D:11) a +0 dagger (21, 11, D:11) a yak skeleton (22, -1, D:11) a +0 dagger (22, 10, D:11) a yak skeleton (24, 10, D:11) a yak skeleton (27, 4, D:11) an electric eel skeleton (30, 21, D:11) a +0 club a +4 scale mail (31, -13, D:11) a +0 flail a +0 ring mail (31, 11, D:11) a +0 flail (38, 4, D:11) an electric eel skeleton (39, -9, D:11) a +0 mace a +0 club a +0 leather armour an orc skeleton (40, -10, D:11) a +2 hand axe of venom a +0 scale mail a +1 falchion of protection a +0 giant club a +0 giant club an orc skeleton a two-headed ogre skeleton (40, -9, D:11) a +0 orcbow a +0 halberd a +0 plate armour an orc skeleton (40, -8, D:11) a +0 hand axe a +0 robe a +3 flail of protection an orc skeleton an orc skeleton (40, -7, D:11) a +0 hand axe a +0 mace a +0 crystal plate armour an orc skeleton (40, -6, D:11) a +0 leather armour a +0 whip an orc skeleton (40, 0, D:11) a +0 dagger (40, 3, D:11) a +0 hand axe an orc skeleton (41, 11, D:11) 4 stones (42, 0, D:11) a +0 club an orc skeleton (43, -2, D:11) a +0 chain mail a +1 battleaxe of flaming (43, 4, D:11) a +0 plate armour a +0 war axe an orc skeleton (44, -8, D:11) a +0 giant club a +0 giant club a two-headed ogre skeleton (45, 16, D:11) a +0 war axe (50, 7, D:11) a +0 spear (51, 13, D:11) 6 poisoned darts a +2 short sword of venom (63, -7, D:11) a +0 cloak (68, 33, D:11) a +0 chain mail Level 12 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:12) a +0 robe (1, -30, D:12) a staff of earth a +0 arbalest (1, -23, D:12) a +0 pair of boots (3, -19, D:12) a +1 war axe of venom a +0 robe (5, -25, D:12) 9 stones (14, -18, D:12) a +2 pair of gloves of dexterity (15, -17, D:12) a +0 dagger (18, -26, D:12) a +0 mace (19, -26, D:12) a wand of charming (17) a flux talisman a beast talisman (20, -39, D:12) 6 poisoned darts (20, -26, D:12) a +0 cloak a +0 war axe (21, -28, D:12) 6 stones (23, -22, D:12) a +1 battleaxe of freezing (23, -19, D:12) 4 javelins (27, -18, D:12) a +0 dagger (29, -17, D:12) a +0 kite shield a +0 ring mail a +1 war axe (29, -15, D:12) a +2 kite shield of fire resistance a +0 ring mail a +0 long sword (41, -15, D:12) a +0 ring mail (43, -22, D:12) a +0 chain mail 2 boomerangs a +0 short sword (43, 7, D:12) 6 stones (44, -23, D:12) a +0 robe a +0 dagger a +0 scale mail a +0 short sword (44, -22, D:12) a +0 chain mail a +0 dire flail (53, -6, D:12) the +3 leather armour of Ixuiv {rPois Str+4 Stlth+} Str+4: It affects your strength (+4). rPois: It protects you from poison. Stlth+: It makes you more stealthy. Level 13 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:13) a +0 hand axe (2, 20, D:13) a +0 morningstar a +0 robe (3, 20, D:13) a +0 giant club a +0 giant club (13, 21, D:13) a +0 giant spiked club a +0 giant club a +0 long sword (15, 24, D:13) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (22, 2, D:13) a +2 robe of cold resistance a staff of earth (23, 4, D:13) 8 poisoned darts a +0 whip (23, 29, D:13) a +0 giant club a +0 giant spiked club (24, 7, D:13) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (24, 10, D:13) a stone a +0 club (25, 3, D:13) a +0 shortbow (25, 10, D:13) a stone a +0 short sword (26, 29, D:13) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (27, 11, D:13) 6 poisoned darts a +0 short sword (27, 12, D:13) a +0 club 3 poisoned darts a +0 short sword (27, 26, D:13) a +0 giant club a +0 giant spiked club (37, 1, D:13) a +0 club (37, 23, D:13) a +0 hand axe a +0 leather armour a +0 hand axe a +0 leather armour (39, 22, D:13) a +0 hand axe a +0 leather armour Level 14 of the Dungeon [Shop] Doppoz's Distillery a potion of ambrosia (128 gold) a potion of haste (160 gold) a potion of brilliance (64 gold) a