Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.32-a0-1708-g51ab8bf2ec (webtiles) character file. Game seed: 733316400552007052 1547 tlatlagkaus the Cleaver (level 9, -1/64 HPs) Began as a Formicid Fighter on July 6, 2024. Was an Initiate of Makhleb. Slain by a killer bee (3 damage) ... on level 8 of the Dungeon. The game lasted 00:12:02 (2039 turns). tlatlagkaus the Cleaver(Formicid Fighter) Turns: 2039, Time: 00:12:02 Health: -1/64 AC: 14 Str: 24 XL: 9 Next: 12% Magic: 9/9 EV: 6 Int: 7 God: Makhleb [......] Gold: 121 SH: 9 Dex: 13 Spells: 8/8 levels left rFire . . . a - +0 war axe (heavy) rCold . . . d - +0 kite shield rNeg . . . e - +0 chain mail rPois + (helmet unavailable) rElec . (no cloak) rCorr . f - +0 pair of gloves SInv + s - +2 pair of boots {Stlth+} Will ..... (no amulet) Stlth n - ring of poison resistance HPRegen 0.30/turn (no ring) MPRegen 0.11/turn %: no passive effects @: lethally poisoned (-1 -> -12) A: permanent stasis, dig shafts and tunnels, antennae 3, four strong arms, dopey 1, poison resistance a: Dig, Shaft Self, Renounce Religion You were on level 8 of the Dungeon. You worshipped Makhleb. Makhleb was noncommittal. You visited 2 branches of the dungeon, and saw 9 of its levels. You collected 308 gold pieces. You spent 187 gold pieces at shops. Inventory: Hand Weapons a - a +0 heavy war axe (weapon) o - a +1 spear of venom r - a +0 battleaxe Missiles g - 6 silver javelins (quivered) m - 5 boomerangs Armour d - a +0 kite shield (worn) e - a +0 chain mail (worn) f - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) s - a +2 pair of boots of stealth (worn) Jewellery n - a ring of poison resistance (left hand) Wands j - a wand of flame (25) k - a wand of warping (5) Scrolls b - 2 scrolls of fog i - a scroll of identify Potions c - a potion of invisibility {unknown} h - a potion of attraction l - a potion of resistance {unknown} q - a potion of curing {unknown} Skills: - Level 3.2 Fighting * Level 9.7 Axes + Level 4.5 Armour + Level 6.8 Shields You had 8 spell levels left. You didn't know any spells. Your spell library contained the following spells: Spells Type Power Damage Failure Level Inner Flame Hex/Fire 0% N/A 100% 3 Sigil of Binding Hex 0% N/A 100% 3 Anguish Hex/Necr 0% N/A 100% 4 Cause Fear Hex 0% N/A 100% 4 Leda's Liquefaction Alch/Erth 0% N/A 100% 4 Petrify Alch/Erth 0% N/A 100% 4 Irradiate Conj/Alch 0% 3d11 100% 5 Metabolic Englaciation Hex/Ice 0% N/A 100% 5 Enfeeble Hex 0% N/A 100% 7 Magnavolt Erth/Air 0% 3d9 100% 7 Ignition Fire 0% 3d3 100% 8 Maxwell's Capacitive Co Air 0% ∞ 100% 8 Maxwell's Portable Pile Tloc Unusable (3-9)d2 N/A 3 Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations Branches: Dungeon (8/15) Temple (1/1) D:6 Lair: D:8-11 Altars: Ashenzari Cheibriados Dithmenos Elyvilon Gozag Hepliaklqana Kikubaaqudgha Makhleb Nemelex Xobeh Okawaru Qazlal Ru Sif Muna Trog Uskayaw Wu Jian Xom Yredelemnul Zin The Shining One Shops: D:4 [ Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations You cannot be hasted, slowed, berserked, paralysed or teleported. You can dig through walls and to a lower floor. You have a pair of large antennae on your head. (SInv) Your four strong arms can wield two-handed weapons with a shield. You are dopey. (Int -2) Your system is resistant to poisons. (rPois) Message History You block the killer bee's attack. You completely miss the killer bee. You feel sick. The killer bee stings you. You block the killer bee's attack. The killer bee stings you but does no damage. The killer bee barely misses you. You barely miss the killer bee. You feel sick. You are no longer poisoned. The killer bee