# CRAWL.NEMELEX.CARDS tile_web_mouse_control = false tile_font_crt_family = Consolas tile_font_stat_family = Consolas tile_font_msg_family = Consolas tile_font_lbl_family = Consolas #view_max_width = 17 #view_max_height = 17 tile_viewport_scale = 1.4 #view_delay = 100 travel_delay = -1 rest_delay = 0 #rest_wait_percent = 80 explore_auto_rest = false #drop_disables_autopickup = true always_show_zot = true #always_show_gems = true #more_gem_info = true autopickup = $?!+/ spell_slot ^= Apportation:A spell_slot ^= Malign gateway:G spell_slot ^= Blink:v spell_slot ^= Sublimation of blood:z spell_slot ^= Silence:I item_slot ^= identify:r show_more = false force_more_message += A sentinel's mark forms upon you force_more_message += you fall into a shaft force_more_message += Your time is quickly running out force_more_message += Your life if in your own hands again force_more_message += you miscast.* #유니크 출현 force_more_message += .*(Agnes|Aizul|Amaemon|Antaeus|Arachne|Asmodeus|Azrael|Bai suzhen|Blork the orc|Boris|Cerebov|Crazy Yiuf|Dispater|Dissolution|Donald|Dowan|Duvessa|Edmund|the Enchantress|Ereshkigal|Erica|Erolcha|Eustachio|Fannar|Frances|Frederick|Gastronok|Geryon|Gloorx Vloq|Grinder|Grum|Grunn|Harold|Ignacio|Ijyb|Ilsuiw|Jessica|Jorgrun|Jory|Joseph|Josephina|Josephine|Khufu|Kirke|the Lernaean hydra|Lodul|Lom Lobon|Louise|Maggie|Mara|Margery|Maurice|Menkaure|Mlioglotl|Mennas|Mnoleg|Murray|Nergalle|Natasha|Nessos|Nikola|Norris|Pan|Parghit|Pikel|Polyphemus|Prince Ribbit|Psyche|Purgy|Robin|Roxanne|the royal jelly|Rupert|Saint Roka|the Serpent of Hell|Sigmund|Snorg|Sojobo|Sonja|Terence|Tiamat|Urug|Vashnia|Vv|Xtahua|Zenata).*(come.*into view|open.*door) #메뉴얼 소진 force_more_message += finished your manual #킬러클라운 파이 피격 force_more_message += pie hits you #OOF 출현 force_more_message += .*orbs? of fire.*(come.*into view|open.*door) #판로드 출현 force_more_message += .*pandemonium.*(come.*into view|open.*door) #조트함정 발동 force_more_message += (blundered into a|invokes the power of) Zot #오토픽업 해제(투명 몬스터에 피격시) force_more_message += Deactivating autopickup #유령나방 출현(투명보기 없는상태) force_more_message += watched by something #우스카요 페인본드 발동 force_more_message += Uskayaw links your audience in an emotional bond! #느려짐 force_more_message += You feel yourself slow down #미니서브던전 알림 force_more_message += ticking.*clock force_more_message += dying ticks force_more_message += distant snort force_more_message += coins.*counted force_more_message += tolling.*bell force_more_message += roar of battle force_more_message += creaking.*portcullis force_more_message += portcullis is probably force_more_message += wave of frost force_more_message += crackling.*melting force_more_message += hiss.*sand force_more_message += sound.*rushing water force_more_message += rusting.*drain force_more_message += drain falling apart force_more_message += heat about you force_more_message += falling.*rocks force_more_message += rumble.*avalanche of rocks force_more_message += crackle.*arcane power force_more_message += crackle.*magical portal force_more_message += distant wind force_more_message += whistling.*wind force_more_message += rapidly growing quiet force_more_message += beating #완드 든 적 출현 force_more_message += carrying a wand of #몹이 완드 사용 force_more_message += zaps a wand #몹이 포션 사용 force_more_message += .*drinks a potion #몹이 스크롤 사용 force_more_message += .*reads a scroll #텔레포트 #가끔 아무런 메세지 안뜨고 텔 안되는 경우 다음장 안뜸 (이동할 타일이 충분히 적을 때 텔 실패하는게 아닌가 싶음) force_more_message += your surroundings suddenly seem different force_more_message += your surroundings seem slightly different force_more_message += your surroundings flicker for a moment #분산 함정 force_more_message += enter a dispersal trap force_more_message += enters a dispersal trap #그물에 걸림 force_more_message += You become entangled in the net #몹이 광폭화 돌입 force_more_message += goes berserk! #퀵실버볼트 피격으로 버프 해제 force_more_message += Your magical effects are unravelling #위험한 돌연변이 생김 force_more_message += You.*(uncertain|pissed off|lose the ability to read scrolls) force_more_message += You feel vulnerable to cold. force_more_message += You feel vulnerable to heat. #하푼샷 피격 force_more_message += You are yanked forward #포스랜스 피격 force_more_message += You are knocked back #윈드 블라스트 피격 force_more_message += You are blown backwards #오카와루 듀얼 만료 경고, 만료 force_more_message += Okawaru bids you farewell from the Arena force_more_message += You are returned from the Arena #엘리빌론 죽음으로부터 보호 force_more_message += Elyvilon protects you from harm #지이바 변이선물 force_more_message += Jiyva alters your body #스프리건 드루이드가 드루이드 콜 시전 force_more_message += The spriggan druid calls out to the beasts of the wild #탐험으로 인한 함정효과 발동 force_more_message += a sourceless malevolence fills # engulf 상태에서 주문 시전 시도 force_more_message += You cannot cast spells while unable to breathe! # 침묵 상태에서 주문 시전 시도 force_more_message += You cannot cast spells when silenced! runrest_ignore_message += Your fire (vortexlvortices).*something runrest_ignore_message += something .