`g Player: CNCPublicChat Game: Sprint Server: crawl.nemelex.cards Filename: 2025-02-03.19:00:48.ttyrec Time: (1738609248) Mon Feb 3 19:00:48 2025 bg [?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061hbgV)0[?7h[?25l[?1cbghbg&CNCPublicChat the RuffianTrollHealth: 22/22 ========================Magic: 0/0AC: 6Str: 19EV: 9Int: 8SH: 0Dex: 9bg4XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: DungeonNoise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)-) ClawsbgԴ5Nothing quiveredbg  ▓8.............  ▓_..))......... bgH  ▓8..)).........  ▓_..)).....%... bgh ▓8...).....=... bg* ▓_......?......  ▓8...[..!../... bgO ▓_...[.@.......  ▓8.............  ▓_.............bg bg& ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ bg ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓bg6"bg}__8_bgWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint]bg__8_8_bg%9bg?___8_8_bgJ _Press ? for a list of commands and other information.~g_8_8_8_~g~g_8_8_8_~g.> _Unknown command.g{gJ}Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*g}Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen g}=?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon g~:: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpg8~F.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.gk~Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting g~m%: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQgK.Mutations V: Version informationL.g<Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.gnMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophyg1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgroundsg3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.InscriptionsgM6.Dungeon sprint modesg5:gAgVK CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........gKMagic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6g;LStr: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 gL8 ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) g-M@ ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ gM ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g@X_8_8_8_8_g`__8_8_gjggeDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents g_Press one of the following keys to*g\Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.g,Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.g MB.Starting Screen ga?: List of commandsC.geAttributes and Stats ^: Quickstart Guideg SD.Exploring the Dungeon gd:: Browse character notesE.gkExperience and Skills #: Browse character dumpgF.Monsters ~: Macros helpgG.Items &: Options helpgKH.Spellcasting gW%: Table of aptitudesI.g^Targeting /: Lookup descriptiongJ.Religion Q: FAQgtHK.Mutations g̟V: Version informationL.g#oLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsgz[M.Macros, Options, Performance gРHome: This screenN.Philosophyg'Z1.List of Character Speciesg}^2.List of Character BackgroundsgO3.List of SkillsgNZ4.List of Keys and CommandsgM5.InscriptionsgM6.Dungeon sprint modesggϹg' CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0g  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9gInt: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 gA ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......g)Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws g ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓g[5Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.ggz__8_8_8_gg__8_8_8_gg -g1Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys tog2N*Table of contents g`2obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.g2MB.Starting Screen g2?: List of commandsC.g 3Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon g[3:: Browse character notesE.g3kExperience and Skills #: Browse character dumpg3GF.Monsters g3~: Macros helpG.Items g.4&: Options helpH.Spellcasting gb4%: Table of aptitudesI.g4^Targeting /: Lookup descriptiong4GJ.Religion gT5Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.g5oLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsg5M.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.g6Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skillsg6Z4.List of Keys and Commandsg7M5.Inscriptionsg4796.gf7Dungeon sprint modes2g 2g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================2gN  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 2gs ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 2g?e ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...2gEXL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws 2g| ▓_.............Nothing quivered 2g ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] 2g׷_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.2gU$_2g _8_8_8_8_2g_8_8_2gPg[PgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*PgTable of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.PgMB.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsPgC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuidePgD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesPg&E.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.PgbMonsters ~: Macros helpG.PgTItems &: Options helpPgH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesPg%I.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionPgGJ.Religion Pg@Q: FAQPgHK.Mutations Pg>PV: Version informationPgtXL.Licence, Contact, History Pg!: Display diagnosticsM.PgMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.PhilosophyPgJ1.List of Character Species2.List of Character BackgroundsPg3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and CommandsPgM5.InscriptionsPgM6.Dungeon sprint modesng CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ng;8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.ng6"_ngf_8_8_8_8_ng<ng_8_8_8_ng9gmg^~eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents g~_Press one of the following keys to*g,Table of contents g\obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.g9B.g`Starting Screen ?: List of commandsg?RC.Attributes and Stats g^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon g:: Browse character notesE.gYkExperience and Skills #: Browse character dumpgGF.Monsters gH~: Macros helpg`G.Items &: Options helpgKH.Spellcasting g%: Table of aptitudesI.gG^Targeting /: Lookup descriptiong9J.gNReligion Q: FAQg,HK.Mutations gyV: Version informationL.gńoLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsg[M.Macros, Options, Performance g]KHome: This screengKN.PhilosophygZ1.List of Character SpeciesgW^2.List of Character BackgroundsgO3.List of SkillsgZ4.List of Keys and Commandsg>M5.InscriptionsgM6.Dungeon sprint modesgg˔gО CNCPublicChat the Ruffian g#t ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================gr  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 g ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9g Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 gW0 ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon g, ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered g2 ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓gKWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.gѪ__8_8_ggw_8_8_gggDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*g`Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview glaspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen g?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuidegnD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesgSE.Experience and Skills g#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters go~: Macros helpG.Items g&: Options helpH.Spellcasting g%: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting g/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion gyQ: FAQK.g=Mutations V: Version informationL.gLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance gHome: This screenN.Philosophyg{1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgroundsg3.List of Skills4.g*nList of Keys and Commands5.InscriptionsgM6.Dungeon sprint modesgg0g> gCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll g9 ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== g` ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 g ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6g<Str: 19 g ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 g ▓_......?......SH: 0gDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...gCXL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon gi ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)g  ▓8.............-) Clawsg  ▓_.............Nothing quivered g ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓g(8gNpWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] g_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.gD__8_8_8_gg<__g_8_8_8_g%gC gG eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents g?H Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview gH laspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen gH ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats g I ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon gLI :: Browse character notesE.gI Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters gJ ~: Macros helpG.g?J TItems &: Options helpg|J KH.Spellcasting gJ %: Table of aptitudesI.gJ ^Targeting /: Lookup descriptiong0K GJ.Religion glK yQ: FAQK.gK _Mutations V: Version informationgK XL.Licence, Contact, History g L !: Display diagnosticsM.g[L mMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screengL KN.PhilosophygL Z1.List of Character Speciesg M ^2.List of Character Backgroundsg[M O3.List of SkillsgM Z4.List of Keys and CommandsgM M5.InscriptionsgN M6.Dungeon sprint modes"gv "g "g~  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian "g4 8 ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 "g  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 "g  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@......."gI )Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws "g  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_"g   ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓"gv 7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command."gU __8_8_8_8_"g/ "g _8_8_8_8_"gK @g @gz ~Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.@g 9B.@gμ Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart Guide@g' D.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.@gJ Monsters @gm ~: Macros helpG.Items @g &: Options helpH.Spellcasting @g %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting @gӽ /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion @g Q: FAQK.Mutations @g V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History @g8 !: Display diagnosticsM.@gY "Macros, Options, Performance @gz Home: This screenN.Philosophy@g 1.List of Character Species2.@gо ^List of Character Backgrounds3.@g pList of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands@g# 5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes^g. ^gF5 ^g}>  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll^g>   ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== ^g> q ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6^g ? <Str: 19 ^g4?  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8^gY?   ▓_......?......SH: 0^g? Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...^g? XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............^g!@ &Nothing quivered ^gI@  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓^g{@ 8^g@ 7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.^gG ___8_8_^gH ^gP ___8_8_8_^gwY |gܡ |g _Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview |g aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commands|g/ C.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart Guide|gW D.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes|g{ SE.Experience and Skills |g #: Browse character dumpF.|g Monsters ~: Macros helpG.|g Items &: Options helpH.|g aSpellcasting %: Table of aptitudes|g% HI.Targeting |gg /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQ|g K.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History |g3 !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds|gu 3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands|g 5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg\ g0 g > g/ OCNCPublicChat the Ruffian gY _ ▓8.............g| Trollg  g { ▓_..)).........g {Health: 22/22 ======================== g- s ▓8..)).........gP @Magic: 0/0 g  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6g -Str: 19g  g  ▓8...).....=...g% -EV: 9gd ;Int: 8 g  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9g   ▓8...[..!../...go XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon g r ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............g! -) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quiveredgr !  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ g  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓gM 7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.gY _8_8_8_g g _8_8_8_8_gc g g% eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents g Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents g obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.gD B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsg C.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart Guideg D.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesgr E.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpg F.Monsters ~: Macros helpg DG.Items gw &: Options helpH.Spellcasting g %: Table of aptitudesI.g! Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.g{ Religion Q: FAQK.g _Mutations V: Version informationg! L.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsgu [M.Macros, Options, Performance g Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.g9 List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgroundsg O3.List of Skillsg 4.List of Keys and Commands5.g@ aInscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg > gE gUP  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0gQ   ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) gQ  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............g:R TNothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ gR  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓gR 7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.gZ ___8_8_8_gS[ gc ___8_8_8_8_gm g} g' Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents g{ obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.g Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpgI F.Monsters ~: Macros helpg DG.Items gТ &: Options helpH.g- aSpellcasting %: Table of aptitudesgq I.Targeting /: Lookup descriptiong GJ.Religion g yQ: FAQK.g6 _Mutations V: Version informationgx XL.Licence, Contact, History g !: Display diagnosticsM.g mMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screengB N.Philosophy1.g List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgQ g g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0g k  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......g SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............g Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓g; 5Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g g ___8_8_8_g gM _8_8_8_g! 0gP 0g QDungeon Crawl Help0g sManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*0g+ Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.0gP `Starting Screen ?: List of commands0gv C.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart Guide0g SD.Exploring the Dungeon 0g :: Browse character notesE.0g kExperience and Skills #: Browse character dump0g F.Monsters ~: Macros help0gg G.Items &: Options helpH.0g aSpellcasting %: Table of aptitudes0g HI.Targeting 0g /: Lookup descriptionJ.0g NReligion Q: FAQ0g HK.Mutations 0g@ V: Version informationL.0gc oLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnostics0g [M.Macros, Options, Performance 0g Home: This screenN.0g KPhilosophy1.0g List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds0g O3.List of Skills0g< Z4.List of Keys and Commands0g` 5.Inscriptions6.0g Dungeon sprint modesNgR Ngg Ngs  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Ng 6Troll Ng1  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== Ng  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 Ng8  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Ng| <Str: 19 Ng  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Ng ;Int: 8 NgG s ▓_......?......Ng YSH: 0Dex: 9Ngˏ  Ng  ▓8...[..!../...NgU XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon Ng } ▓_...[.@.......Ngِ |Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)Ng   ▓8.............-) Claws Ng | ▓_.............Nothing quivered Ng  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ NgΒ _ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Ng $NgR Ng pWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] Ngٓ _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. Ng 1_Unknown command.Ng __8_8_8_8_Ng Ng _8_8_8_Ng lgʌ lg? Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*lg Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.lg 9B.lg Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.lg Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon lgi :: Browse character notesE.lg Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters lgБ ~: Macros helpG.lg Items &: Options helpH.lg. aSpellcasting %: Table of aptitudeslg] I.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionlg GJ.Religion lg Q: FAQK.Mutations lg V: Version informationL.lg oLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticslgI [M.Macros, Options, Performance lgv Home: This screenN.lgד Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.lg tList of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skillslg5 Z4.List of Keys and Commandslgb M5.Inscriptionslg M6.Dungeon sprint modesg gѽ g 7 g g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll g&  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== gk s ▓8..)).........g @Magic: 0/0 g  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6g9 -Str: 19g   ▓8...).....=...EV: 9g ;Int: 8 g"  ▓_......?......SH: 0g ;Dex: 9 g+ 0 ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon g]  ▓_...[.@.......g Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) g  ▓8.............