potion of attraction (48 gold) a potion of magic (128 gold) a potion of enlightenment (80 gold) (0, 0, D:14) a +0 robe (8, 15, D:14) a +0 great sword a +0 leather armour (13, 11, D:14) a +0 chain mail (16, 28, D:14) a staff of cold (20, 4, D:14) a +1 flail of protection (21, 17, D:14) a +0 robe (24, 39, D:14) a staff of cold (25, -17, D:14) 4 stones (37, 16, D:14) 4 large rocks (37, 35, D:14) a +0 plate armour (44, 31, D:14) a +0 leather armour a +0 hand axe of electrocution (46, 30, D:14) a +0 leather armour a +0 hand axe (47, 4, D:14) a +0 arbalest (57, 21, D:14) a +0 ring mail Level 15 of the Dungeon (1, 3, D:15) 2 stones (2, -14, D:15) a +3 glaive a +0 arbalest a +0 chain mail a +0 mace a +0 plate armour (2, -3, D:15) a +0 hand axe 3 boomerangs (2, -2, D:15) a +0 war axe a +0 chain mail a +3 heavy battleaxe a +0 arbalest a +0 plate armour (3, -14, D:15) a +0 mace a +0 plate armour (3, 0, D:15) a +0 short sword (4, -14, D:15) a +1 dagger of protection a +0 robe (4, 0, D:15) a +0 club a +0 dagger (6, 0, D:15) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (8, -21, D:15) 4 large rocks (10, -19, D:15) 4 large rocks (10, -9, D:15) 8 stones (12, -19, D:15) a +0 club (16, -20, D:15) a +0 flail (18, -19, D:15) 4 stones (18, 2, D:15) a +0 mace (26, -23, D:15) a +0 dagger a +0 chain mail (29, -33, D:15) a wand of polymorph (2) (30, -14, D:15) a +0 war axe (32, -7, D:15) a +0 club (33, -31, D:15) a +0 scale mail (37, -24, D:15) 6 large rocks (55, -3, D:15) 7 stones (56, -8, D:15) a +0 glaive (60, -6, D:15) a +0 shortbow (62, -6, D:15) a +0 shortbow a +0 orcbow (63, -7, D:15) a +0 shortbow (63, -6, D:15) a +0 shortbow the Ecumenical Temple Level 1 of the Orcish Mines (0, 0, Orc:1) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (2, 14, Orc:1) a +0 hand axe a +0 leather armour (2, 15, Orc:1) a +0 war axe (3, 15, Orc:1) a +0 club a +0 orcbow a +0 halberd a +0 plate armour (8, 9, Orc:1) a +0 short sword a +0 flail a +0 plate armour (8, 10, Orc:1) a +0 club a +0 giant club (9, 10, Orc:1) a +0 short sword (13, -15, Orc:1) a +0 giant spiked club a +0 dire flail (18, -13, Orc:1) a +0 giant club (26, -15, Orc:1) a +0 arbalest (28, -14, Orc:1) a +0 arbalest (37, 1, Orc:1) a +0 orcbow (38, -2, Orc:1) a +0 giant spiked club Level 2 of the Orcish Mines [Shop] Gevof's Book Emporium the Almanac of Assaults (598 gold) Spells Type Level a - Fulminant Prism Conjuration/Alchemy 4 b - Iskenderun's Battlesphere Conjuration 5 c - Irradiate Conjuration/Alchemy 5 d - Fireball Conjuration/Fire 5 a book of Spectacle (520 gold) a book of Armaments (676 gold) a Grand Grimoire (442 gold) a book of Dreams (312 gold) Sif Muna's Disquisition on Sidekicks (416 gold) Spells Type Level a - Call Imp Summoning 2 b - Summon Blazeheart Golem Fire/Summoning 4 c - Haunt Necromancy/Summoning 7 a book of Scorching (390 gold) a book of Debilitation (260 gold) a book of Minor Magic (208 gold) [Shop] Ymoosat's Weapon Shoppe the +7 battleaxe of Jurubev {heavy, Str+4} (683 gold) Str+4: It affects your strength (+4). 6 stones (6 gold) a +0 war axe (38 gold) a stone (1 gold) a +0 club (11 gold) a +1 morningstar of venom (129 gold) 3 atropa-tipped darts (29 gold) 4 curare-tipped darts (52 gold) the +10 falchion "Juoph" {speed, rC+} (803 gold) rC+: It protects you from cold. [Shop] Ubrulo's Antique Weapon Shoppe a +0 rapier (92 gold) a +0 hand axe (69 gold) a +1 heavy spear (285 gold) a +1 short sword of draining (285 gold) a +3 shortbow (460 gold) a +1 sling of flaming (223 gold) a +1 trident of venom (257 gold) [Shop] Bylothys's Antique Armour Emporium a +0 chain mail (135 gold) a +0 ring mail (120 gold) a +0 plate armour (690 gold) a +0 chain mail (135 