* fire (vortexlvortices) message_colour += green:you feel a bit more experienced message_colour += blue:Magical energy flows into your mind # Damage Calc { local previous_hp = 0 local previous_mp = 0 local previous_form = "" local was_berserk_last_turn = false function AnnounceDamage() local current_hp, max_hp = you.hp() local current_mp, max_mp = you.mp() --Things that increase hp/mp temporarily really mess with this local current_form = you.transform() local you_are_berserk = you.berserk() local max_hp_increased = false local max_hp_decreased = false if (current_form ~= previous_form) then if (previous_form:find("dragon") or previous_form:find("statue") or previous_form:find("tree") or previous_form:find("ice")) then max_hp_decreased = true elseif (current_form:find("dragon") or current_form:find("statue") or current_form:find("tree") or current_form:find("ice")) then max_hp_increased = true end end if (was_berserk_last_turn and not you_are_berserk) then max_hp_decreased = true elseif (you_are_berserk and not was_berserk_last_turn) then max_hp_increased = true end --crawl.mpr(string.format("previous_form is: %s", previous_form)) --crawl.mpr(string.format("current_form is: %s", current_form)) --crawl.mpr(string.format("max_hp_increased is: %s", max_hp_increased and "True" or "False")) --crawl.mpr(string.format("max_hp_decreased is: %s", max_hp_decreased and "True" or "False")) --crawl.mpr(string:format("you_are_berserk is: %s", you_are_berserk and "True" or "False")) --crawl.mpr(string:format("was_berserk_last_turn is: %s", was_berserk_last_turn and "True" or "False")) --Skips message on initializing game if previous_hp > 0 then local hp_difference = previous_hp - current_hp local mp_difference = previous_mp - current_mp if max_hp_increased or max_hp_decreased then if max_hp_increased then crawl.mpr("이제 [" .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. "]의 체력을 가지게 되었습니다.") else crawl.mpr("이제 [" .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. "]의 체력을 가지게 되었습니다.") end else --On losing health if (current_hp < previous_hp) then if current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.30) then crawl.mpr("" .. hp_difference .. "의 피해를 받았습니다. 현재 남은 체력은 [" .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. "] 입니다.") elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.50) then crawl.mpr("" .. hp_difference .. "의 피해를 받았습니다. 현재 남은 체력은 [" .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. "] 입니다.") elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.70) then crawl.mpr("" .. hp_difference .. "의 피해를 받았습니다. 현재 남은 체력은 [" .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. "] 입니다.") elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.90) then crawl.mpr("" .. hp_difference .. "의 피해를 받았습니다. 현재 남은 체력은 [" .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. "] 입니다.") else crawl.mpr("" .. hp_difference .. "의 피해를 받았습니다. 현재 남은 체력은 [" .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. "] 입니다.") end if hp_difference > (max_hp * 0.20) then crawl.mpr("악! 이건 정말로 아프다!") end end --On gaining more than 1 health if (current_hp > previous_hp) then --Removes the negative sign local health_inturn = (0 - hp_difference) if (health_inturn > 1) and not (current_hp == max_hp) then if current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.30) then crawl.mpr("" .. health_inturn .. "의 체력을 얻었습니다. 현재 체력은 [" .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. "] 입니다.") elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.50) then crawl.mpr("" .. health_inturn .. "의 체력을 얻었습니다. 현재 체력은 [" .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. "] 입니다.") elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.70) then crawl.mpr("" .. health_inturn .. "의 체력을 얻었습니다. 현재 체력은 [" .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. "] 입니다.") elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.90) then crawl.mpr("" .. health_inturn .. "의 체력을 얻었습니다. 현재 체력은 [" .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. "] 입니다.") else crawl.mpr("" .. health_inturn .. "의 체력을 얻었습니다. 현재 체력은 [" .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. "] 입니다.") end end if (current_hp == max_hp) then crawl.mpr("체력이 전부 회복되었습니다. (" .. current_hp .. ")") end end --On gaining more than 1 magic if (current_mp > previous_mp) then --Removes the negative sign local mp_inturn = (0 - mp_difference) if (mp_inturn > 1) and not (current_mp == max_mp) then if current_mp < (max_mp * 0.25) then crawl.mpr("" .. mp_inturn .. "의 마력를 얻었습니다. 현재 마력은 [" .. current_mp .. "/" .. max_mp .. "] 입니다.") elseif current_mp < (max_mp * 0.50) then crawl.mpr("" .. mp_inturn .. "의 마력을 얻었습니다. 현재 마력은 [" .. current_mp .. "/" .. max_mp .. "] 입니다.") else crawl.mpr("" .. mp_inturn .. "의 마력을 얻었습니다. 현재 마력은 [" .. current_mp .. "/" .. max_mp .. "] 입니다.") end end if (current_mp == max_mp) then crawl.mpr("마력이 전부 회복되었습니다. (" .. current_mp .. ")") end end --On losing magic if current_mp < previous_mp then if current_mp <= (max_mp / 5) then crawl.mpr("현재 남은 마력은 [" .. current_mp .. "/" ..max_mp .."] 입니다.") elseif current_mp <= (max_mp / 2) then crawl.mpr("현재 남은 마력은 [" .. current_mp .. "/" ..max_mp .."] 입니다.") else crawl.mpr("현재 남은 마력은 [" .. current_mp .. "/" ..max_mp .."] 입니다.") end end end end --Set previous hp/mp and form at end of turn previous_hp = current_hp previous_mp = current_mp previous_form = current_form was_berserk_last_turn = you_are_berserk end }