show_more = false default_manual_training = true force_more_message += .*(Agnes|Aizul|Amaemon|Antaeus|Arachne|Asmodeus|Azrael|Bai suzhen|Blork the orc|Boris|Cerebov|Crazy Yiuf|Dispater|Dissolution|Donald|Dowan|Duvessa|Edmund|the Enchantress|Ereshkigal|Erica|Erolcha|Eustachio|Fannar|Frances|Frederick|Gastronok|Geryon|Gloorx Vloq|Grinder|Grum|Grunn|Harold|Ignacio|Ijyb|Ilsuiw|Jessica|Jorgrun|Jory|Joseph|Josephina|Josephine|Khufu|Kirke|the Lernaean hydra|Lodul|Lom Lobon|Louise|Maggie|Mara|Margery|Maurice|Menkaure|Mlioglotl|Mennas|Mnoleg|Murray|Nergalle|Natasha|Nessos|Nikola|Pan|Parghit|Pikel|Polyphemus|Prince Ribbit|Psyche|Purgy|Robin|Roxanne|the royal jelly|Rupert|Saint Roka|the Serpent of Hell|Sigmund|Snorg|Sojobo|Sonja|Terence|Tiamat|Urug|Vashnia|Vv|Xtahua|Zenata).*comes? into view force_more_message += ((giant|floating|shining) eye|eye of draining).*into view force_more_message += (moth of wrath|ghost moth|torpor snail).*into view force_more_message += (guardian serpent|draconian shifter|convoker).*into view force_more_message += (flayed ghost|royal mummy|mummy priest|fiend|tzitzimitl).*into view force_more_message += (tormentor|curse toe|curse skull).*into view force_more_message += (hellion|hell sentinel|deep elf sorcerer).*into view force_more_message += (deep elf high priest|scorcher).*into view force_more_message += (ancient lich|orb of fire|executioner|juggernaut|shrike).*into view force_more_message += (wretched star|lurking horror).*into view force_more_message += (neqoxec|cacodemon|doom hound).*into view force_more_message += 27-headed.* comes? into view force_more_message += (radroach|entropy weaver|meliai).*into view force_more_message += (salamander tyrant|ironbound frostheart).*into view force_more_message += (walking crystal tome|walking divine tome|walking earthen tome|walking frostbound tome).*into view force_more_message += changes into.*((giant|floating|shining) eye|eye of draining) force_more_message += changes into.*(moth of wrath|ghost moth|torpor snail) force_more_message += changes into.*(guardian serpent|draconian shifter|convoker) force_more_message += changes into.*(flayed ghost|royal mummy|mummy priest|fiend|tzitzimitl) force_more_message += changes into.*(tormentor|curse toe|curse skull) force_more_message += changes into.*(hellion|hell sentinel|deep elf sorcerer) force_more_message += changes into.*(deep elf high priest|scorcher) force_more_message += changes into.*(ancient lich|orb of fire|executioner|juggernaut|shrike) force_more_message += changes into.*(wretched star|lurking horror) force_more_message += changes into.*(neqoxec|cacodemon|doom hound) force_more_message += changes into.*(radroach|entropy weaver|meliai) force_more_message += changes into.*(salamander tyrant|ironbound frostheart) force_more_message += changes into.*(walking crystal tome|walking divine tome|walking earthen tome|walking frostbound tome) force_more_message += It is wielding.*of distortion force_more_message += She is wielding.*of distortion force_more_message += He is wielding.*of distortion force_more_message += wielding.* distortion.* comes? into view flash_screen_message += It is wielding.*of distortion flash_screen_message += She is wielding.*of distortion flash_screen_message += He is wielding.*of distortion flash_screen_message += wielding.* distortion.* comes? into view flash_screen_message += distortion.* comes? into view tile_font_crt_family = Consolas tile_font_stat_family = Consolas tile_font_msg_family = Consolas tile_font_lbl_family = Consolas autoinscribe += throwing net:!f autoinscribe += curare:!f autoinscribe += datura:!f tile_show_threat_levels = tough nasty #자동줍기 관련 설정들 #내가 쓰는 자동줍기 설정임. 호불호가 조금 갈릴만한 부분이 있는데 그래도 기본 설정보다는 내 설정이 더 좋다고 생각함. #골드, 스크롤, 포션, 책, 장신구, 완드, 스태프, 잡동사니를 자동으로 주움 autopickup = $?!:"/|} #그물, 쿠라레 자동으로 주움 autopickup_exceptions += (atropa|dispersal) #전혀 쓸모 없는 아이템은 줍지 않도록 함 autopickup_exceptions ^= >useless_item #콰즈랄 신앙 관련 runrest_ignore_message += Your protection from.*is fading runrest_ignore_message += You feel less protected from #웨어블러드 소리지르기 runrest_ignore_message += the wereblood boils in your veins #주변 식물 죽음 runrest_ignore_message += A nearby plant withers and dies #화폭 볼텍스 관련 runrest_ignore_message += Your fire (vortexlvortices).*something runrest_ignore_message += something .* fire (vortexlvortices) #웨어블러드 지속만료 전 runrest_ignore_message += Your primal bloodlust is almost over #데스체널 지속만료 runrest_ignore_message += Your unholy channel expires #아이템 더미로 이동 explore_stop -= greedy_visited_item_stack #아래 #language = ko에 #을 지우면 반 한글화가 됨 #다만 한글화를 할 경우 몇 몇 사운드가 재생되지 않음(오크 전투의 함성 등) #language = ko #탐험 시 자동 휴식 유무. true 는 휴식을 취하고 false는 휴식을 취하지 않음 explore_auto_rest = true #true는 체력과 마나가 같이 회복될 때까지 쉼 #false는 하나가 회복되면 휴식을 멈춤 rest_wait_both = true #휴식 시 선조도 고려 rest_wait_ancestor = true #자동 탐색 시 깊은 물은 탐색하지 않도록 함. #얕은 물도 추가하려면 shallow water, deep water로 추가하면 됨 #travel_avoid_terrain = deep water #탭질 멈춰지는 체력 퍼센트 autofight_stop = 75 travel_delay = 0 view_delay = 10 tile_web_mouse_control = false #$# lab_disable_mouse_move = true language = ko #tile_display_mode = glyphs # OSP + BindTheEarth example settings sound_on = true # CNC Open Sound Pack sound_pack +=["init.txt"] # BindTheEarth Sound Pack sound_pack +=