# CRAWL.NEMELEX.CARDS #최종 수정일 2023.08.29 #폰트를 Consolas로 바꿈 tile_font_crt_family = Consolas tile_font_stat_family = Consolas tile_font_msg_family = Consolas tile_font_lbl_family = Consolas #조트 시계 항상 표시 always_show_zot = true #게임 시작부터 경험치 분배를 매뉴얼로 설정 default_manual_training = true #탐색 시 자동휴식 explore_auto_rest = true #다음장 안띄움 show_more = false #그물, 다투라 던지기 전 확인 autoinscribe += throwing net:!f autoinscribe += datura:!f #o5 매크로 macros += M \{-1016} 5 macros += M \{-1018} o #넘패드5 매크로 macros += M \{-1005} . #스펠 매크로 macros += M 1 zA macros += M 2 zB macros += M 3 zC macros += M 4 zD macros += M 5 zE macros += M 6 zF macros += M \{-265} zH macros += M \{-266} zJ macros += M \{-267} zK macros += M \{-268} zL #수집 매크로 macros += M \{-269} zp. #투척 매크로 macros += M \{32} \{-353} macros += M \{-1012} ( macros += M \{-1015} ) #블링크볼트, 롤링차지 매크로 macros += M e am #자동줍기 설정 #골드, 스크롤, 포션, 책, 장신구, 완드, 스태프, 잡동사니, 탈리즈만을 자동으로 주움 autopickup = $?!:"/|}% #그물, 쿠라레 다트, 디스퍼설 다트를 자동으로 주움 autopickup_exceptions += atropa #필요 없는 아이템은 줍지 않도록 함 autopickup_exceptions ^= >useless_item #방어구 자동줍기 #body: x #aux: 비어있음-모두/착용-브랜드,아티팩트 #shield: 비어있음-x/착용-브랜드,아티팩트 #브랜드 없는 enchanted aux, shield가 노말로 취급되는 문제 있음 { add_autopickup_func(function(it, name) local class = it.class(true) local armour_slots = {cloak="Cloak", helmet="Helmet", gloves="Gloves", boots="Boots", body="Armour", shield="Shield"} if (class == "armour") then if it.is_useless then return false end sub_type = it.subtype() equipped_item = items.equipped_at(armour_slots[sub_type]) if (sub_type == "cloak") or (sub_type == "helmet") or (sub_type == "gloves") or (sub_type == "boots") then if not equipped_item then return true else return it.artefact or it.branded or it.ego end end if (sub_type == "body") then return false end if (sub_type == "shield") then if equipped_item then return it.artefact or it.branded or it.ego end end end end) } #능력 단축키 자동 지정(기존 능력과 겹칠 시 변경) #abcdefghX 쓰면 안됨 ability_slot += Evoke Invisibility:+i ability_slot += Blinkbolt:+m ability_slot += Begin Untransformation:+q ability_slot += Evoke Blink:+r ability_slot += Spit:+s ability_slot += Hop:+s ability_slot += Breath:+w ability_slot += Dig:+G ability_slot += Shaft Self:+O ability_slot += Exsanguinate:+O ability_slot += Revivify:+P ability_slot += Bat Form:+J #스펠 단축키 자동 지정(기존 스펠과 겹칠 시 변경) #ABCDEFHJKLWXYZ 빈칸으로 남겨놓을것 spell_slot += Apportation:+p spell_slot += Blink:+r spell_slot += Passwall:+q spell_slot += Sublimation of Blood:+e spell_slot += Swiftness:+M spell_slot += Wereblood:+w spell_slot += Gell's Gravitas:+V spell_slot += Inner Flame:+T spell_slot += Lesser Beckoning:+l spell_slot += Mephitic Cloud:+b spell_slot += Ozocubu's Armour:+t spell_slot += Portal Projectile:+d spell_slot += Teleport Other:+o spell_slot += Tukima's Dance:+t spell_slot += Vhi's Electric Charge:+z spell_slot += Animate Dead:+x spell_slot += Cause Fear:+f spell_slot += Leda's Liquefaction:+U spell_slot += Passage of Golubria:+g spell_slot += Petrify:+c spell_slot += Silence:+S spell_slot += Yara's Violent Unravelling:+y spell_slot += Metabolic Englaciation:+e spell_slot += Death Channel:+a spell_slot += Dispersal:+x spell_slot += Simulacrum:+c spell_slot += Statue Form:+s spell_slot += Eringya's Noxious Bog:+t