gold) a +0 leather armour (60 gold) a +2 chain mail of poison resistance (555 gold) (0, 0, Orc:2) a +0 club a +1 leather armour of cold resistance a +0 dire flail a +0 chain mail (0, 1, Orc:2) a +0 short sword a +0 chain mail a +2 scimitar of pain a +0 chain mail a +0 dagger a +0 robe a +0 hand axe a +0 leather armour (0, 2, Orc:2) a +0 hand axe a +0 club a +0 leather armour (4, 0, Orc:2) a +0 flail a +0 ring mail (4, 14, Orc:2) a +0 flail a +0 ring mail a +0 dagger a +0 robe (4, 15, Orc:2) a +0 club (6, -28, Orc:2) a +0 dagger (7, -29, Orc:2) a +0 morningstar a +0 chain mail a +0 hand axe (7, -28, Orc:2) a +0 dagger a +0 robe of fire resistance a +0 club a +0 scale mail (8, -27, Orc:2) a +0 trident a +0 chain mail (10, -31, Orc:2) a +0 club a +0 chain mail a +0 dagger a +0 scimitar a +0 plate armour (12, -6, Orc:2) a +0 dire flail a +0 dire flail (16, -18, Orc:2) a +0 giant club (16, -15, Orc:2) a +0 arbalest (17, -16, Orc:2) a +0 orcbow (21, 11, Orc:2) a +0 arbalest a +0 giant club (21, 12, Orc:2) a +0 arbalest a +0 giant spiked club (26, 4, Orc:2) a +0 chain mail a +0 battleaxe a +0 hand axe a +0 chain mail a +0 long sword (26, 5, Orc:2) a +0 giant club (27, 4, Orc:2) a +0 mace (27, 5, Orc:2) a +0 robe a +0 dagger a +0 robe a +0 dagger (30, -8, Orc:2) a +0 flail (30, -7, Orc:2) a +0 robe a +0 dagger a +0 robe a +0 dagger (31, -13, Orc:2) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (31, -7, Orc:2) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (32, -11, Orc:2) a +0 hand axe (32, -10, Orc:2) a boomerang a +0 mace (32, -9, Orc:2) a +0 chain mail a +0 trident (32, -8, Orc:2) a +0 club (32, -7, Orc:2) a +0 war axe a +0 plate armour a +0 long sword (33, -34, Orc:2) a +0 club (33, -33, Orc:2) a +0 ring mail a +3 hand axe (33, -10, Orc:2) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (33, -9, Orc:2) a +0 robe of fire resistance a +0 dagger (33, -8, Orc:2) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (34, -9, Orc:2) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (35, -32, Orc:2) a +0 plate armour a +0 mace (37, -8, Orc:2) a +0 dagger a +0 scale mail (37, -6, Orc:2) a +0 scimitar a +0 orcbow a +0 chain mail (38, -32, Orc:2) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (39, -32, Orc:2) a +0 flail a +0 leather armour (39, -31, Orc:2) a +0 dagger (39, -7, Orc:2) a +0 glaive a +0 chain mail (40, -32, Orc:2) a +0 hand axe (40, -31, Orc:2) a +0 club a +0 leather armour (40, -10, Orc:2) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (40, -7, Orc:2) a +0 trident a +0 leather armour (41, -11, Orc:2) a +0 club (41, -10, Orc:2) a +0 dagger a +0 robe a +0 flail of protection a +2 mace of draining a +0 chain mail (41, -9, Orc:2) a +0 mace a +0 whip a +0 leather armour a +1 battleaxe of venom 3 boomerangs a +0 chain mail a +0 mace a +0 club a +0 mace a +0 battleaxe of freezing a +1 chain mail of fire resistance (41, -8, Orc:2) a +4 hand axe a +0 ring mail a +0 dagger a +0 leather armour a +0 whip a +0 ring mail a +0 short sword a +0 plate armour a +0 dagger a +0 robe a +0 hand axe a +0 chain mail (42, -25, Orc:2) a +0 robe a +0 dagger (42, -10, Orc:2) a +0 club (42, -8, Orc:2) a +0 dagger a +0 leather armour a +0 hand axe a +0 dagger a +0 robe (42, -7, Orc:2) a +0 flail a +0 flail (42, -6, Orc:2) a +0 flail (43, -8, Orc:2) a +0 orcbow a +0 flail a +0 chain mail (44, -8, Orc:2) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (44, -7, Orc:2) a +0 flail 2 boomerangs a +2 leather armour of willpower (45, -9, Orc:2) a +0 hand axe a +0 leather armour (45, -8, Orc:2) a +0 mace a +0 chain mail (54, -27, Orc:2) a +0 arbalest (55, -28, Orc:2) a +1 heavy hand cannon (55, -26, Orc:2) a +0 