-) Clawsg  g | ▓_.............Nothing quivered g  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ gi  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] g _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g __8_8_8_g g g _8_8_8_8_g g * g. QDungeon Crawl Helpg. Manual Contents g/ Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents g0 oobtain more information on a certain A.Overview gi0 aspect of Dungeon Crawl.g0 MB.Starting Screen g61 L?: List of commandsg1 RC.Attributes and Stats g2 L^: Quickstart Guideg2 SD.Exploring the Dungeon g2 R:: Browse character notesg*3 SE.Experience and Skills g3 Q#: Browse character dumpg3 9F.g*4 VMonsters ~: Macros helpg4 9G.g4 Items g5 I&: Options helpgz5 KH.Spellcasting g5 O%: Table of aptitudesg6 9I.gQ6 Targeting g6 O/: Lookup descriptiong6 9J.g7 Religion Q: FAQK.g7 _Mutations V: Version informationg=8 9L.g8 oLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsg8 9M.gv9 mMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screeng9 KN.Philosophyg(: Z1.List of Character Speciesgp: ^2.List of Character Backgroundsg: 3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commandsg: M5.InscriptionsgG; M6.Dungeon sprint modesg g> g v CNCPublicChat the Ruffiang   ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================gx K  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...g* sEV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon g  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws g 0 ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓go BWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.gg $_g̲ _8_8_8_8_gS gɼ g! _8_8_8_8_gy gG gy Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents g obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart Guidegk GD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting g /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History g A!: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.PhilosophygV a1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commandsg 5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg g g]  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== g  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19g   ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 g  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 gi  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Clawsg   ▓_.............Nothing quivered g  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ g  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓g 7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.ga;_g g}__8_gQ gBT gXDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to g Y"* g5YTable of contents obtain more information on a certain A. g^Y,Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl. gY9B. gYStarting Screen  gY?: List of commandsC. gZAttributes and Stats  g*Z^: Quickstart GuideD. giZExploring the Dungeon  gZR:: Browse character notes gZSE.Experience and Skills  gZQ#: Browse character dump g [GF.Monsters  g4[H~: Macros help g\[9G. g[TItems &: Options help g[9H. g[Spellcasting  g[%: Table of aptitudesI. g$\Targeting  gL\/: Lookup descriptionJ. gu\Religion  g\@Q: FAQ g\K.Mutations V: Version information g]XL.Licence, Contact, History  g@]P!: Display diagnostics gh][M.Macros, Options, Performance  g]KHome: This screen g]9N. g]KPhilosophy1. g^!List of Character Species g?^^2.List of Character Backgrounds g^O3.List of Skills g^Z4.List of Keys and Commands g^95. g_Inscriptions g-_M6.Dungeon sprint modes>g>g7>gj> >gCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............>gTroll  ▓_..)).........>gf{Health: 22/22 ======================== >g ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 >g ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6>gfStr: 19  ▓8...).....=...>ghEV: 9Int: 8 >g ▓_......?......SH: 0>gM;Dex: 9 >g0 ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon >g ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)>g=  ▓8.............-) Claws>ge  ▓_.............>g&Nothing quivered >g$: ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ >g ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓>g,Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. >gz1_Unknown command.>g__8_8_8_>g|>g=__8_8_8_>gp\g\g~Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.\guB.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.\gExperience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options help\g9xH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion \gQ: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.\g`Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy\g+1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills\g}4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeszgzgVzg3 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............zg,Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== zgq ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6zg<Str: 19 zg3 ▓8...).....=...EV: 9zgeInt: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0zg;Dex: 9 zg ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......zgNoise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Clawszg-  ▓_.............Nothing quivered zg^ ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓zg8zg7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.zgbY_8_8_zgzgf_8_8_zgg #g\%Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*g#&Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpg&~G.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.g&Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsg'M.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.PhilosophygR'1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.g'List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptionsg'M6.Dungeon sprint modesgug{g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian g ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........gHealth: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........g@Magic: 0/0 g ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 g ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8g  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 g[0 ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon gӌ ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) gJ ▓8.............-) Claws g| ▓_.............Nothing quivered gQ_ ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓gŎ8gW7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g*__8_8_8_ggɧ__8_8_8_gg+gQDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents g֞obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.g>Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpgH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations g*V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character BackgroundsgC3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgg g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian g/ ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0g) gm ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 g ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 g ▓8...[..!../...gXL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon gA} ▓_...[.@.......gk|Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)go  ▓8.............g/-) Clawsge  ▓_.............g)&Nothing quivered g( ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ g  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] g[_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g_8_8_8_gg__8_8_8_gggFDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*gSTable of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsgC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items gE&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQg1K.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.PhilosophygI1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skillsg{4.List of Keys and Commands5.InscriptionsgM6.Dungeon sprint modes/g*/g/6/gG CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== /gHw ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 /gzIW ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered/g8J  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command./g"R__8_8_8_/gR/gZw_8_8_/g7eMg?MgBDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys toMg@C*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.MgCB.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon MgzD:: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpMgDG.Items &: Options helpMgDH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Mg+E^Targeting /: Lookup descriptionMgdEJ.Religion Q: FAQMgEK.Mutations V: Version informationMgE9L.MgFLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance MgJFHome: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character SpeciesMgF2.List of Character Backgrounds3.MgFList of SkillsMg&G4.List of Keys and Commands5.Mg_GaInscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeskgkgSkgkg` CNCPublicChat the Ruffian kg ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........kg{Health: 22/22 ======================== kg ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 kg3 ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 kgb ▓8...).....=...EV: 9kgInt: 8  ▓_......?......kghSH: 0Dex: 9 kg ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......kgKNoise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............kgz-) Claws  ▓_.............kg&Nothing quivered kg< ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ kg ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓kg6{Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] kg~_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.kg __8_8_kgkgC__8_8_8_8_kgg/gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents gobtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen gC?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuidegsD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesgE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpgF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items g&+&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting gt/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion g&Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screeng;RN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skillsgn4.List of Keys and Commands5.InscriptionsgM6.Dungeon sprint modesggggq> gCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............g]Troll  ▓_..)).........g{Health: 22/22 ======================== g& ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0g  ▓_..)).....%...giAC: 6Str: 19 g| ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.[g?37mg__8_8_8_ggt__8_8_8_g ggj_Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview gaspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters gi~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQgK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Speciesg-2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commandsgb5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg[5g<g8F CNCPublicChat the Ruffian gF_ ▓8.............gF6Troll gG{ ▓_..)).........g9G{Health: 22/22 ======================== gpGs ▓8..)).........gG1Magic: 0/0gG  ▓_..)).....%...g>HZAC: 6Str: 19gH  ▓8...).....=...g,IhEV: 9Int: 8 gI ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9gI  ▓8...[..!../...g"JXL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon glJ} ▓_...[.@.......gJ|Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)gJo  ▓8.............g K/-) ClawsgyK  ▓_.............Nothing quiveredgK gK ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_gLn  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓gdLgLgL gMpWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] g=M_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.gU"_gU_8_8_gVg____8_8_8_8_g?ig.Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Displgray diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesggg> gVOCNCPublicChat the Ruffian g~ ▓8.............Trollg g.{ ▓_..)).........gedHealth: 22/22 ========================g gös ▓8..)).........g1Magic: 0/0g! gQ ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6g-Str: 19g g޷ ▓8...).....=...EV: 9g ,Int: 8g< gjs ▓_......?......gYSH: 0Dex: 9gȸ g ▓8...[..!../...g5XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeongf  ▓_...[.@.......gѹNoise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) g ▓8.............-) Claws g5| ▓_.............Nothing quivered gd ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ g ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓gɺ{Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] g_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g_8_8_8_ggv_g#__g _gI=g=gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to=g*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats =g>^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes=gE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dump=g&F.Monsters ~: Macros help=g}G.Items &: Options help=gKH.Spellcasting =g+%: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup description=gJ.Religion Q: FAQ=gyK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.=g;pMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds=gC3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes[gx [gJ[gf CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............[gTroll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........[g(Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0[g_\Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon[g!  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) [g ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered[g+  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ [g1 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓[g7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.[g#$<__[gw$_8_8_8_8_[g$[g-_8_8_8_8_[gt5yg PygfRDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.ygRQStarting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon yg*S:: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpygiSjH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.ygSReligion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.ygSLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance ygTNHome: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character BackgroundsygUT3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.InscriptionsygTM6.Dungeon sprint modesgM CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  [g<31m▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8___8_8_ggg QDungeon Crawl HelpgTManual Contents gRPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.gStarting Screen ?: List of commandsC.g Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon g=:: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters g~: Macros helpG.Items g&: Options helpH.Spellcasting g%: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting gR/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion gQ: FAQK.Mutations gV: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History g!: Display diagnosticsM.g!Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.gUlPhilosophy1.List of Character Speciesg^2.List of Character Backgroundsg3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and CommandsgM5.Inscriptionsg9M6.Dungeon sprint modesggg& CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............g!'Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........g_'+Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19g'  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 g' ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 g%( ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......g)Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] g)_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g/___8_8_8_g@0g6_8_8_8_g>gOgoWDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents gWbobtain more information on a certain A.ggX,Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.gXMB.Starting Screen g&YL?: List of commandsgYRC.Attributes and Stats gYL^: Quickstart Guideg@ZSD.Exploring the Dungeon gZR:: Browse character notesgZSE.Experience and Skills gZ[Q#: Browse character dumpg[GF.Monsters g-\H~: Macros helpg\DG.Items g\I&: Options helpgC]KH.Spellcasting g]O%: Table of aptitudesg]HI.Targeting gX^O/: Lookup descriptiong^GJ.Religion g_@Q: FAQgn_HK.Mutations g0`V: Version informationL.g`oLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsg`[M.Macros, Options, Performance gWaKHome: This screengaKN.Philosophyg bZ1.List of Character SpeciesgPb^2.List of Character BackgroundsgbO3.List of Skillsg cZ4.List of Keys and CommandsgIc5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg9Wgh]gf CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........gf.Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 g g ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6gVgStr: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9gg8  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)gg  ▓8.............-) Claws gh| ▓_.............Nothing quivered gQh ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓gh!Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.ghgSoe_8_8_gogz_8_8_8_gD-g-gD_Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview -gaspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.-g Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes-g 3E.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros help-gjoG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting -g/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations -g1V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.-g)Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy-gea1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands-g5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesKgKgkKg'" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll Kg^' ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 Kg' ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9Kg6(?  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon Kg(r ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............Kg(-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered Kg) ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Kg^)8Kg)7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Kg2_8_8_8_8_KgK3Kgg<_8_8_8_8_KgMGigig Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents igJ!obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.ig!B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsig!RC.Attributes and Stats ig*"^: Quickstart GuideD.ig"Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills ig"#: Browse character dumpF.ig+#VMonsters ~: Macros helpigg#DG.Items ig#&: Options helpH.ig#aSpellcasting %: Table of aptitudesig"$I.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionig$J.Religion Q: FAQK.ig$_Mutations V: Version informationig %XL.Licence, Contact, History igG%!: Display diagnosticsM.ig%"Macros, Options, Performance ig%Home: This screenN.Philosophyig%Z1.List of Character Speciesig:&^2.List of Character Backgroundsigv&3.List of Skills4.ig&nList of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptionsig&M6.Dungeon sprint modesg|ggDg> g_OCNCPublicChat the Ruffian g_ ▓8.............g6Troll gg{ ▓_..)).........gdHealth: 22/22 ========================g/  ▓8..)).........g@Magic: 0/0 g ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6gR<Str: 19 g ▓8...).....=...EV: 9g;Int: 8 g ▓_......?......SH: 0g;Dex: 9 g[ ▓8...[..!../...gXL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......gf|Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)go  ▓8.............g(>-) Claws g| ▓_.............Nothing quivered gf( ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ g_ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓g$g) ga gpWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] g_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g?g "_gc _8_8_8_8_gjg6"_g6_8_8_8_ggsggڒQDungeon Crawl Helpg;QManual Contents Press one of the following keys tog"*gړ,Table of contents g)obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.g9B.gϔ`Starting Screen ?: List of commandsg9C.gCeAttributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuidegSD.Exploring the Dungeon gR:: Browse character notesgPSE.Experience and Skills g#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters g+~: Macros helpG.gItems &: Options helpH.g̗Spellcasting gO%: Table of aptitudesg79I.gmTargeting gO/: Lookup descriptiong5J.Religion Q: FAQK.gmMutations gPV: Version informationgؙ9L.g Licence, Contact, History gW!: Display diagnosticsM.g"Macros, Options, Performance gKHome: This screengKN.PhilosophygTZ1.List of Character Speciesg^2.List of Character Backgroundsg-O3.List of Skillsg4.List of Keys and Commands5.g˜InscriptionsgM6.Dungeon sprint modesg4gp?gS CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19g4T  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9g}T;Int: 8 gT ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9gU gBU! ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: DungeongU  ▓_...[.@.......gUNoise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) gU` ▓8.............g^QDungeon Crawl Helpg^QManual Contents Press one of the following keys tog^N*Table of contents g*_bobtain more information on a certain A.g_,Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.g_MB.Starting Screen g`L?: List of commandsg[`9C.g`Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.g`Exploring the Dungeon g.a:: Browse character notesE.gnaExperience and Skills ga#: Browse character dumpF.gaMonsters g2b~: Macros helpG.gtbTItems &: Options helpgb9H.gbaSpellcasting %: Table of aptitudesgFc9I.gc^Targeting /: Lookup descriptiongc9J.g dNReligion Q: FAQgMdHK.Mutations gdPV: Version informationgdXL.Licence, Contact, History geP!: Display diagnosticsgQe9M.gemMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screengeKN.Philosophyg2fZ1.List of Character Speciesg~f^2.List of Character Backgroundsgf3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and CommandsgGgM5.InscriptionsggM6.Dungeon sprint modesgQgg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================g  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 g  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 gI ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 g0 ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon g ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Clawsg  ▓_.............Nothing quivered g1 ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ghWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] g_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g_8_8_8_gg___8_8_8_gng!g$Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*gd$Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuidegS%VD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.g%@Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.g%Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character SpeciesgC&2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes;gS;gZT;g];gj CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............;g=kTroll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........;gkMagic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...;g#lEV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0;gmDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............;grm-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ ;gm ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓;gCn7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.;gu__8_8_8_;gu;gh|___8_8_8_;gYg`Ygc~Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.YgdB.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesYgdwE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items Ygdz&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionYgemJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenYgfN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and CommandsYgf5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeswg wglwgv CNCPublicChat the Ruffianwgv  ▓8.............wgE6Troll wg ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================wgj  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 wg ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 wgU ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8wg  ▓_......?......SH: 0wg%;Dex: 9 wg! ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeonwg  ▓_...[.@.......wg|Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............wg-) Claws  ▓_.............wgE&Nothing quivered wg ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓wg^wgpWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] wg(_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.wg;"_wg<s_8_8_8_wg1>wgc]<__wg]_8_8_8_wgEgFBgFQDungeon Crawl HelpgFManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents g7Gobtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.g{GB.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.gGeAttributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuidegHD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesgQHSE.Experience and Skills gH#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters gH~: Macros helpG.Items g,I&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesgpIHI.Targeting gI/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion gIQ: FAQK.Mutations g3JV: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History gtJ!: Display diagnosticsM.gJMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.PhilosophygJZ1.List of Character Speciesg4K2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of SkillsgK4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg%g+gm3 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............g3Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 g4 ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 gi4 ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8g4  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 g48 ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) gD5 ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered g5 ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓g5>Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g6gq>__8_8_8_8_g>g(G__8_8_8_gPggSDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys togh*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpgG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting g%: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptiong8J.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationg{L.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.gMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Speciesg2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and CommandsgB5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg g g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3g0 4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g __8_8_8_8_g g}( __8_8_8_gb1  gKQ  gU eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents  gV Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents  gOV obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl. gV B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC. gV Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD. gOW IExploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF. gW Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items  gW &: Options helpH. gX Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting  g@X /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQ gyX HK.Mutations  gX V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnostics gY M.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN. ghZ Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes+g +g~ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...+g~ iAC: 6Str: 19 +gN  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon+g ;  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered +g:  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓+g ,Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.+gр +g __8_8_8_8_+gh +g __8_+g} Ig Ig* Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Ig Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview Ig7 laspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen Ig ?: List of commandsC.Ig eAttributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideIg D.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesIg SE.Experience and Skills Igo #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters Ig ~: Macros helpG.IgI TItems &: Options helpIg H.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesIgf I.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Ig NReligion Q: FAQIg: K.Mutations V: Version informationIg XL.Licence, Contact, History Ig !: Display diagnosticsM.Ig mMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screenIg N.Philosophy1.Igj ZList of Character Species2.Ig tList of Character Backgrounds3.List of SkillsIg: Z4.List of Keys and CommandsIg M5.InscriptionsIg M6.Dungeon sprint modesgg= gg*F ggP  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........ggP Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...ggfQ XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered ggQ  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.ggX __8_8_8_8_gg_Y gga __8_8_8_8_ggi gr gt RDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.gu AOverview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.gIv Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting gv %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsg|w M.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skillsg?x 4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgqt g\{ g؄ v CNCPublicChat the Ruffiang~   ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 gņ  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......g Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............gK -) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered g . ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ gŇ  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓g Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. g= 1_Unknown command.gR u__8_g g U__g gv g4y eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents g:z Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting g{ %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg g g > g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== g  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 g=  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6g -Str: 19g   ▓8...).....=...gl hEV: 9Int: 8 g  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9g-   ▓8...[..!../...go XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeong  g  ▓_...[.@.......g) Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) go  ▓8.............-) Clawsg  g w ▓_.............Nothing quiveredg%  g  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ g z ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓gR g {Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] g _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g) __8_8_8_8_g, g`L <__gL e_8_8_g { g g eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents g Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents g, obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen gl ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats g ^: Quickstart GuideD.g IExploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.gf }Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesg I.Targeting /: Lookup descriptiong J.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationg NL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screeng N.Philosophy1.List of Character Speciesg, 2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skillsg 4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgL gS g]  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian g] t ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================gE^   ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 g^  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 g6_  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8g_   ▓_......?......SH: 0g!` \Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeong` !  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) g a  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quiveredga   ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ g?b  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓gb 7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g3k _8_8_8_gk gs _8_8_8_gm 9g 9g QDungeon Crawl Help9g' QManual Contents Press one of the following keys to9g N*Table of contents 9g bobtain more information on a certain A.9g yOverview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen 9gU ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats 9g ^: Quickstart GuideD.9gH lExploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes9g SE.Experience and Skills 9gf #: Browse character dumpF.9g Monsters 9gW ~: Macros helpG.Items 9g &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudes9gh I.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.9g zReligion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesWg1 Wg Wg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Wg (Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 Wgq  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 Wg 8 ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) Wg  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered Wgn  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Wg 7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Wg _8_8_8_Wg3 Wg __8_WgR ug ug Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents ug 'obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsugJ C.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon ug :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpug F.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items ug &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesugC I.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion ug Q: FAQK.Mutations ug V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsug  M.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.PhilosophyugG 1.List of Character Species2.ug List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commandsug 5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgNF g/  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  gO r▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8____8_8_8_8_gџ g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys tog )*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen g ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesg E.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophyg 1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgroundsgj 3.List of Skills4.g nList of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptionsg M6.Dungeon sprint modesg g g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 g+  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered g  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g ___8_8_8_8_g= ___8_8_8_g g gE Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys tog *Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.g Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats g *^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.gs Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters g ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.g( Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQgk @K.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsg M.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophyg Z1.List of Character Speciesg) ^2.List of Character Backgroundsgg O3.List of Skillsg Z4.List of Keys and Commandsg 95.g# Inscriptionsgb M6.Dungeon sprint modes gM  gHU  g_  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8............. ga Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws ga  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ gb  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command. gk 9_ g_l  gYv __8_8_ g )g )gC QDungeon Crawl Help)g Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commands)g C.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart Guide)g: D.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes)g E.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dump)gӨ GF.Monsters )g ~: Macros helpG.Items )gk &: Options helpH.)g Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.)g Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.)gN NReligion Q: FAQ)g HK.Mutations )g V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History )gF !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance )g Home: This screenN.)gݫ lPhilosophy1.List of Character Species)g( ^2.List of Character Backgrounds)gs O3.List of Skills)gŬ 4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions)g. M6.Dungeon sprint modesGg Gg Gg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Ggc Troll  ▓_..)).........Ggd Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Gg +Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 Gg  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 Ggw 0 ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon Gg  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)Gg_   ▓8.............-) ClawsGg   ▓_.............Nothing quivered Gg  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ Gg  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Gg {Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] Gg _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Gg1___8_8_8_egegQDungeon Crawl HelpegManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents egB obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.eg 7B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart Guideeg !D.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.egO!Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters eg!~: Macros helpG.eg!Items &: Options helpH.eg"Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.eg`"Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.eg"NReligion Q: FAQeg"K.Mutations V: Version informationeg,#L.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsegv#M.