spell_slot += Spellforged Servitor:+v spell_slot += Infestation:+b spell_slot += Borgnjor's Revivification:+N spell_slot += Necromutation:+s spell_slot += Disjunction:+j spell_slot += Death's Door:+O #아이템 단축키 자동 지정(기존 아이템과 겹칠 시 변경) # abcWXYZ 빈칸으로 남겨 놓을것 item_slot ^= scroll of identify:+d item_slot ^= scroll of fear:+f item_slot ^= scroll of fog:+g item_slot ^= scroll of blinking:+l item_slot ^= scroll of revelation:+m item_slot ^= scroll of torment:+n item_slot ^= scroll of immolation:+o item_slot ^= scroll of poison:+p item_slot ^= scroll of silence:+s item_slot ^= scroll of teleportation:+t item_slot ^= scroll of summoning:+u item_slot ^= scroll of vulnerability:+v item_slot ^= scroll of butterflies:+w item_slot ^= potion of haste:+e item_slot ^= potion of heal wounds:+h item_slot ^= potion of invisibility:+i item_slot ^= potion of brilliance:+j item_slot ^= potion of might:+k item_slot ^= potion of curing:+q item_slot ^= potion of resistance:+r item_slot ^= potion of ambrosia:+x item_slot ^= potion of enlightenment:+y item_slot ^= potion of magic:+z item_slot ^= potion of cancellation:+C item_slot ^= potion of lignification:+N item_slot ^= potion of berserk rage:+S item_slot ^= potion of attraction:+U item_slot ^= wand of acid:+A item_slot ^= wand of light:+A item_slot ^= wand of quicksilver:+A item_slot ^= wand of mindburst:+D item_slot ^= wand of charming:+E item_slot ^= wand of digging:+G item_slot ^= wand of iceblast:+I item_slot ^= wand of polymorph:+O item_slot ^= wand of paralysis:+P item_slot ^= wand of flame:+Q item_slot ^= wand of roots:+R item_slot ^= Box of beasts:+B item_slot ^= phial of floods:+F item_slot ^= a piece from Xom's chessboard:+H item_slot ^= lightning rod:+L item_slot ^= Phantom mirror:+M item_slot ^= tin of tremorstones:+T item_slot ^= Condenser vane:+V #타일을 몬스터 종족 타일로 변경 #오니, 바라키는 예외 tile_player_tile = playermons : if you.race() == "Oni" then tile_player_tile = mons:ogre : end : if you.race() == "Barachi" then tile_player_tile = mons:bullfrog : end #노란색, 빨간색 몬스터 테두리 표시 tile_show_threat_levels = tough, nasty, unusual #unusual 설정 #완드, 왜곡, 카오스, 반사, 쿠라레, 아트로파, 다투라, 디스퍼설, 그물 unusual_monster_items += wand unusual_monster_items += disto,chaos unusual_monster_items += reflect unusual_monster_items += curare,atropa,datura,dispersal,throwing net #애니메이션 속도 빠르게(기본값=600) view_delay = 200 #다운죽 전용 rest_delay=-1 travel_delay =-1 show_travel_trail=true #hjklyubnHJKLYUBN789s. 이동 방지 macros += M h E macros += M j E macros += M k E macros += M l E macros += M y E macros += M u E macros += M b E macros += M n E macros += M H E macros += M J E macros += M K E macros += M L E macros += M Y E macros += M U E macros += M B E macros += M N E macros += M 7 E macros += M 8 E macros += M 9 E macros += M s E macros += M . E #탐색시 깊은물 타일 제외 travel_avoid_terrain = deep water #탐색시 벽 쪽으로 향하는 정도 explore_wall_bias = 0 #몬스터가 소리지르는 메세지, 문 여닫았는데 소리날 때 메세지 색 변경 message_colour ^= lightgreen:.