barely misses you. The killer bee closely misses you. The killer bee barely misses you. You closely miss the killer bee. The killer bee stings you. The killer bee stings you but does no damage. The killer bee completely misses you. You slash the killer bee! The killer bee is almost dead. The killer bee stings you but does no damage. The killer bee stings you. You are poisoned. The killer bee poisons you! You block the killer bee's attack. You miss the killer bee. The killer bee is almost dead. You feel very sick. The killer bee closely misses you. The killer bee stings you. * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * The killer bee stings you but does no damage. You closely miss the killer bee. The killer bee is almost dead. You feel sick. The killer bee stings you but does no damage. x2 You block the killer bee's attack. The killer bee stings you. * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * You miss the killer bee. The killer bee is almost dead. * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * You feel sick. The killer bee stings you. * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * The killer bee stings you. * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * You are more poisoned. The killer bee poisons you! The killer bee stings you. You die... #)# #..... #.# #.##.# #.# #.##.# #.#####.##.# #..........# ##.#####.##<# ##(..## #[##.# #.....###.##.# ###...##...##@# #.........###y### #...##...##.......##### #..###ß...ß###.........# #.. ##...## #.....###.# #.# +.....+ ##..#.# #.# #.......# #....# #.# +.......+ #......# #.##....ß....##..#.#.# You could see a killer bee. Vanquished Creatures Grinder (D:6) Blorkula the Orcula (D:6) An orc warrior (D:7) A sky beast (D:6) 2 ogres A centaur (D:7) A phantom (D:5) 2 bullfrogs A vampire bat (D:6) 3 killer bees (D:8) 2 hounds A gnoll bouda (D:6) 4 orc priests A jelly (D:6) A sleepcap (D:6) An iguana (D:5) 2 orc wizards (D:7) 4 gnolls (D:6) 4 adders 11 orcs 2 endoplasms A giant cockroach (D:4) 6 goblins 3 hobgoblins 2 jackals (D:2) A quokka (D:3) 4 ball pythons 2 frilled lizards 3 rats 69 creatures vanquished. Notes Turn | Place | Note -------+----------+------------------------------------------- 0 | D:1 | tlatlagkaus the Formicid Fighter began the quest for the | Orb. 0 | D:1 | Reached XP level 1. HP: 18/18 MP: 1/1 37 | D:2 | Reached XP level 2. HP: 19/24 MP: 2/2 126 | D:2 | Reached skill level 3 in Axes 180 | D:2 | Reached XP level 3. HP: 29/29 MP: 3/3 381 | D:3 | Identified the +7 shortbow "Poff" {drain, Int+7 Dex-5} 451 | D:4 | Found an iron altar of Okawaru. 477 | D:4 | Found a glowing silver altar of Zin. 477 | D:4 | Found a shadowy altar of Dithmenos. 541 | D:4 | Gained mutation: You occasionally lose the ability to drink | potions when taking damage. [potion of mutation] 541 | D:4 | Gained mutation: You have large cloven feet. [potion of | mutation] 542 | D:4 | Lost mutation: You occasionally lose the ability to drink | potions when taking damage. [potion of mutation] 542 | D:4 | Lost mutation: You have large cloven feet. [potion of | mutation] 542 | D:4 | Gained mutation: You occasionally lose the ability to read | scrolls when taking damage. [potion of mutation] 542 | D:4 | Gained mutation: Your system is resistant to poisons. | (rPois) [potion of mutation] 543 | D:4 | Lost mutation: Your system is resistant to poisons. (rPois) | [potion of mutation] 543 | D:4 | Lost mutation: You occasionally lose the ability to read | scrolls when taking damage. [potion of mutation] 543 | D:4 | Gained mutation: You are dopey. (Int -2) [potion of | mutation] 543 | D:4 | Gained mutation: Your system is resistant to poisons. | (rPois) [potion of mutation] 570 | D:4 | Noticed a bullfrog 576 | D:4 | Killed a bullfrog 577 | D:4 | Reached skill level 4 in Axes 577 | D:4 | Reached XP level 4. HP: 20/35 MP: 4/4 577 | D:4 | Reached XP level 5. HP: 24/41 MP: 5/5 609 | D:4 | Reached skill level 5 in Axes 612 | D:4 | Found Seppey Wene's Antique Armour Shoppe. 