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screeneg#KN.Philosophyeg$Z1.List of Character SpeciesegZ$^2.List of Character Backgroundseg$3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commandseg)%5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesggggn  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Trollg    ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== gD ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...g+AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9gҬInt: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0gkDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon g+ ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) g ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............g:&Nothing quivered gʯA ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] g/_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g9_ggK__gqggDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*glTable of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats gi^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQgK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History g=H!: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skillsg4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg~ggg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian g ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== g ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  [g,31m▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g!U__gw"g*___8_8_g<4g0g3Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*gV4DTable of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon gc7:: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgggggĢ  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Trollg  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8g0   ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeong  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) gϤ ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quiveredg  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ gX ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓gBWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g2__gZ_8_8_8_gg,_8_8_8_gEggeDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents gPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters gP~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.gList of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of SkillsgZ4.List of Keys and CommandsgP5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes8g8g8g<  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll8gޫ  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........8ga:Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 8g ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 8g` ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 8g ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓8g9KWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.8g__8_8_8_8g8g"_8g)_8gVgVgn Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys toVg u*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsVg: |C.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Vg >Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items Vg z&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionVgV J.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationVg L.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.PhilosophyVgJ 1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.Vg List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.InscriptionsVg M6.Dungeon sprint modestg%tg,tg,5 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........tg5Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9tg5Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...tgS6XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............tg6Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓tgW77Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.tg>__8_8_tg?tgE__8_8_tgMgJgNQDungeon Crawl HelpgNManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents gVOobtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen gO#?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.gPExploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills g]P#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpgP'G.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesgCQI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.gQReligion Q: FAQK.Mutations gQV: Version informationL.gFRLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance gRHome: This screenN.PhilosophygS1.List of Character Species2.List of Character BackgroundsgWS3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and CommandsgS5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg!gg^ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6g*Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _g&Unknown command.g__8_8_gyg|_8_8_8_g,gM1g<Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys tog=*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.g>B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.g>eAttributes and Stats ^: Quickstart Guideg?D.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters gO@~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpgTA1H.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptiongAJ.Religion Q: FAQK.g_BMutations V: Version informationL.gBLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.gYCMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.PhilosophygC1.List of Character Species2.gPDtList of Character Backgrounds3.List of SkillsgD4.List of Keys and Commands5.InscriptionsgiEM6.Dungeon sprint modesgyagngu  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Trollg(v  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........gv:Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 gw ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0gwkDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon gjx ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............gx:Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ g\y ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓gy7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g ___8_8_8_gg̖k__8_g; g{ g-QDungeon Crawl Help g]Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC. geAttributes and Stats ^: Quickstart Guide gD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes gLE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dump gGF.Monsters  gڂ~: Macros helpG.Items  g-I&: Options help gt9H. gaSpellcasting %: Table of aptitudes gI.Targeting /: Lookup description gDGJ.Religion  gQ: FAQK.Mutations  gV: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnostics gH9M. gmMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screen g݅N.Philosophy1. gaList of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5. gaInscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes(g(g(g8 > (g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll(g   ▓_..)).........(gH .Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 (g  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 (g  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 (gb  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............(g -) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered (g  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓(g] 7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.(g___8_8_8_(g5(gs__8_(g?#FgBFgDDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents FgEGobtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.FgF[Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion FgFQ: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance FgGHome: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and CommandsFgI5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesdg{dghdgG CNCPublicChat the Ruffian dg ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== dg͚a ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9dgXInt: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0dgܛDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...dg{XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......dgNoise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Clawsdg  ▓_.............Nothing quivered dg ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓dgBWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.dg>_8_8_dgЫdg_8_8_8_dg g{gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgcgcgAv CNCPublicChat the RuffiangU  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 gm ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 gI ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws gB ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓gBWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g_8_8_grg__8_8_8_8_g#gKgPDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys togGQ)*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen gQ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesgRlE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.gS6Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting gRTn/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationgUNL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screengUN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character BackgroundsghV/3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.gWDungeon sprint modesgXtg{g~ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............g>,Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== g ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8gK  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 g0 ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon gu ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) g@ ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quiveredgnjO  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ gL ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓g܍Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. g`1_Unknown command.g#<__gq_8_8_8_gPg_8_8_8_gҩggQDungeon Crawl HelpgManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.gMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Speciesgc2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes gT g^ gn CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  gSo ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  goD ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%... g pAC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=... gXpEV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?...... gphSH: 0Dex: 9  gp0 ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  gZq ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws gq  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  gq ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  g=r ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ gr7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command. gB___8_8_ g9 g__8_8_8_8_ g6 gb6 gH~Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.6 gB.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters 6 g~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQ6 g8K.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.6 g Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesT ggT gT gv CNCPublicChat the RuffianT g  ▓8.............TrollT g=  ▓_..)).........T g{Health: 22/22 ======================== T g ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 T gD ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19T g  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9T g;Int: 8 T g! ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9T gj  ▓8...[..!../...T gXL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......T g}Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) ClawsT g  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_T g  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.T g^_8_8_8_8_T gT g<__T gY_8_T gr gr gkDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys tor g'*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.r g Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesr galE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.r g|TItems &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations r gV: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.r gsPhilosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commandsr g"5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes g g( g4 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6 gM5Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ g<6 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command. g]<}____ g6= geC___8_8_8_8_ gK gG gLKDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to g L*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes gL*E.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ. gzM-Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions gNM6.Dungeon sprint modes gKL gX gDg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll gg  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 gg ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 g@hv ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../... ghXL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) gh ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered gOiI ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint]  gi_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command. gq__8_8_ gdr gx}__8_ g$ g gaDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations  gV: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes!g/#!g $!g%0!g#@ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............!gATroll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........!gDMagic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0!g.EDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...!gEXL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) !gF ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............!g#GVNothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ !gG ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] !ggH_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.!g[_8_8_8_8_!gma?__!g b!gjl&!gJ&!gLDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents &!gJMobtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.&!gMB.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.&!g%NAttributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.&!gNlExploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes&!gNE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dump&!gCOF.Monsters ~: Macros help&!gODG.Items &!gP&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudes&!g`PHI.Targeting &!gP/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion &!gQQ: FAQK.Mutations &!gQV: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History &!gQ!: Display diagnosticsM.&!gNRmMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screen&!gRN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species&!gS^2.List of Character Backgrounds&!gnS3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands&!gS5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesD!g$vD!g&~D!g> D!gUCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== D!gm ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 D!g2 ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0D!gیkDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon D!gݍ ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............D!gNothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓D!g\Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] D!g_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.D!g3_8_8_8_D!gD!g__8_8_8_8_D!gb!gTb!g4ZDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesb!gE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.b!g~Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpb!g 1H.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.b!gMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophyb!g!Z1.List of Character Speciesb!g2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skillsb!g"4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptionsb!gM6.Dungeon sprint modes!g,!g4!g5C CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............!gCTroll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 !gD_ ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...!gEXL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered !g_F ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. !gF1_Unknown command.!gQ___8_8_!g[___8_8_!gd!gC!gQGRDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.!gGOverview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes!g7HlE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.!gH6Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting !g=In/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version information!gIL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species!gIT2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions!gYJM6.Dungeon sprint modes!g!gj!g{" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll !gm ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 !gB ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) !ga. ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ !g ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.!g_8_8_8_8_!g=!g__8_8_8_!g!gg !gz PDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.!g' Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting !g %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species!g 2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes!g>L !g4S !g\  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll!g\   ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 !gZ]  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9!g] Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 !g^  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......!gt^ Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered !g^  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓!g_ 7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.!g"i o_8_8_!gi !gt y__8_!g "gSV "g"Y eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents "gY Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents "g] cobtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH."g] Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting "gK^ /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQ"g^ K.Mutations V: Version informationL."gw_ Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance "g ` Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species"g` 2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills"gma 4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes4"g 4"gw 4"g " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll 4"g  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered 4"g  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.4"gR __8_8_8_4"g 4"g _8_8_8_8_4"g7 R"g R"g! eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents R"g" (Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpR"gf% G.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.R"g% List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and CommandsR"g:& 5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesp"gB p"ggL p"gYX " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll p"g Y  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 p"geY  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 p"gY B ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) p"gEZ  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered p"gZ  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓p"gZ Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. p"gY[ 1_Unknown command.p"gd __8_8_p"g:e p"gl __8_8_p"gv "g "g eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents "gI Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon "g ]:: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting "g %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version information"gx L.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4."g, List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes"g "g* "g9  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8............."g: Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0"gA;   ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 "g;  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 "g<  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9"g}<   ▓8...[..!../..."g< XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@......."gK= Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws"g=   ▓_.............Nothing quivered"gG> 3  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ "g>  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓"gB? !Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command."g? "gM c_8_"gN "g*V __8_8_8_"g` "gN( "g, eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents "gK- Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents "g- obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen "g,. ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats "g. ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon "g. :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dump"g0 F.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screen"g0 N.Philosophy1.List of Character Species"gR1 2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands"g1 5.Inscriptions6."g2 Dungeon sprint modes"gC "gYM "gW " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll "gX W ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9"gY FInt: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon "g1Z , ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered "gZ - ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] "go[ _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command."gd k_8_"g:e "g"n _8_8_"gx #gnq #gs Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents #gs jobtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes#gt *E.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.#g u mReligion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.#gu Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.#gu aInscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes$#g" $#g $#g " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll $#g4  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓$#g [34m8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.$#g __8_8_8_$#g $#g ;_$#g* B#g B#g eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents B#g RPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.B#gI Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats B#g ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon B#g+ :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills B#g $#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items B#g= &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesB#g I.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionB#g J.Religion Q: FAQB#gg K.Mutations V: Version informationL.B#g Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.B#g8 Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.PhilosophyB#g 1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes`#gl `#g `#g > `#gr CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll`#g ~  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6`#gJ Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0`#g kDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon `#g  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) `#g  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............`#g9 QNothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_`#g   ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓`#g$ `#g Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. `#g 1_Unknown command.`#g& "_`#g`' _8_8_8_8_`#g ( `#g1 __8_8_`#g<< ~#g ~#gK Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.~#g Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills ~#g #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting ~#gp %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.~#gȆ Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screen~#gS FN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes#g #gv #g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............#gG Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6#g Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9#g Q  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) #g  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered #g  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.#g __8_8_#g #g __8_8_8_8_#g #g #g RDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.#g8 Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats #g D^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #g m#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options help#gC jH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.#g Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version information#g NL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screen#gW N.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds#g 3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions#g M6.Dungeon sprint modes#gm #g-t #gW} " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll #g ~ m ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 #g~ R ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered #gP  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.#g U__#g6 #gʌ __8_8_8_#g #g #g RDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.#g Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dump#g F.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screen#g1 N.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions#g M6.Dungeon sprint modes$g $g $ge  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian $g ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  [0;10;$gn1m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.$g___8_8_$gM __8_8_8_$gu2$g2$gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to2$g*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudes2$gWI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.2$g,Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History 2$g/!: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.2$gPhilosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds2$gc3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions2$gM6.Dungeon sprint modesP$g\P$gAfP$gu7 P$g"vVCNCPublicChat the Ruffian P$g}v ▓8.............Troll P$gv ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== P$g8w ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0P$gw  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6P$gw<Str: 19 P$g;x ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 P$gx ▓_......?......SH: 0P$gy\Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: DungeonP$gfy  ▓_...[.@.......P$gyNoise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) ClawsP$g7z  ▓_.............Nothing quiveredP$gz  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_P$gz  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓P$g:{P$g{Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. P$g{1_Unknown command.P$gy_8_8_8_8_P$gP$g_8_8_P$gQn$gn$gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys ton$g*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.n$g/zReligion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes$g$g'$g$g2 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian $g ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9$gInt: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 $g3 ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)$g$  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered$gs $g ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓$gPWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] $g_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.$g?!__8_8_8_$g4"$g(___8_8_$gI1$g$gNeDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents $gfPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen $gIl?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.$gMonsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup description$gJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.$gRMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.$gaInscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes$g3$g>$gN CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0$gO  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon $gP ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓$gyQoWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.$gi[_8_8_8_8_$gO\$gc__8_8_8_$gm$g;W$g\Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to$g^Z*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting $gb/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes%g^%gd%gl" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll %ggm ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 %gmw ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......%gnNoise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ %gn ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. %gIo1_Unknown command.%gv_8_8_%gbw%g_8_8_8_%gB#%gk#%gneDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents #%gnPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.#%g_o]Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #%grQ#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesA%gA%gA%g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........A%g6Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 A%gP ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.A%g_8_8_8_A%g0A%gr___8_8_8_A%g_%gP_%gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to_%g*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats _%g(]^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG._%gItems &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup description_%gXJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL._%gLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds_%g$ 3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions_%g M6.Dungeon sprint modes}%g2}%g;}%gB CNCPublicChat the Ruffian }%gE ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  [0;10;}%gFR1m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.}%gEM;_}%gM}%gSY_8_}%gi\%g%gҫDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to%g)*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen %g?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes%gWlE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.%g'Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.%g}Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version information%gL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.%g|sPhilosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands%gG5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes%gF%g%g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== %g?w ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 %g ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............%g5-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓%gPoWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.%g[__8_8_8_%g6%gY_8_%g%g %g7eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents %g=Press one of the following keys to%g`N*Table of contents %gobtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.%gA9B.%gStarting Screen ?: List of commandsC.%gGeAttributes and Stats ^: Quickstart Guide%gD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes%gUE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dump%gF.Monsters ~: Macros help%gSG.Items &: Options help%gKH.Spellcasting %g.%: Table of aptitudesI.%g^Targeting /: Lookup description%gJ.Religion Q: FAQ%gvK.Mutations V: Version information%gXL.Licence, Contact, History %gM!: Display diagnosticsM.%gMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.%gDlPhilosophy1.List of Character Species%g2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills%g4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions%gM6.Dungeon sprint modes%g%g@%gv CNCPublicChat the Ruffian%gU  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 %g ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos%g Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.%g___8_8_8_%g%g__8_8_8_%g&gc&g?oeDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents &g(pPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.&gpB.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.&gq Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes&gRrE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.&grMonsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options help&g tjH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.>Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version information&gbuL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance &g vHome: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species&gv2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills&guw4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes1&gq1&gL1&g1&gR CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........1&g@"Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon 1&g ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓1&g&BWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.1&g*[___1&g1&g__8_8_8_1&g8O&gO&gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents O&gY[obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionO&g(J.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.O&gMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of SkillsO&g]4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesm&gUm&gVm&glm&g" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll m&gFg ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6m&g+Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 m&gd  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon m&gځr ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............m&gN-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ m&gɂ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] m&gJ_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.m&g__8_8_8_m&gm&g_8_8_8_m&gˬ&g+&gQDungeon Crawl Help&gManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview &g aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.&g]Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills &gm#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options help&gH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudes&gI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion &gQ: FAQK.Mutations V: Version information&gNL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screen&gN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species&g2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.&gList of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes&g&g&g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================&g  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered &g  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.&g5'_8_8_8_8_&g'&gI/__8_8_&gC8&g-&g|1eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents &gy2fPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen &g03l?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.&g3[Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion &g 5xQ: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills&g54.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes&g&g&g` CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............&gͰTroll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0&gD  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 &g  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon &g' ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered&g   ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] &g_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.&gQ_8_8_8_&gչ&gw_8_8_&g'gb'gk QDungeon Crawl Help'g Manual Contents 'g Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon 'g :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options help'g| H.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudes'g I.Targeting /: Lookup description'g_ J.Religion Q: FAQ'g K.Mutations V: Version information'g?L.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnostics'g[M.Macros, Options, Performance 'gHome: This screenN.Philosophy1.'gList of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills'ga4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes!'g@!'g1K!'gc] CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............!'g]Troll  ▓_..)).........!'g~^Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........!'g^Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9!'gg6Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.!'gj__8_!'gyk!'gs__8_8_8_!'g2}?'gK?'gM_Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview ?'gNaspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.?'gOhSpellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds?'gPC3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes]'gx]'g]'g` CNCPublicChat the Ruffian ]'g> ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 ]'g ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0]'gWDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws ]'g. ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓]'g=BWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.]'g__8_8_]'g]'g_8_8_]'g{'g{'g@Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*{'gTable of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats {'gD^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills {'g#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters {'g[~: Macros helpG.Items {'g &: Options helpH.{'gSpellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting {'g/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion {'gyQ: FAQK.Mutations {'gAV: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History {'g!: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance {'gHome: This screenN.Philosophy1.{'gdList of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.{'g@pList of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands{'g5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes'g['g'g! CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== 'g ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......'gqSH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) 'g3 ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_'g  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.'g2__'g1 i_8_8_8_'g 'g/__8_8_8_'g'gsd'g}i_Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview 'gl%aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.'gnzReligion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes'g'g'g@'g> 'g5CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............'gTroll  ▓_..)).........'g'{Health: 22/22 ======================== 'g ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 'g ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19'gZ  ▓8...).....=...'ghEV: 9Int: 8 'g ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9'g  ▓8...[..!../...'gXL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon 'gN ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) 'g ▓8.............-) Claws'g#  ▓_.............Nothing quivered'g0  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_'g  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓'gY'g7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.'g"_'g _8_8_8_8_'g'gzM__'g'g'gpQDungeon Crawl Help'gManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting 'gv%: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands'g5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes(g(g (g^1 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓(g2[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_(g 3__8_8_8_(g>/(gz/(g|}Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to/(gi~\*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dump/(g{F.