*(shouts|hear a shout|hisses angrily|hear an angry hiss|shouts in stereo|hear two shouts|barks|hear a bark|howls|hear a howl|roars deafeningly|hear a deafening roar|roars|hear a roar|growls angrily|hear an angry growl|deep croak|croaks|hear a croak|buzzes angrily|hear an angry buzzing noise|screeches|hear a screech|bellows|hear a bellow|gurgles horribly|hear a horrible gurgling sound|squeals angrily|hear an angry squeal|bleats|hear a bleat|trumpets|hear a trumpeting|skitter|hear a skittering sound|skitter faintly|hear a faint skittering sound) message_colour ^= lightgreen:it creaks loudly #f9를 누를 시 탐색 전 휴식을 취하는 기능을 on, off 함 macros += M \{-273} ===ToggleAutorest { local autorest = true function ToggleAutorest() if autorest then crawl.setopt("explore_auto_rest = false") crawl.mpr("자동 휴식 OFF") autorest = false else crawl.setopt("explore_auto_rest = true") crawl.mpr("자동 휴식 ON") autorest = true end return end } #퀴버링에 탄환, 투척무기만 포함 fire_order = launcher, throwing #false가 디폴트 설정이긴 한데 최근에 추가된 거라서 일부 항목에 대해서 true로 잘못 설정되어 이팩트가 씹히는 경우가 생기는 것을 방지 #투사체 속도 같은거 답답한 상황 줄여 줄 수 있기 때문에 필요하면 나중에 true로 바꾸자 reduce_animations = false #데몬스폰 몬스터러스 메세지 색 변경 message_colour ^= lightcyan:You feel monstrous as your demonic heritage exerts itself. ###아래는 게임 중 확인 창이 떴을 때 자동으로 Y/N을 눌러주는 기능임 #새로 만들고 싶다면 prompt:find(“특정 메시지”) 여기에 #확인 창에 나오는 메시지 일부 또는 전부를 넣으면 됨 #return true는 Y, return false는 N을 누르게 함 #저항 3단계일 때 화염구름 or 냉기구름 진입 { function c_answer_prompt(prompt) if prompt:find("Really.*into that cloud of flame?") and you.res_fire() == 3 then return true end if prompt:find("Really.*into that cloud of freezing vapour?") and you.res_cold() == 3 then return true end end } #화폭 볼텍스, 배틀스피어, 서비터에게 피해줄 수 있는 행동 #화폭 볼텍스, 배틀스피어, 서비터랑 다른 아군이 같이 있을때도 Y/N 안뜨는 문제가 있어서 사용하면 안될듯 # if prompt:find("vortices") or prompt:find("vortex") or prompt:find("battlesphere") or prompt:find("servitor") then # return true # end #쥐가죽망토 관련으로 하나 더 만들려고 했는데 위랑 똑같은 문제가 있어서 사용하면 안될듯 #아군 있을 때 싱잉소드 사용(신앙 관련 고려 ok) #싱잉소드 쓸 때 # 지우고 위에 집어넣으면됨 뭔가 불안해서 일단 빼둠 # if prompt:find("Really attack near your") and (you.god() ~= "Jiyva") and (you.god() ~= "Beogh") and (you.god() ~= "Yredelemnul") and (you.god() ~= "Elyvilon") and (you.god() ~= "The Shining One") and (you.god() ~= "Zin") then # return true # end #탐색이나 휴식 시 멈추는거 방지 #지이바 관련(안되는거같은데) runrest_ignore_message += Jiyva appreciates your sacrifice runrest_ignore_message += Jiyva gurgles merrily runrest_ignore_message += Jiyva says: Divide and consume runrest_ignore_message += You hear.*splatter runrest_ignore_message += You feel better runrest_ignore_message += You feel your power returning #콰즈랄 신앙 관련 runrest_ignore_message += Your protection from.*is fading runrest_ignore_message += You feel less protected from #웨어블러드 소리지르기 runrest_ignore_message += the wereblood boils in your veins #주변 식물 죽음 runrest_ignore_message += A nearby plant withers and dies #화폭 볼텍스 관련 runrest_ignore_message += Your fire (vortexlvortices).*something runrest_ignore_message += something .* fire (vortexlvortices) #웨어블러드 지속만료 전 runrest_ignore_message += Your primal bloodlust is almost over #데스체널 지속만료 runrest_ignore_message += Your unholy channel expires #아이템 더미로 이동 explore_stop -= greedy_visited_item_stack #다음장 or 플래쉬 #유니크 출현 force_more_message += .