giant spiked club a +0 giant club Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:1) 4 darts of dispersal (10, -39, Lair:1) a +2 buckler a +0 robe a +0 short sword of protection (12, -39, Lair:1) a +0 mace (13, -40, Lair:1) a +0 chain mail (27, -39, Lair:1) a +0 chain mail (28, 1, Lair:1) a +0 sling (31, -43, Lair:1) 5 stones (40, -45, Lair:1) a +0 plate armour (44, -45, Lair:1) a +0 helmet Level 2 of the Lair of Beasts [Shop] Rausal's Distillery a potion of cancellation (96 gold) a potion of lignification (36 gold) a potion of enlightenment (60 gold) [Shop] Heotaf's Jewellery Shop a +5 ring of evasion (612 gold) a +6 ring of dexterity (612 gold) a +6 ring of dexterity (612 gold) a ring of see invisible (255 gold) the ring of Edastaj {*Corrode rN+ Str+5} (542 gold) [ring of positive energy] Str+5: It affects your strength (+5). rN+: It protects you from negative energy. *Corrode: It may corrode you when you take damage. a ring of ice (425 gold) a blade talisman (510 gold) [Shop] Idwev's Jewellery Emporium a ring of ice (550 gold) a ring of positive energy (440 gold) an amulet of magic regeneration (660 gold) a +6 ring of dexterity (792 gold) (0, 0, Lair:2) a +0 morningstar +0 swamp dragon scales (15, 41, Lair:2) a +0 robe a +2 dagger of protection (17, -6, Lair:2) a +0 whip (19, 13, Lair:2) 3 stones (25, 34, Lair:2) 8 stones (26, 28, Lair:2) a +0 chain mail (28, 4, Lair:2) a +0 rapier (30, 7, Lair:2) a ring of protection from cold a +6 ring of dexterity a ring of protection from cold a ring of protection from fire (33, 9, Lair:2) a wand of flame (4) 2 scrolls of amnesia 3 scrolls of poison (34, 7, Lair:2) a dragon-blood talisman a maw talisman Level 3 of the Lair of Beasts (1, 19, Lair:3) a +0 club (6, 3, Lair:3) a +0 pair of gloves (9, 11, Lair:3) a +0 chain mail (9, 15, Lair:3) 5 stones (28, -12, Lair:3) a +0 orcbow (43, 6, Lair:3) a +2 pair of boots Level 4 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:4) a +0 falchion (2, -20, Lair:4) 8 stones (2, -9, Lair:4) 6 poisoned darts (22, -22, Lair:4) a +7 eveningstar 5 silver javelins a +4 scale mail of positive energy (28, -37, Lair:4) a +0 longbow (29, -33, Lair:4) a +0 robe (39, -38, Lair:4) a +0 spear (39, -29, Lair:4) a +0 cloak (46, -2, Lair:4) 2 darts of dispersal Level 5 of the Lair of Beasts [Shop] Fecoet's General Store a +2 scale mail of cold resistance (315 gold) 4 stones (6 gold) a ring of positive energy (300 gold) the ring "Raiho" {+Blink Fly rC+} (616 gold) [ring of protection from cold] rC+: It protects you from cold. Fly: It grants you flight. +Blink: It lets you blink. a ring of magical power (300 gold) a book of Unlife (630 gold) a book of Transmutation (600 gold) a potion of ambrosia (120 gold) a scroll of torment (142 gold) a ring of wizardry (450 gold) [Shop] Woucei Popo's Weapon Shoppe a +1 battleaxe of distortion (301 gold) a +2 war axe of electrocution (269 gold) a +2 vampiric war axe (292 gold) the +4 mace of Ciqelich {drain, Fly rF+ Str-2 Int+3} (566 gold) Str-2: It affects your strength (-2). Int+3: It affects your intelligence (+3). rF+: It protects you from fire. Fly: It grants you flight. a +1 whip of draining (149 gold) the +2 great sword "Hampuc" {heavy, rC+ Dex+2 SInv} (573 gold) Dex+2: It affects your dexterity (+2). rC+: It protects you from cold. SInv: It lets you see invisible. (0, 0, Lair:5) 7 stones (1, -5, Lair:5) a +0 flail (13, 31, Lair:5) 5 stones (19, 9, Lair:5) a +2 dire flail of protection (31, -9, Lair:5) a +0 ring mail (31, 10, Lair:5) a +0 mace (36, -7, Lair:5) 2 stones (44, 34, Lair:5) a +0 robe (45, 33, Lair:5) a +0 ring mail Level 1 of the Swamp (5, -14, Swamp:1) a +0 spear a +0 buckler (8, -11, Swamp:1) a +0 war axe (21, -25, Swamp:1) a +0 flail (35, -6, Swamp:1) a +0 leather armour Level 2 of the Swamp (0, 0, Swamp:2) a +0 leather armour (0, 3, Swamp:2) a +0 scale mail (5, 16, Swamp:2) a scroll of brand weapon (11, 10, Swamp:2) a +0 robe a +0 quarterstaff (11, 11, Swamp:2) a +0 robe a +0 rapier (14, 19, Swamp:2) 8 stones a +0 buckler a +0 robe a +0 rapier (29, 38, Swamp:2) a +0 dire flail (30, 40, Swamp:2) a +0 leather armour (33, 28, Swamp:2) a +0 falchion (36, 30, Swamp:2) a +0 robe Level 3 of the Swamp (0, 0, Swamp:3) 3 stones (5, 15, Swamp:3) a +1 kite shield of cold resistance the +6 arbalest "Damnation" {damnation} (6, 10, Swamp:3) a +0 dagger (8, 10, Swamp:3) a +0 spear (10, 25, Swamp:3) a throwing net (14, 36, Swamp:3) a stone (19, 41, Swamp:3) a +0 pair of gloves (20, 23, Swamp:3) a throwing net (30, 5, Swamp:3) 4 stones a +0 spear (31, 3, Swamp:3) a +3 spear (33, -3, Swamp:3) a +0 longbow (33, 2, Swamp:3) a +0 robe a +1 spectral quarterstaff (34, 2, Swamp:3) a +0 robe a +0 quarterstaff (34, 34, Swamp:3) a +0 chain mail (37, -2, Swamp:3) a scroll of enchant weapon (40, 3, Swamp:3) a +0 great mace Level 4 of the Swamp (3, 1, Swamp:4) 6 silver javelins (4, 4, Swamp:4) a +1 falchion of draining (7, 8, Swamp:4) 3 poisoned darts (12, 11, Swamp:4) a +0 scimitar (21, 12, Swamp:4) a +0 leather armour (22, 22, Swamp:4) 5 stones (28, 8, Swamp:4) a +0 pair of boots (29, -1, Swamp:4) a +0 ring mail (42, 47, Swamp:4) a +0 robe (46, 29, Swamp:4) a +0 mace (54, 28, Swamp:4) a +0 war axe Level 1 of the Spider Nest (2, 12, Spider:1) a +0 plate armour (4, -7, Spider:1) an amulet of guardian spirit a ring of flight a +6 ring of intelligence (10, -9, Spider:1) 6 stones (16, -15, Spider:1) a +0 scimitar (16, 22, Spider:1) a +0 flail (21, 9, Spider:1) a +0 robe (23, -5, Spider:1) a +0 robe (24, -9, Spider:1) a +0 plate armour (24, 2, Spider:1) a +0 cloak of preservation (25, -20, Spider:1) a +0 ring mail (25, -5, Spider:1) a +0 whip (26, 16, Spider:1) a +3 war axe (29, 13, Spider:1) a +0 robe (34, 5, Spider:1) a +0 robe (35, -6, Spider:1) a +0 robe (36, 14, Spider:1) 6 stones (38, 10, Spider:1) 8 stones (40, 13, Spider:1) a +0 giant club (48, 19, Spider:1) 3 poisoned darts Level 2 of the Spider Nest (0, 0, Spider:2) a staff of air (10, -6, Spider:2) the +5 falchion of Xuseabobb {venom, Int+2 Dex+2} Int+2: It affects your intelligence (+2). Dex+2: It affects your dexterity (+2). (25, -47, Spider:2) a +2 helmet (27, -40, Spider:2) 4 stones (28, 11, Spider:2) a +0 scale mail (37, -44, Spider:2) a +3 leather armour (37, -42, Spider:2) a +0 chain mail (45, 7, Spider:2) 7 stones Level 3 of the Spider Nest (8, -2, Spider:3) a +0 robe a +0 hand axe (9, -2, Spider:3) a +0 robe a +0 hand axe a +0 robe a +0 war axe (13, 13, Spider:3) a +0 scale mail (18, 12, Spider:3) a scroll of enchant weapon Level 4 of the Spider Nest (0, 0, Spider:4) a +0 flail (7, -10, Spider:4) a +0 war axe a +0 leather armour (7, 4, Spider:4) a +0 spear (11, 4, Spider:4) a +0 robe a +0 war axe (12, 4, Spider:4) 4 poisoned darts (20, 38, Spider:4) a +0 quarterstaff a +6 longbow a +2 robe (22, 34, Spider:4) a +4 lajatang a +2 chain mail (22, 35, Spider:4) a rat skeleton (25, -8, Spider:4) a +0 war axe a +0 robe (25, -6, Spider:4) a +0 ring mail (36, -9, Spider:4) a +0 leather armour a +0 war axe (36, -8, Spider:4) a +0 robe a +0 hand axe (37, -9, Spider:4) a +0 war axe a +0 robe (47, 16, Spider:4) a +0 pair of gloves of hurling (47, 17, Spider:4) an orb of mayhem (47, 18, Spider:4) a scarf of invisibility (49, 0, Spider:4) a +0 robe a +0 war axe (49, 3, Spider:4) a +0 leather armour a +0 war axe (49, 4, Spider:4) a +0 robe a +0 war axe (52, 