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL./(gKgLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills/(gA4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesM(gM(gAM(g> M(gCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) M(gClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.M(g__8_8_8_M(gm___M(g7k(gk(g(QDungeon Crawl Helpk(gManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents k(go'obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsk(g0CC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesk(g3E.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpk(g'G.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesk(gTWI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.k(g8bMutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance k(g)Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.k(gTList of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.k(gDungeon sprint modes(g(g(g/ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 (ge ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...(gXL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............(g-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ (g[ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] (g_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.(g__8_8_8_8_(gq(g:}__8_(g(gke(giQDungeon Crawl Help(g`jManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents (gjobtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen (gTk?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart Guide(gkD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills (g;l$#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items (gl+&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting (g3m/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.(gmMutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnostics(gnM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy(gn@1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.(gHonList of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions(goM6.Dungeon sprint modes(gf(g(g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian (gS ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...(g3AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 (gj ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws(g  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓(gpKWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.(gpY_8_(g(gI___8_8_8_8_(g(g(g' Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d(g9 iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes)g%A )gK )g8Z  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll)gZ   ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 )gn[  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon )g[ , ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered )gO\  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓)g\ 7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.)ge ___8_8_8_)gnf )gn _8_8_8_8_)gx )g )g2 eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents )g% Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commands)g |C.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.)g Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.)g۽ ?Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion )gԾ Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnostics)g KM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species)gp 2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands)g0 5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes=)g =)gw =)g>  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian =)g t ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 =========================)g   ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6=)g +Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 =)g`  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon=)g]   ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............=)g4 Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓=)g TWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.=)g _8_8_8_8_=)go =)g E_8_=)g= [)g [)gQ QDungeon Crawl Help[)g -Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.[)g B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.[)g Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes[)g wE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items [)g: &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.[)g Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQ[)gB K.Mutations V: Version informationL.[)g `Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy[)g 1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills[)g 4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.[)g Dungeon sprint modesy)g O y)gY y)gg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian y)gh  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== y)gi  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 y)gj  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0y)g{k kDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon y)gOl  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws y)g"m  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ y)gm  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓y)gn 7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.y)gy ___8_8_8_y)gwz y)gԁ q___8_y)g@ )g )g eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents )g Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents )g obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.)g B.Starting Screen ?: List of commands)g C.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart Guide)g# D.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes)g E.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dump)g@ GF.Monsters )g ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options help)g> KH.Spellcasting )g %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting )g< /: Lookup descriptionJ.)g Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations )g V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnostics)g [M.Macros, Options, Performance )g Home: This screenN.Philosophy)g Z1.List of Character Species)g 2.List of Character Backgrounds3.)g pList of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands)gv M5.Inscriptions)g M6.Dungeon sprint modes)g )g )g[  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================)g  x  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9)g~ FInt: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon )g  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............)gZ Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓)g KWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.)g  _8_8_)g )ge __8_8_8_)g$ )g )gl Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to)gs *Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview )gp aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.)gy CAttributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.)g? Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters )g* ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options help)g H.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.)g Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQ)g K.Mutations V: Version informationL.)gA Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance )g Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.)g List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills)g 4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions)g_ M6.Dungeon sprint modes)gf )gg )gcq )g > )gW CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll)g   ▓_..)).........)gx {Health: 22/22 ======================== )g  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0)g   ▓_..)).....%...)g ZAC: 6Str: 19)g   ▓8...).....=...EV: 9)g& ;Int: 8 )g  ▓_......?......SH: 0)g_ Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...)gE XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......)g Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) )g  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............)g &Nothing quivered )gK + ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_)gӊ n  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓)gU $)g )g pWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] )g _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.)g __8_8_8_)gW )gm _8_8_8_8_)g *g *g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents *gu yobtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats *g ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes*g lE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.*g2 6Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting *g /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion *go 0Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History *g /!: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.*g lPhilosophy1.List of Character Species*g 2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills*g 4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes-*g -*g -*g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll-*g_   ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 -*g6 _ ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...-*g9 XXL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓-*gr KWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.-*gC <__-*g _8_8_8_-*g K__-*g& K*gG K*gb Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen K*g @?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.K*g YMutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and CommandsK*g 5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesi*g+ i*g5 i*gcG " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll i*gK  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓i*gL [34m8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.i*g)Z __8_8_i*g [ i*g`d _8_8_8_i*gn *g#s *g~ Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents *g obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart Guide*g ID.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dump*g} F.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options help*ga 1H.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup description*g( J.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version information*g NL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screen*gÄ N.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds*g 3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions*gs M6.Dungeon sprint modes*gD *g *g v CNCPublicChat the Ruffian*gF F  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0*g%   ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9*g Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...*g۟ XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............*g -) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_*g   ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.*g@ __8_8_8_*g- *gҰ __8_8_8_*g+ *g) *g QDungeon Crawl Help*g uManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.*g Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History *g !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds*g 3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands*g 5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes*g[ *g3p *g= v CNCPublicChat the Ruffian*g >  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 *gj  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 *g) 0 ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon *g  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) *g)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............*g &Nothing quivered *g. s ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓*g 8*g& 7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.*gk 2__*gc _8_8_8_8_*g *g _8_8_8_8_*g *g iDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting *g >%: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.*g* gLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills*gE 4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes+g +gc +g " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll +gl 2 ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0+g gDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............+gܷ .Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.+g __8_8_8_+gH +gS 2__+g _8_8_8_+g ;+g;+g-eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents ;+g/Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview ;+g-0 aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ;+g0^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes;+g1E.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.;+g2Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items ;+g^3&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudes;+g(4I.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.;+g4Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations ;+g76V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screen;+g6N.Philosophy1.List of Character Species;+g72.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.;+g)=List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesY+g*?Y+gEY+gT CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓+giY4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Y+gVf___8_8_8__8_8_8_8_Y+g}nw+gamw+grDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.w+g8vzReligion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes+gxq+g|z+g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 +gx ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon +g5 ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓+gȃTWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.+g__8_8_8_+g+g__8_8_8_+g+g+g|Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to+g*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance +gxHome: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills+g 4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes+g`+g+g*+g:> +gH;CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll +g; ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 +gq< ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 +g= ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......+g=Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓+g>oWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.+gw__8_8_+g+gT___8_8_+g+g;+gSADungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents +gC obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting +g+/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.+gLhList of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes ,g]<,gN,g+" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓,gi#[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.,g)(_8_8_8_,g8___8_8_8_,g^C+,g?,,gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents ,,gdobtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.[50,,g GPhilosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesJ,gkJ,gqJ,gR{" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll J,g| ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 J,g|e ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...J,g"}XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............J,g}Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓J,g1~KWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.J,gP"_J,g݆_8_8_8_J,grJ,gŐ__8_8_8_J,g h,gh,gȿDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents h,g^obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenh,gUN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptionsh,g"M6.Dungeon sprint modes,g,g,g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓,g[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.,g__8_8_,g,g__8_8_8_,g,gF,gKQDungeon Crawl Help,gLzManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ,gnM?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes,gNE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.,gPeSpellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screen,grQRN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills,gCR4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes,gL,g١,g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian ,g/ ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0,g@k  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......,g˭SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...,gTXL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......,g )Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws ,g| ▓_.............Nothing quivered ,g. ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓,gWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] ,g>_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.,g,gM_8_8_8_,gܺ,g__8_8_8_8_,g,g,gFRDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.,g<Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.,gxzMonsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions,gM6.Dungeon sprint modes,g ,g,g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........,gaMagic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓,gJ[1KWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.,g`__8_8_,g ,g__8_8_8_,g -g^-gceDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents -gdPPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart Guide-gyeD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills -gf#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.-gfItems &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudes-g@gI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.-ggReligion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.-gKhLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance -ghHome: This screenN.Philosophy1.-gDi(List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands-gi5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes:-g:-gG:-g> :-g"zCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0):-g)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered :-g ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓:-gQBWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.:-g"_:-gg_8_8_8_8_:-gW:-g__8_8_8_:-gX-gX-g2eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents X-gJPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesX-gLE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionX-g J.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations X-gV: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History X-g!: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenX-gzN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.X-gyList of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.X-g:aInscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesv-gv-gv-gA CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........v-g%Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeonv-g5   ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.v-g$__8_8_8_8_v-gv-gU__v-gp-gT-gR]eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents -g]Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats -gk^^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters -g_~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup description-g_J.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnostics-g_M.