*(Agnes|Aizul|Amaemon|Antaeus|Arachne|Asmodeus|Azrael|Bai suzhen|Blork the orc|Boris|Cerebov|Crazy Yiuf|Dispater|Dissolution|Donald|Dowan|Duvessa|Edmund|the Enchantress|Ereshkigal|Erica|Erolcha|Eustachio|Fannar|Frances|Frederick|Gastronok|Geryon|Gloorx Vloq|Grinder|Grum|Grunn|Harold|Ignacio|Ijyb|Ilsuiw|Jessica|Jorgrun|Jory|Joseph|Josephina|Josephine|Khufu|Kirke|the Lernaean hydra|Lodul|Lom Lobon|Louise|Maggie|Mara|Margery|Maurice|Menkaure|Mlioglotl|Mennas|Mnoleg|Murray|Nergalle|Natasha|Nessos|Nikola|Norris|Pan|Parghit|Pikel|Polyphemus|Prince Ribbit|Psyche|Purgy|Robin|Roxanne|the royal jelly|Rupert|Saint Roka|the Serpent of Hell|Sigmund|Snorg|Sojobo|Sonja|Terence|Tiamat|Urug|Vashnia|Vv|Xtahua|Zenata).*(come.*into view|open.*door) #메뉴얼 소진 force_more_message += finished your manual #루 희생 뜸 force_more_message += Ru believes you are ready to make a new sacrifice. #디스펠언데드 피격, 신성공격 피격 force_more_message += You convulse #왜곡무기 피격 force_more_message += Space warps .* around you force_more_message += hits you.*distortion force_more_message += Its appearance distorts for a moment force_more_message += you fell strangely unstable #왜곡무기 장비한 몬스터, 춤추는 왜곡무기 출현 force_more_message += It is wielding.*of distortion force_more_message += She is wielding.*of distortion force_more_message += He is wielding.*of distortion force_more_message += wielding.* distortion.*(come.*into view|open.*door) flash_screen_message += It is wielding.*of distortion flash_screen_message += She is wielding.*of distortion flash_screen_message += He is wielding.*of distortion flash_screen_message += wielding.* distortion.*(come.*into view|open.*door) flash_screen_message += distortion.*(come.*into view|open.*door) #카오스무기 피격 force_more_message += hits you.*chaos #카오스무기 장비한 몬스터, 춤추는 카오스무기 출현 force_more_message += It is wielding.*of chaos force_more_message += She is wielding.*of chaos force_more_message += He is wielding.*of chaos force_more_message += wielding.* chaos.*(come.*into view|open.*door) flash_screen_message += It is wielding.*of chaos flash_screen_message += She is wielding.*of chaos flash_screen_message += He is wielding.*of chaos flash_screen_message += wielding.* chaos.*(come.*into view|open.*door) flash_screen_message += chaos.*(come.*into view|open.*door) #신성공격에 취약한 종족일 때 신성무기 장비한 몬스터, 춤추는 신성무기 출현 : if you.race() == "Vampire" or you.race() == "Mummy" or you.race() == "Ghoul" or you.race() == "Demonspawn" then force_more_message += It is wielding.*of holy wrath force_more_message += She is wielding.*of holy wrath force_more_message += He is wielding.*of holy wrath force_more_message += wielding.* holy wrath.*(come.*into view|open.*door) force_more_message += holy wrath.*(come.*into view|open.*door) flash_screen_message += It is wielding.*of holy wrath flash_screen_message += She is wielding.*of holy wrath flash_screen_message += He is wielding.*of holy wrath flash_screen_message += wielding.* holy wrath.*(come.*into view|open.*door) flash_screen_message += holy wrath.*(come.*into view|open.*door) : end #킬러클라운 파이 피격 force_more_message += pie hits you #OOF 출현 force_more_message += .*orbs? of fire.*(come.*into view|open.*door) #판로드 출현 force_more_message += .*pandemonium.*(come.*into view|open.*door) #어비스룬 발견 force_more_message += Found .* abyssal rune of Zot #어비스에서 탐색 중 내려가는 계단 발견 force_more_message += Found a gateway leading deeper into the Abyss #조트함정 발동 force_more_message += (blundered into a|invokes the power of) Zot #몹이 투명해짐 force_more_message += flickers and vanishes! #오토픽업 해제(투명 몬스터에 피격시) force_more_message += Deactivating autopickup #유령나방 출현(투명보기 없는상태) force_more_message += watched by something #룬 판데모니엄 구역 입장 force_more_message += The mighty Pandemonium lord .