1, Spider:4) a +0 kite shield a +0 robe a +4 quarterstaff of venom Level 1 of the Pits of Slime (0, 0, Slime:1) 6 gold pieces (1, 1, Slime:1) 27 gold pieces Level 2 of the Pits of Slime (0, 0, Slime:2) 12 gold pieces (3, 0, Slime:2) 6 gold pieces (10, 23, Slime:2) 5 gold pieces (10, 27, Slime:2) 4 gold pieces (11, 27, Slime:2) 6 gold pieces (23, 37, Slime:2) 6 gold pieces (24, 37, Slime:2) 35 gold pieces (29, 19, Slime:2) 7 gold pieces Level 3 of the Pits of Slime Level 4 of the Pits of Slime (0, 0, Slime:4) 6 gold pieces (1, 0, Slime:4) 25 gold pieces (2, -1, Slime:4) 4 gold pieces Level 5 of the Pits of Slime (0, 0, Slime:5) a +1 morningstar of protection (unseen) (0, 1, Slime:5) a potion of resistance (1, 0, Slime:5) a +3 chain mail of poison resistance (1, 1, Slime:5) 19 gold pieces (2, 0, Slime:5) a +0 triple crossbow (2, 1, Slime:5) a +0 shortbow (3, 1, Slime:5) a +0 scale mail (7, 7, Slime:5) 36 gold pieces (7, 8, Slime:5) 5 gold pieces (8, 6, Slime:5) 26 gold pieces (8, 7, Slime:5) 4 gold pieces (9, 7, Slime:5) 29 gold pieces Level 1 of the Vaults (0, 0, Vaults:1) a +0 flail a +0 ring mail a +0 great mace a +0 chain mail (1, 1, Vaults:1) a +0 great mace a +0 ring mail (1, 2, Vaults:1) a +0 bardiche a +0 plate armour (2, -1, Vaults:1) a +0 great mace a +2 ring mail of fire resistance (2, 0, Vaults:1) a +4 great sword of holy wrath a +0 chain mail (2, 1, Vaults:1) a +0 war axe a +0 arbalest a +0 ring mail (5, 0, Vaults:1) a +7 antimagic dire flail a +0 morningstar a +0 ring mail (23, -20, Vaults:1) a +1 long sword of holy wrath a +0 scale mail (23, -18, Vaults:1) a +0 falchion a +0 ring mail (26, -35, Vaults:1) a +0 kite shield of protection (28, -35, Vaults:1) a +0 ring mail (30, -11, Vaults:1) a staff of cold (30, -10, Vaults:1) a +0 long sword (32, -10, Vaults:1) a +0 morningstar a +0 ring mail (32, 6, Vaults:1) 3 large rocks (33, -15, Vaults:1) a +2 heavy hand axe (34, -15, Vaults:1) a +0 dagger (34, -8, Vaults:1) 6 large rocks a +0 dire flail (34, -6, Vaults:1) a +0 animal skin (35, -8, Vaults:1) a +0 arbalest (35, 1, Vaults:1) a ring of protection from fire (39, -4, Vaults:1) a +0 arbalest (39, -2, Vaults:1) a +0 arbalest (40, -3, Vaults:1) a +0 arbalest (41, -5, Vaults:1) a +0 long sword a +0 scale mail a +0 arbalest (41, -4, Vaults:1) a +0 dire flail a +0 animal skin a +0 halberd a +0 chain mail (41, -3, Vaults:1) a +0 arbalest (44, -37, Vaults:1) 7 stones (49, 13, Vaults:1) a +0 arbalest (50, 12, Vaults:1) a +0 arbalest (50, 13, Vaults:1) a +0 arbalest (64, -27, Vaults:1) a +2 long sword of draining a +0 arbalest a +0 ring mail (70, -5, Vaults:1) a +1 long sword of electrocution a +2 ring mail of positive energy a +1 buckler of protection a +0 dire flail a +0 animal skin a +0 arbalest a +0 orcbow (71, -6, Vaults:1) a +1 heavy battleaxe a +0 chain mail (71, -4, Vaults:1) a +0 arbalest (76, -27, Vaults:1) 5 stones Level 2 of the Vaults [Shop] Wahujol's Antique Armour Shop the +1 chain mail "Upaaf" {+Blink rN++ Str+3 Int-5} (1132 gold) Str+3: It affects your strength (+3). Int-5: It affects your intelligence (-5). rN++: It greatly protects you from negative energy. +Blink: It lets you blink. the +2 helmet "Deiwosue" {rElec Str+3 Dex+3} (1561 gold) Str+3: It affects your strength (+3). Dex+3: It affects your dexterity (+3). rElec: It insulates you from electricity. a +0 scale mail (152 gold) the +6 leather armour of the Blind Marksman {rF+ Dex+3 SInv} (2147 gold) Dex+3: It affects your dexterity (+3). rF+: It protects you from fire. SInv: It lets you see invisible. +0 shadow dragon scales (3040 gold) a +0 scale mail (152 gold) the +2 pair of gloves "Zejaut" {Dex+5} (1216 gold) Dex+5: It affects your