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds-gk`3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions-g`M6.Dungeon sprint modes-go-ggy-g1 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================-gY  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_[40-g3m  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.-g<__-g0_8_8_8_8_-g-g_8_8_8_-g -gQ-g+Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*-gRTable of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros help-g=G.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.-g#gLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills-gԔ4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes-gc-g^-g=-g, CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3-gL4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8___8_ .g  .glQDungeon Crawl Help .g(Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD. .g~Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQ .gDK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds .gC3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes*.gK*.gWT*.g\ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............*.g+]Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 *.g] ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............*.g|^Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.*.gfU__*.gg*.gWn_8_8_8_8_*.gvH.gs]H.g5`Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents H.g`obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills H.gDbV#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.PhilosophyH.gb1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesf.g%f.gIf.g> f.gb zCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)f.g  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.f.g!0c_8_f.g=2f.gVT"_f.gT_8_8_8_8_f.gʃ.g.gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to.g-L*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD..gIExploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF..gPMonsters ~: Macros helpG.Items .g&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudes.g@I.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ..gReligion Q: FAQK.Mutations .g=V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnostics.gM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN..g.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2..gList of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands.gC5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes.gx.g .g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian .gl ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6.gStr: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 .g\ ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered .g  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command..g__8_8_8_.g.g #2__.g#)_.g ,.g).gd Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*.gK Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting .g %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN..ga  Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes.g{.g.g" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll .g: ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%....gXAC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 .g  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon .gғ ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws .gݔ  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓.g>Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. .g1_Unknown command..g_8_8_.g.gB_8_8_8_.g.gI.g.gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents .guobtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting .g%: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy.g1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes/g/g/g/gs CNCPublicChat the Ruffian /g> ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 /g ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 /g , ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_............./ggNothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] /gX_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command./g/g1___8_8_/gB!/gy6$_/g7_8_8_8_8_/gA@8/gY\8/g^Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen 8/ga?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds[39;48/gZe39m3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesV/g}V/gV/gmV/g> V/gmCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............TrollV/g~   ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== V/giq ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6V/gLStr: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8V/gG  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 V/g*0 ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon V/g ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) V/gI ▓8.............-) ClawsV/g  ▓_.............Nothing quivered V/gh ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ V/g  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓V/gWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] V/g4_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.V/g$_V/g_8_8_8_8_V/gV/g$_8_8_8_8_V/gect/g~t/gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents t/g `obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.t/g*Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpt/g`F.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudest/giI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationt/giNL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screent/gN.Philosophy1.List of Character Speciest/g2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skillst/g4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes/gw/g/g}" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll /g ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓/g[34m8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command./g]_8_/g/g__8_8_8_/gl/gWE/gJeDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents /gKPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD./g*L,Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options help/giM1H.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM./g~NfMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions/gOM6.Dungeon sprint modes/gG/gO/gAZ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..))........./gaHealth: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_/gBbD[40m8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command./g#f_8_8_8_/gg/gkn___8_8_8_/gx/g x/gxDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*/gފTable of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screen[/g:39;49mN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes 0ghy 0gz 0g 0g~ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3 0g@4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_8___8_8_(0g (0gPDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to(0g*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.(0grCAttributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.(0g~>Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items (0gZ&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.(0g%Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.(0g@Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.(0gMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species(0g2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills(0gh4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesF0gW7F0g>;F0g8BF0gP> F0gPQ_CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........F0gQHealth: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6F0gRStr: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9F0g$SInt: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 F0gS ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......F0gTNoise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............F0g)U`Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ F0gU ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓F0gGV7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.F0gc"_F0gc_8_8_8_8_F0gSdF0gl__8_8_8_F0gvd0g\d0gdeDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents d0gePress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsd0gygC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills d0g7j#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptiond0g8qJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes0gp0gX0g60g7> 0gCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............0gOTroll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================0g  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/00gx  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 190g  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 80g  ▓_......?......SH: 00gDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...0gzXL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......0gNoise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............0gr-) Claws  ▓_.............0g=Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_0g  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓0g(Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] 0g_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.0g/_8_8_8_8_0g0g0g0g.o_8_8_0g0g9 0g; Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents 0g= obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion 0g2> lQ: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes0ggp 0gw 0g v CNCPublicChat the Ruffian0g '  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........0g Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_80g 0_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.0g^ <__0g _8_8_8_0gx 0g{ "_0gU _8_8_8_0g 0g~ 0gʈ Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d0g iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes0g 0g " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll 0g  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓80g _8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.0g _8_8_8_8_0g 0g.# __8_8_8_0gU- 1g Q 1gV QDungeon Crawl Help1gV zManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen 1gW ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes1gqX E.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options help1gY 1H.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup description1gY XJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.1gzZ `Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1g7[ 1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills1g[ 4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes61gR 61g 61g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian 61gǗ  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 661gn Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...61g0 XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered 61g֚  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.61g e___61g 61g __8_8_8_61g T1g0 T1g eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents T1gA Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.T1ga lMonsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.T1gd Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.InscriptionsT1g M6.Dungeon sprint modesr1g r1g r1g* r1g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian r1g  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  1g% f1m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.r1g ___8_8_8_8_r1g r1g~ ___8_8_8_r1gD 1gr- 1g8 QDungeon Crawl Help1g= Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting 1g> /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations 1gf? V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnostics1g? M.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.1g@ Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds1g3A 3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands1gA 5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes1gM 1g~T 1g]  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll1g^   ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...1g_ XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] 1g` _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.1gi ___8_8_8_8_1gi 1g}r __8_8_1g| 1g 1g" QDungeon Crawl Help1g Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.1g |Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version information1g] NL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screen1g N.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.1gd List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.1g List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.1gk Dungeon sprint modes1g:/ 1g: 1gE  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........1gF Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 1gG  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......1gwH Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered1gI   ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓1gLJ BWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.1gQ U__1gR 1gX __8_8_8_1ga 2gFi 2gm Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d2gLs iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes&2g{ &2g6 &2g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............&2gΎ Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 &2g͏  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............&2g Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.&2g __8_8_8_&2g &2gz __8_8_8_&2g D2g D2g QDungeon Crawl HelpD2gk sManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*D2g Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.D2g Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats D2g ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon D2g :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpD2g) F.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.D2g Items &: Options helpH.D2gK Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting D2g /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion D2gd Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationD2g L.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.D2g Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.PhilosophyD2g 1.List of Character Species2.List of Character BackgroundsD2g 3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.InscriptionsD2gI M6.Dungeon sprint modesb2gQ b2gZ b2gh  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............b2gi Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 b2gj  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......b2gk Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered b2gyl  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.b2gMm b2gwz _8_8_b2gW{ b2g __8_8_8_b2g 2gw 2gy Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations 2gG{ V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes2g!z 2g 2g*  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............2g/ Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 2g  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...2g 4EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 92gx   ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws2g; ?  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓2g BWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.2g ___8_2gh 2g٨ __8_8_2g1 2g; 2g QDungeon Crawl Help2g Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats 2g $^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros help2g G.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup description2g J.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnostics2g RM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands2g 5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes2gL82g?2gH" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll 2gyK ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓82gL_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.2gRK__2g@S2gX__8_8_8_8_2gQa2g*X2g3ZeDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents 2g[Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dump2g[F.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations 2gB\V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds2g\C3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes3g3g3g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== 3g} ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_3g  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.3g__8_8_3g3g1__8_8_8_8_3g43g43gQDungeon Crawl Help43g\Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills 43g Q#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesR3g!"R3g'R3g/ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........R3g04Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon R3g1  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.R3g8__8_8_R3g9R3gA_8_8_S3g+p3g5p3ga;Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dp3g=iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes3g>G3gWK3gT3g`  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll3gQaI  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 03g1bDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ 3gb ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.3gh__8_8_8_8_3gi3go_8_8_8_3gw3g3g QDungeon Crawl Help3gzManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen 3gȩ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.3gExperience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.3gLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands3gJ5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes3g3gR3g3g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............3gO,Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== 3g<  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  !0;10;1m▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.3g7J__8_8_3gRe___3g]3gR3gtDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d3gViagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes4gE4gP4g _> 4g_CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll4gR`  ▓_..)).........4g`Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........4gva@Magic: 0/0 4gb ▓_..)).....%...AC: 64gb<Str: 19 4gMc ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 84g d  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 4gdB ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) 4g:e ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered 4ge ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓4grf!Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.4g g4gjv__8_8_8_4gw4gq___8_4g%4gRX%4gvZDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to%4g[*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudes%4g\VI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills%4g_4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesC4g+xC4gfC4g|  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............TrollC4g  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19C4gx+  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered C4g ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓C4gWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] C4g_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.C4g_8_8_8_8_C4gEC4gV__8_8_8_C4gza4g*a4gSDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.a4gSpellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes4gT4g[4ge" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll 4gAf ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......4gMjsNoise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.4gHo___8_8_8_4gp4g\v_4gw__8_8_8_4gd4gL4gSDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.4g#Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes4gN4gk4g_  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll4gp  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  4g▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.4g__8_8_8_4g4gT_8_8_4g4g4gPQDungeon Crawl Help4g@-Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.4g HB.