* resides here #악! 이건 정말로 아프다! (최대체력 50% 초과 피해시) force_more_message += Ouch! That really hurt! #센티넬마크 force_more_message += A sentinel's mark forms upon you #석화구름 피격 force_more_message += calcifying dust hits you #부패구름 피격 force_more_message += the foul vapour misses you force_more_message += the foul vapour engulfs you force_more_message += the vile air hits you #우스카요 페인본드 발동 force_more_message += Uskayaw links your audience in an emotional bond! #데스도어 지속 만료 경고 force_more_message += time is quickly running out #변이술 끝나감 flash_screen_message += Your transformation is almost over #징벌 force_more_message += god:(sends|finds|silent|anger) #느려짐 force_more_message += You feel yourself slow down #위험한 몹 출현시 force_more_message += ((giant|floating|shining) eye|eye of draining).*(come.*into view|open.*door) force_more_message += (moth of wrath|ghost moth|torpor snail).*(come.*into view|open.*door) force_more_message += (guardian serpent|draconian shifter|convoker).*(come.*into view|open.*door) force_more_message += (flayed ghost|royal mummy|mummy priest|fiend|tzitzimitl).*(come.*into view|open.*door) force_more_message += (tormentor|curse toe|curse skull).*(come.*into view|open.*door) force_more_message += (hellion|hell sentinel|deep elf sorcerer).*(come.*into view|open.*door) force_more_message += (deep elf high priest|scorcher).*(come.*into view|open.*door) force_more_message += (ancient lich|orb of fire|executioner|juggernaut|shrike).*(come.*into view|open.*door) force_more_message += (wretched star|lurking horror).*(come.*into view|open.*door) force_more_message += (neqoxec|cacodemon|doom hound).*(come.*into view|open.*door) force_more_message += 27-headed.*(come.*into view|open.*door) force_more_message += (radroach|entropy weaver|meliai).*(come.*into view|open.*door) force_more_message += (salamander tyrant|ironbound frostheart).*(come.*into view|open.*door) force_more_message += (walking crystal tome|walking divine tome|walking earthen tome|walking frostbound tome).*(come.*into view|open.*door) #위험한 몹으로 변신 force_more_message += changes into.*((giant|floating|shining) eye|eye of draining) force_more_message += changes into.*(moth of wrath|ghost moth|torpor snail) force_more_message += changes into.*(guardian serpent|draconian shifter|convoker) force_more_message += changes into.*(flayed ghost|royal mummy|mummy priest|fiend|tzitzimitl) force_more_message += changes into.*(tormentor|curse toe|curse skull) force_more_message += changes into.*(hellion|hell sentinel|deep elf sorcerer) force_more_message += changes into.*(deep elf high priest|scorcher) force_more_message += changes into.*(ancient lich|orb of fire|executioner|juggernaut|shrike) force_more_message += changes into.*(wretched star|lurking horror) force_more_message += changes into.*(neqoxec|cacodemon|doom hound) force_more_message += changes into.*(radroach|entropy weaver|meliai) force_more_message += changes into.*(salamander tyrant|ironbound frostheart) force_more_message += changes into.