741 | D:4 | Reached XP level 6. HP: 46/47 MP: 6/6 788 | D:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon 814 | D:5 | Reached skill level 6 in Axes 853 | D:5 | Noticed an ogre 859 | D:5 | Killed an ogre 860 | D:5 | Reached XP level 7. HP: 52/52 MP: 7/7 924 | D:5 | You fall into a shaft and drop 3 floors! 966 | D:7 | Reached skill level 7 in Axes 1102 | D:6 | Reached skill level 8 in Axes 1107 | D:6 | Reached XP level 8. HP: 58/58 MP: 8/8 1108 | D:6 | Noticed Grinder 1118 | D:6 | Killed Grinder 1119 | D:6 | Reached skill level 5 in Shields 1274 | D:6 | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple. 1286 | Temple | Entered the Ecumenical Temple 1373 | Temple | Became a worshipper of Makhleb the Destroyer 1470 | D:6 | Noticed Blorkula the Orcula 1492 | D:6 | Killed Blorkula the Orcula 1493 | D:6 | Reached skill level 9 in Axes 1696 | D:4 | Bought a pair of glowing boots for 187 gold pieces 1709 | D:4 | You fall into a shaft and drop 3 floors! 1922 | D:7 | Reached XP level 9. HP: 49/64 MP: 9/9 2039 | D:8 | HP: 3/64 [killer bee (1)] 2039 | D:8 | Slain by a killer bee Illustrated notes Levels and vault maps discovered: D:1: minmay_arrival_open_corners, layout_loops_ring D:2: layout_basic D:3: layout_loops_ring, basic_ecumenical_altar D:4: layout_basic, nicolae_overflow_hidden_temple, serial_shops, nicolae_shop_trees D:5: layout_basic D:6: layout_basic, minmay_temple_entry_offerings, nicolae_letterblocks [nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock, nicolae_letter_subblock], uniq_grinder, uniq_blorkula_the_orcula D:7: layout_cave_pods, kennysheep_big_empty_room D:8: cheibrodos_statue_roulette, layout_loops_ring, mainiacjoe_overflow_catwalk, enter_bailey_5 Temple: minmay_crystal_spiral_temple Skill XL: | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | ---------------+-------------------------+----- Axes | 3 4 5 6 8 9 | 9.7 Shields | 6 | 6.8 Armour | 4 | 4.5 Fighting | | 3.2 Action | 1- 3 | 4- 6 | 7- 9 || total ---------------------------+-------+-------+-------++------- Melee: War axe | 61 | 31 | 93 || 185 Ability: Dig | 1 | 2 | 4 || 7 Shaft Self | | | 2 || 2 Evoke: Wand | | 5 | || 5 Use: Scroll | 3 | 4 | 4 || 11 Potion | 3 | 1 | 1 || 5 Armour: Scale mail | 52 | 24 | 48 || 124 Chain mail | | | 49 || 49 Dodge: Dodged | 26 | 8 | 34 || 68 Block: Buckler | 10 | 6 | 4 || 20 Kite shield | | | 65 || 65 Table legend: (Time is in decaauts) A = Elapsed time spent in this place. B = Non-inter-level travel time spent in this place. C = Inter-level travel time spent in this place. D = Time resting spent in this place. E = Time spent auto-exploring this place. F = Levels seen in this place. G = Mean time per level. A B C D E F G +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-----+--------+ Total | 2135 | 1859 | 276 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 237.2 | Dungeon | 1960 | 1856 | 104 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 245.0 | Temple | 174 | 2 | 172 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 174.0 | +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-----+--------+ Top non-repeatable levels by time: D:4: 416 daAuts D:7: 359 daAuts D:6: 354 daAuts D:5: 261 daAuts D:2: 243 daAuts D:3: 182 daAuts Temple: 174 daAuts D:8: 105 daAuts D:1: 37 daAuts