# CRAWL.NEMELEX.CARDS # csdc24 # TEAMNAME HOW_DO_I_SET_TEAM_NAME # TEAMMEMBERS hittemvvvhard ISplatSpriggans tehofadaz sauken NaCly # https://webzook.net/soup/rcfiles/trunk/KoHuEnSuJian.rc ## 마법창 한글화 ## #$ lab_magic_window_translate = false ## 기술창 한글화 ## #$ lab_skill_window_translate = false ## 인터페이스 한글화 ## #$ lab_interface_translate = false ## 능력창 한글화 ## #$ lab_ability_window_translate = false ## 한글 고정폭 폰트 ## #$ lab_apply_font = false ## 골드 인터페이스 ## #$ lab_gold_status = false ## 채팅 리디렉트 (관전자 X) ## #$ lab_transfer_chat_ingame=true ## 채팅 컨트롤 숨기기 (관전자 X) ## #$ lab_hide_chat_control = false ## 마우스 클릭을 통한 이동 사용 안함 ## #$ lab_disable_mouse_move = false ## 사운드 자동 켜기 (관전자 X) ## #$ lab_sound_on = false ## 방을 이동해도 채팅을 지우지 않음 ## #$ lab_disable_chat_clear = true ########## REAL RC START: UP TO DATE 20200516 ########## M:g A:z* # force_more_message = more := force_more_message more -= .*comes into view.* warn_hatches = true default_manual_training = true more += The mighty Pandemonium lord .* resides here # Interrupts more += You don't .* that spell more += You fail to use your ability more += You miscast.*(Blink|Borgnjor|Door|Invisibility) more += You can't (read|drink|do) more += You cannot .* while unable to breathe more += You cannot .* in your current state more += when .*silenced more += too confused more += There's something in the way more += There's nothing to (close|open) nearby more += not good enough to have a special ability more += You are too berserk more += no means to grasp more += That item cannot be evoked more += You are held in a net more += You don't have any such object more += You can't unwield more += enough magic points more += You don't have the energy to cast that spell more += You are unable to access your magic # Bad things more += Your surroundings flicker more += You cannot teleport right now more += A sentinel's mark forms upon you more += (blundered into a|invokes the power of) Zot more += enter a teleport trap more += dispelling energy hits you more += You are blasted by holy energy! more += You are (blasted|electrocuted)! more += You are.*(confused|poisoned) more += flesh rotting more += god:(sends|finds|silent|anger) more += You feel a surge of divine spite more += disloyal to dabble more += lose consciousness more += You are too injured to fight recklessly more += calcifying dust hits more += Space warps.*around you more += Space bends around you more += watched by something more += flickers and vanishes! more += doesn't seem very happy more += is no longer charmed # Hell effects # more += hell_effect: # Expiring effects more += You feel yourself slow down more += You are starting to lose your buoyancy more += Your hearing returns more += Your transformation is almost over more += You have a feeling this form more += You feel yourself come back to life more += time is quickly running out more += life is in your own hands more += Your shroud falls apart more += You start to feel a little slower # Flash Screen flash_screen_message += distortion flash_screen_message += Ru believes you are ready to make a new sacrifice flash_screen_message += You feel less protected from missiles flash_screen_message += time is quickly running out flash_screen_message += life is in your own hands flash_screen_message += .*gifts you flash_screen_message += .*into a shaft flash_screen_message += You have finished (your manual|forgetting about) flash_screen_message += Ouch! That really hurt! flash_screen_message += Vehumet offers.* more += Ru believes you are ready to make a new sacrifice more += time is quickly running out more += life is in your own hands more += .*gifts you more += .*into a shaft more += You have finished (your manual|forgetting about) more += Ouch! That really hurt! more += Vehumet offers.* # Others cloud_status = true more += Hurry and find it more += You rejoin the land of the living more += Your scales start more += You feel monstrous more += Jiyva alters your body : if you.god() == "Xom" then more += god: : end # Dangerous monsters we force_more when first seen. # Things with ranged (or extremely fast), irresistable effects. more += ((floating|shining) eye|death drake).*into view more += (wretched star|apocalypse crab|death drake).*into view more += (entropy weaver|torpor snail).*into view more += (merfolk (avatar|siren)).*into view more += (guardian serpent|draconian shifter|convoker).*into view more += (phantasmal warrior).*into view # Paralysis/Petrify/Banish more += (orc sorcerer|(?scrolls? of silence ae ^= wand.*random ae += >(crystal ball|fan of gales) ae += >ring of (protection from (mag|fire|cold)|fli|mag|stealth|ice|fire|pois|wiz|int|str|dex|slay|eva|pos|prot|resi|see) ae += >staff of (air|cold|conj|dea|ear|ene|fire|pois|pow|sum|wiz) ae += >amulet of (reflect|faith|harm|magic|guard|rage|regene) ae += >amulet of the (acrobat|gourmand) autoinscribe += .*throwing nets?:!f autoinscribe += scrolls? of silence:!r autoinscribe += scroll.*summoning:!r autoinscribe += scroll.*holy word:!r autoinscribe += scroll.*fog:!r autoinscribe += potion.*invisibility:!q autoinscribe += potion.*berserk rage:!q autoinscribe += ^ration:!d autoinscribe += curare:!f autoinscribe += atropa:!f autoinscribe += datura:!f drop_filter += scrolls? of noise ############### KEY ############### spell_slot += Apportation:a spell_slot += Song of Slaying:s spell_slot += Deflect Missiles:d spell_slot += Aura of Abjuration:A spell_slot += Blink:b spell_slot += Regeneration:r spell_slot += Passwall:p spell_slot += Spectral Weapon:w spell_slot += Passage of Golubria:g spell_slot += Lesser Beckoning:l spell_slot += Controlled Blink:B spell_slot += Summon Mana Viper:v spell_slot += Summon Forest:f spell_slot += Sticks to Snakes:t spell_slot += Ice Form:i spell_slot += Swiftness:W spell_slot += Spider Form:p item_slot += ration:c item_slot += scrolls? of identify:r item_slot += potions? of curing:q item_slot += potions? of heal wounds:w item_slot += throwing nets?:+Z ############### TSO Divine Shield ############### # if (god == GOD_SHINING_ONE) # { # if (you.duration[DUR_DIVINE_SHIELD]) # tso_remove_divine_shield(); # } ############### You Die ############### { function ready() hp_percent() mp_percent() hpWarning_Early() hpWarning_Mid() hpWarning_Late() end } { function hp_percent() a,b=you.hp() return 100*a/b end } { function mp_percent() a,b=you.mp() return 100*a/b end } { local early = true function hpWarning_Early() if you.hp() < 15 and hp_percent() < 20 and you.xl() < 9 and early then crawl.yesno("You die...", false, false, true, true) early = false end if you.hp() > 14 and hp_percent() > 19 and you.xl() < 9 then early = true end end } { local mid = true function hpWarning_Mid() if you.hp() < 25 and you.xl() < 20 and you.xl() > 8 and mid then crawl.yesno("You die...", false, false, true, true) mid = false end if you.hp() > 24 and you.xl() < 20 and you.xl() > 8 then mid = true end end } { local late = true function hpWarning_Late() if you.hp() < 50 and you.xl() == 27 and not you.status("death's door") and not you.status("death's door (expiring)") and late then crawl.yesno("You die...", false, false, true, true) late = false end if you.hp() >= 50 and you.xl() == 27 then late = true end end }