*(walking crystal tome|walking divine tome|walking earthen tome|walking frostbound tome) #마비눈알이 시선고정 force_more_message += The floating eye seems to glare at you force_more_message += The floating eye's stare focuses on you force_more_message += The floating eye's view fixates on you flash_screen_message += The floating eye seems to glare at you flash_screen_message += The floating eye's stare focuses on you flash_screen_message += The floating eye's view fixates on you #미니서브던전 알림 force_more_message += ticking.*clock force_more_message += dying ticks force_more_message += distant snort force_more_message += coins.*counted force_more_message += tolling.*bell force_more_message += roar of battle force_more_message += creaking.*portcullis force_more_message += portcullis is probably force_more_message += wave of frost force_more_message += crackling.*melting force_more_message += hiss.*sand force_more_message += sound.*rushing water force_more_message += rusting.*drain force_more_message += drain falling apart force_more_message += heat about you force_more_message += falling.*rocks force_more_message += rumble.*avalanche of rocks force_more_message += crackle.*arcane power force_more_message += crackle.*magical portal force_more_message += distant wind force_more_message += whistling.*wind force_more_message += rapidly growing quiet force_more_message += beating #완드 든 적 출현 force_more_message += carrying a wand of #몹이 완드 사용 force_more_message += zaps a wand #몹이 포션 사용 force_more_message += .*drinks a potion #몹이 스크롤 사용 force_more_message += .*reads a scroll #텔레포트 #가끔 아무런 메세지 안뜨고 텔 안되는 경우 다음장 안뜸 (이동할 타일이 충분히 적을 때 텔 실패하는게 아닌가 싶음) force_more_message += your surroundings suddenly seem different force_more_message += your surroundings seem slightly different force_more_message += your surroundings flicker for a moment #분산 함정 force_more_message += enter a dispersal trap force_more_message += enters a dispersal trap #그물에 걸림 force_more_message += You become entangled in the net #지옥 저주 force_more_message += hell_effect: #몹이 광폭화 돌입 force_more_message += goes berserk! #퀵실버볼트 피격으로 버프 해제 force_more_message += Your magical effects are unravelling #위험한 돌연변이 생김 force_more_message += You.*(uncertain|pissed off|lose the ability to read scrolls) force_more_message += You feel vulnerable to cold. force_more_message += You feel vulnerable to heat. #하푼샷 피격 force_more_message += You are yanked forward #포스랜스 피격 force_more_message += You are knocked back #윈드 블라스트 피격 force_more_message += You are blown backwards #디스퍼설 부메랑 피격 force_more_message += The boomerang of dispersal hits you #미라일 때 타란튤라 출현, 타란튤라로 변이 : if you.race() == "Mummy" then force_more_message += tarantella.*(come.*into view|open.*door) force_more_message += changes into.*tarantella : end #하얀 contam 진입 force_more_message += You are lightly contaminated #응급 비행 force_more_message += You fall into the water flash_screen_message += You fall into the water force_more_message += You fall into the lava flash_screen_message += You fall into the lava #언데드 종족일 때 레버넌트, 블랙썬 출현시 : if you.race() == "Vampire" or you.race() == "Mummy" or you.race() == "Ghoul" then force_more_message += (revenant|black sun).*(come.*into view|open.