dexterity (+5). a +0 scale mail (152 gold) a +0 chain mail (171 gold) (0, 0, Vaults:2) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (1, 1, Vaults:2) a +0 ring mail a +0 dagger a +0 robe (1, 16, Vaults:2) 5 stones (2, 0, Vaults:2) a +0 dire flail a +0 ring mail (15, 15, Vaults:2) a +0 ring mail a +0 war axe (22, 4, Vaults:2) a +0 leather armour a +0 great mace (23, 2, Vaults:2) a +0 ring mail a +0 falchion of venom a +0 buckler of positive energy a +2 scale mail of cold resistance a +0 long sword (23, 4, Vaults:2) a +0 ring mail a +0 ring mail a +0 great mace (24, 3, Vaults:2) a +0 leather armour a +0 great mace (25, -16, Vaults:2) 5 poisoned darts (25, 2, Vaults:2) a +0 leather armour a +0 morningstar a +0 plate armour a +0 war axe (26, 0, Vaults:2) 3 large rocks (28, -8, Vaults:2) a +0 ring mail a +2 heavy dire flail (28, -4, Vaults:2) a +0 scale mail a +0 morningstar a +0 arbalest (29, -2, Vaults:2) a +0 scale mail (33, -10, Vaults:2) a +0 ring mail (34, -13, Vaults:2) a +0 falchion 9 stones a +2 leather armour of willpower (39, -35, Vaults:2) a +0 great mace a +0 ring mail (42, -38, Vaults:2) a +0 war axe a +0 ring mail (43, -37, Vaults:2) a +0 arbalest a +0 lajatang (43, -1, Vaults:2) a +0 arbalest a +0 arbalest (43, 0, Vaults:2) a +0 scale mail a +0 arbalest (44, 0, Vaults:2) a +0 arbalest a +0 chain mail a +0 long sword a +2 arbalest of freezing (46, -22, Vaults:2) a +0 falchion a +0 ring mail (46, -20, Vaults:2) a +0 long sword a +0 chain mail a +2 tower shield (51, 5, Vaults:2) a +0 animal skin a +0 dire flail (56, -22, Vaults:2) a +0 falchion a +0 scale mail a +0 plate armour (56, -20, Vaults:2) a +0 ring mail a wand of polymorph (6) (57, 1, Vaults:2) a +0 morningstar a +0 ring mail a +0 long sword a +0 plate armour a +0 tower shield a +0 scale mail a +0 battleaxe a +0 chain mail (57, 2, Vaults:2) a +0 dire flail a +0 leather armour (57, 3, Vaults:2) a +1 long sword of draining a +0 chain mail a +0 kite shield (59, -28, Vaults:2) a +0 chain mail (59, 2, Vaults:2) a +2 heavy great sword a +0 plate armour (60, 0, Vaults:2) a +0 shortbow (62, -5, Vaults:2) a +0 great mace a +0 plate armour a +0 ring mail a +0 mace (62, -2, Vaults:2) a +0 arbalest (63, -2, Vaults:2) a +0 shortbow (63, 0, Vaults:2) a +0 orcbow (64, -2, Vaults:2) a +0 shortbow (67, -26, Vaults:2) a +0 flail Level 3 of the Vaults (0, 0, Vaults:3) a +0 falchion a +0 ring mail (7, -7, Vaults:3) a +0 arbalest (8, 17, Vaults:3) a +0 arbalest (9, 17, Vaults:3) a +0 arbalest (10, -22, Vaults:3) a +0 pair of boots (10, 17, Vaults:3) a +0 arbalest (11, 18, Vaults:3) a +0 arbalest (13, 12, Vaults:3) a +0 short sword (17, -15, Vaults:3) a +0 helmet (17, -13, Vaults:3) 4 stones (22, 13, Vaults:3) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (29, 6, Vaults:3) a +0 trishula of holy wrath a +0 tower shield the +1 leather armour of Mutualism {rC+} rC+: It protects you from cold. (30, 21, Vaults:3) a +0 scale mail a +0 dagger a +0 robe (31, -1, Vaults:3) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (31, 5, Vaults:3) a +5 great mace a +0 scale mail (31, 20, Vaults:3) a +2 dire flail of draining a +0 ring mail (37, -3, Vaults:3) a +1 long sword a +0 arbalest 5 stones a +0 plate armour an amulet of reflection (39, -3, Vaults:3) a +1 dire flail of protection a +0 dire flail (42, -4, Vaults:3) a +0 flail a +0 ring mail (44, -13, Vaults:3) a +1 sling of electrocution (44, -10, Vaults:3) a +0 leather armour (46, -17, Vaults:3) a +0 dagger a +0 robe of fire resistance (46, -16, Vaults:3) a +0 dagger a +0 robe a +2 great sword of protection a +3 plate armour of fire resistance (46, -15, Vaults:3) a +3 dire flail of protection a +0 plate armour (47, -15, Vaults:3) a +0 long sword a +0 plate armour (47, 15, Vaults:3) a +0 arbalest (48, -15, Vaults:3) a +0 arbalest (48, -10, Vaults:3) a +0 war axe (48, 15, Vaults:3) a +0 long sword a +0 plate armour a +0 great mace a +0 chain mail a +0 morningstar a +0 scale mail (49, -15, Vaults:3) a +0 arbalest (49, 15, Vaults:3) a +0 arbalest a +0 great mace a +0 plate armour (50, -14, Vaults:3) a +0 morningstar a +0 scale mail (50, 15, Vaults:3) a +0 ring mail (50, 28, Vaults:3) 5 large rocks (53, -14, Vaults:3) a +0 scale mail (57, 12, Vaults:3) a +0 flail (59, 22, Vaults:3) a +0 hand axe (67, 15, Vaults:3) a +0 morningstar a +0 scale mail (67, 16, Vaults:3) a +0 dagger a +0 robe Level 4 of the Vaults (0, 0, Vaults:4) a +0 morningstar a +0 arbalest a +0 ring mail (4, 19, Vaults:4) a +0 dire flail a +0 chain mail a +0 club (4, 20, Vaults:4) a +0 short sword (4, 21, Vaults:4) a +0 whip a +0 leather armour (5, 20, Vaults:4) a +0 giant club (10, 27, Vaults:4) a +0 dagger (12, 29, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest (12, 30, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest (12, 40, Vaults:4) a +0 falchion a +0 ring mail (14, -23, Vaults:4) a +0 orcbow (14, -21, Vaults:4) a +0 dire flail a +0 animal skin a +0 dire flail a +0 plate armour a +0 orcbow (15, -23, Vaults:4) a +0 shortbow (15, -22, Vaults:4) a +0 flail a +0 leather armour a +1 orcbow of flaming (15, -21, Vaults:4) a +0 battleaxe a +0 arbalest a +0 plate armour a +0 long sword a +0 chain mail a +0 orcbow (15, 2, Vaults:4) a +0 robe a +1 whip of holy wrath (16, 2, Vaults:4) a +0 robe a +2 whip of holy wrath (21, 12, Vaults:4) a +0 plate armour (22, -16, Vaults:4) a +0 great mace a +0 chain mail a +4 great sword of protection a +0 plate armour (22, -15, Vaults:4) a +0 long sword a +0 chain mail a +2 kite shield (22, -14, Vaults:4) a +0 great sword a +0 chain mail a +3 battleaxe a +0 plate armour (23, -16, Vaults:4) a +0 ring mail (23, -15, Vaults:4) a +2 battleaxe of venom a +0 chain mail (23, -14, Vaults:4) a +0 great sword a +0 chain mail a +0 dire flail a +0 leather armour (33, -24, Vaults:4) a scroll of identify (33, 41, Vaults:4) a +0 great mace a +3 ring mail (34, 41, Vaults:4) a +1 dire flail a +0 chain mail (34, 42, Vaults:4) a +0 dire flail a +0 leather armour (36, 41, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest (36, 42, Vaults:4) a +0 glaive a +0 plate armour (38, 41, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest (39, -8, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest a +1 dire flail of draining a +0 plate armour (39, -7, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest (39, 42, Vaults:4) a +0 great mace a +0 chain mail (40, -7, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest a +0 arbalest (41, -7, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest (41, -6, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest (43, 20, Vaults:4) a +0 war axe a +0 plate armour a +0 arbalest (43, 21, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest a +0 arbalest (44, 21, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest (45, 22, Vaults:4) a +0 plate armour (46, 1, Vaults:4) a +0 dagger (51, 13, Vaults:4) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (53, -22, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest (53, -21, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest (54, 1, Vaults:4) a +0 arbalest (55, -9, Vaults:4) a +0 dire flail a +0 plate armour a +0 ring mail (56, -1, Vaults:4) a +0 rapier (56, 1, Vaults:4) a +0 shortbow (61, 14, Vaults:4) a +0 battleaxe a +0 chain mail a +0 broad axe a +0 plate armour (61, 15, Vaults:4) a +0 halberd a +0 chain mail