*door) : end #바라키 -hop 인데 hop 사용하려함 force_more_message += Your legs are too worn out to hop #오카와루 듀얼 만료 경고, 만료 force_more_message += Okawaru bids you farewell from the Arena force_more_message += You are returned from the Arena #혼란에 걸림 force_more_message += You are confused #엘리빌론 죽음으로부터 보호 force_more_message += Elyvilon protects you from harm #지이바 변이선물 force_more_message += Jiyva alters your body #스프리건 드루이드가 드루이드 콜 시전 force_more_message += The spriggan druid calls out to the beasts of the wild #탐험으로 인한 함정효과 발동 force_more_message += a sourceless malevolence fills #만신전 발견 force_more_message += found a staircase to the ecumenical temple # 맥스웰 시전 실패 force_more_message += You miscast Maxwell's Capacitive Coupling flash_screen_message += You miscast Maxwell's Capacitive Coupling # 희미한 제단 발견 force_more_message += Found a faded altar of an unknown god. # 데몬스폰 몬스터러스 메세지 flash_screen_message += You feel monstrous as your demonic heritage exerts itself. # 컨터치 시전 실패 force_more_message += You miscast Confusing touch flash_screen_message += You miscast Confusing touch # engulf 상태에서 주문 시전 시도 force_more_message += You cannot cast spells while unable to breathe! # 침묵 상태에서 주문 시전 시도 force_more_message += You cannot cast spells when silenced! #골루브리아의 통로 닫힘 #force_more_message += hear a snapping sound #제단 발견 #force_more_message += found.*altar ################################## ######## Function Section ############ ################################## { function ready() XLCheckOptions() crawlstart() check_contam() end } #이미 확인 된 스태프는 줍지 않도록 함 #이미 확인 된 목걸이는 줍지 않도록 함 #종족이 문어가 아닐 경우 확인 된 반지는 줍지 않도록 함 #몬스터 드랍, 획득의 경우 줍지 않는 문제가 있어서 일정 XL 초과인 경우만 적용되도록 함 #아티팩트 스태프는 무기로 분류되어 줍지 않음 { local check1 = true local check2 = true local check3 = true function XLCheckOptions() if you.xl() > 18 and check1 then crawl.setopt("autopickup_exceptions += >staff of (fire|cold|air|earth|conj|pois|death)") check1 = false end if you.xl() > 18 and check2 then crawl.setopt("autopickup_exceptions += >amulet of (faith|regen|reflect|the acrobat|guardian|magic)") check2 = false end if you.xl() > 18 and you.race() ~= "Octopode" and check3 then crawl.setopt("autopickup_exceptions += >ring of (slaying|protect)") crawl.setopt("autopickup_exceptions += >ring of (will)") crawl.setopt("autopickup_exceptions += >ring of (evasion|int|str|dex)") crawl.setopt("autopickup_exceptions += >ring of (magical)") crawl.setopt("autopickup_exceptions += >ring of (protection from fire|protection from cold)") crawl.setopt("autopickup_exceptions += >ring of (fire|ice)") crawl.setopt("autopickup_exceptions += >ring of (positive)") crawl.setopt("autopickup_exceptions += >ring of (stealth|wiz)") crawl.setopt("autopickup_exceptions += >ring of (flight|poison|resist corr|see)") check3 = false end end } #게임 시작시 m 입력 { local crast = true function crawlstart() if you.turns() == 0 and crast then crast = false crawl.sendkeys("m") end end } #하얀 컨탬에서 이레디 시전 시 y/n뜸 { function check_contam() if you.contaminated() > 1 then crawl.setopt("confirm_action += Irradiate") else crawl.setopt("confirm_action -= Irradiate") end end } ##################### ##### webmodule ##### ##################### ##마우스 사용을 막음 #$ lab_disable_mouse_move = true ##한 번 사운드를 키면 이후 자동으로 사운드를 킴 #$ lab_sound_on = true ## 방을 이동해도 채팅을 지우지 않음 ## #$ lab_disable_chat_clear = true