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.4g6Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting 4g/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations 4gbV: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screen4gN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds4g3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.4graInscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes4g4g74gdv CNCPublicChat the Ruffian4g+e'  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........4glf.Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 4gxg ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...4gxhEV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 04gikDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon 4gj ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws4gk  ▓_.............Nothing quivered 4g3m ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓4gqn7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.4g_8_8_8_4g4gz__8_8_8_4g85g5ZE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudes5g5I.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.5g6Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.5g67hList of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes5g5gJ5g{5gV CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............5gYTroll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........5gMagic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓5gJ[1KWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.5g;_5gQ5gg%___8_8_8_5gnT5g5gweDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents 5gPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon 5g:: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudes5gPI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.5gvMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills5g4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes5gO5gZ5g8d CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 5g=p ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicCh5g}at the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8___8_8_8_6gcd6gfQDungeon Crawl Help6giManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros6g_o, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes#6g#6g#6g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll#6gV  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 #6g' ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓#6g7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.#6g__8_8_8_8_#6g#6g?___8_#6g A6g4A6g9eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents A6g9Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsA6g:C.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon A6g;=:: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters A6g;o~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesA6g<I.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion A6g=Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.A6g=Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenA6gE>N.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.A6g>List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and CommandsA6gf?5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes_6g{e_6gul_6gu" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll _6g ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_6g:_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8___8_8_8_}6go}6gsQDungeon Crawl Help}6grtManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview }6g,u aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats }6gEv^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters }6gyX~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.}6gzaInscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes6gS6g46g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== 6gZ ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered 6g ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.6g<__8_8_8_6g6gR___8_8_8_6g6gT6g[~Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.6gB.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup description6gkJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands6g5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes6g6g6g" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll 6g! ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon6gl  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] 6g_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.6g_8_8_8_6gp!6g(___8_8_8_6gN26gm6gp_Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview 6gqaspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters 6gsv~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds6gHtC3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes7gH}7gw7gm CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================7g  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered7g   ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.7gǘ__8_8_8_8_7gٙ7g<__7gJ_8_8_8_8_7g17gù17gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills 17gVQ#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesO7gO7gO7gE" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll O7g2 ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0O7gDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ O7g ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.O7gZ___8_8_O7gO7g __8_8_O7g=m7gOm7gRPDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.m7gSAttributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.m7gTTargeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgroundsm7g[C3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes7gW7ge7gYo" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll 7gp ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered 7gr ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.7g!x__8_8_8_7gWy7g _8_8_8_7gP7gx7g+eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents 7g1Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performan7gce Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes7gW7g7gq CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/07gm  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CN7gCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_7g__8_8_8_7g 7gD7geDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents 7gBPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.7gWAttributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys 7gCand Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes8gD8gC8g!> 8g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) [39;48g 9mClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.8g __8_8_8_8_8g 8g _8_8_8_8g$ !8gB !8g\ Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents !8g obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudes!8g~ OI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy!8g 1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes?8g3 ?8gQ; ?8gD  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================[4;8H?8g^F   ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ ?8gG  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.?8g7M ___8_8_8_?8g!O ?8gPT m___?8g\ ]8g͏ ]8gI QDungeon Crawl Help]8g) fManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.]8gו Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes]8g 3E.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros help]8gV `G.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.]8g -Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations ]8g V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.]8g Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills]8g: 4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.]8gܚ Dungeon sprint modes{8g6 {8g {8g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............{8g2 Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0{8g   ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓{8g TWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.{8g e___{8g {8g __8_8_{8g( 8g 8gm Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commands8g C.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills2 9;49m4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes8g9 8g? 8gH v CNCPublicChat the Ruffian8gI   ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== 8g Q  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ 8g]V  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.8gw\ _8_8_8_8_8gc ___8_8_8_8_8gck 8g\ 8g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting 8g /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy8gY 1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions8gڳ M6.Dungeon sprint modes8gƝ 8g 8gȽ v CNCPublicChat the Ruffian8g   ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws 8g _ ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.8gz _8_8_8_8g 8g< 8g o_8_8_8g 9g 9g RDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.9gǪ Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Spec9g ies2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes/9g /9gJ- /9gQ  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian /9gT  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0/9gZ Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command./9gh _8_8_8_8_/9gk /9gq __8_8_8_8_/9gx M9g^O M9gW Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dM9gc iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesk9go k9gZz k9g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........k9g Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_89gj 81m_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.k9gZ ___8_8_k9gɜ k9gF <__k9g _8_8_8_k9g1 9gd 9g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents 9gl obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.) GPhilosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes9g 9g+ 9gu: " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll 9g; * ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...9gD EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.9gLM w_8_8_9g(S 9gY _8_8_8_9g" 9gb 9go Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d9g iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes9gr 9g y 9g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........9g Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_% 7m8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8_9g __8_8_8_9g :g :g SDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.:g Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes:gX? :gI :g\  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........:gc Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8[:gf V40m_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.:gm __8_8_8_8_:g t _8_8_:g} =:g=F =:gL Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.=:gM 3Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.=:gkN 6Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting =:g O /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations =:gO 1V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.=:gGP Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.=:gP (List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands=:gQ 5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes[:gF [:gP [:g_  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian [:gi  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  [[:g"n 640m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.[:g({ __8_8_8_[:g [:g $_[:gb _8_8_8_[:g^ y:gg y:g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dy:gm iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes:g :g :g:g#(:g$ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll :g>% ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0:g%  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19:g&  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 :gi'B ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) :g2( ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered :g( ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] :g)_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.:go0__8_8_8_:g!1:g88_:gB:g.:gL7ZDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes:g8E.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting :g9O/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.:g-DMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes:g:g7:g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian :g ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 :g1R ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered :g ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.:g__8_8_8_:gW:g___8_8_8_8_:g:gr:gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*:gKTable of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screen[:g9:39;49mN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes;gs;g;g2&  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll;g,  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  [40;g.m▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.;g4_8_8_8_8_;g<__8_8_;gF.;gg!.;gR(Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d.;g2iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesL;ggL;gL;g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian L;g ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........L;gMHealth: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0L;g  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9L;gInt: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0L;gkDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon L;g@r ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............L;g-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered L;g ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ L;gA ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓L;g7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.L;g3<__L;gW_8_8_8_L;g}L;g__8_8_8_8_L;g+oj;g2Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Displj;gay diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes;g;g,;g;g> ;gCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================;g  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ ;g ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.;g"_;g_8_8_;g["_;g_8_8_8_;g;g;geDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents ;gPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performan;gVce Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes;gQc;gj;g_r  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll;gx  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered   qm▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_;gJ__8_8_8_;g;gܘ;gTQDungeon Crawl Help;gManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.;gӸSpellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes x gP1>gA>gN CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓>g[[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_>gd>gj_8_8_>gy:>gT6:>g&;Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to:>gkE*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home[40:>gH\m: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesX>g;X>gnX>g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........X>g\Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_>gk+m8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8__X>g&_8_8_8_8_v>gTv>gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dv>ggiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes>g">ge>g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............>gTroll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered >g[m ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_>g___8_8_8_>g>ggodQDungeon Crawl Help>g&lManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros>git, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes>g>gw>gF> >g!CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 >g ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNC>gPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.>gi__>gw{___8_>gm>g>gjDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d>gWiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes ?g= ?g ?gBv CNCPublicChat the Ruffian ?gO  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 ?g ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon ?gQ ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint]  ?g_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command. ?g2__ ?g_8_8_8_ ?g ?g e___ ?g*?g*?gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to**?gTable of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters *?gs~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screen*?g$FN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesH?g?qH?g|H?g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............H?gryTroll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws H?g ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_H?g:_8_8_8_H?gf?gf?gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*f?gTable of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesf?gJE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes?gr?g?g4> ?g=CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) [39;4?g9mClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.?g__8_8_8_8_?g0?g___8_8_8_8_?g?g?gSDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.?g"Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes?ge?g`l?gv  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll?g1w  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......?gEx9SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓?g(yoWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.?gI_8_8_8_?g?gi_8_8_8_?g|?g"k?gpeDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents ?gdqPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ?gr^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.?gOtSpellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnostics?guM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills?gv4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes?g!?g?g?g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian ?g1 ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6?g7Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 ?g B ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) ?gN ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓?g#KWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.?g  __8_8_8_?g ?g __8_8_8_?g_ @g/I @gM Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to@gN u*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commands@gO C.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills @gFP #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting @gQ %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations @gQ V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.@gR sPhilosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands@gS 5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes8@gH 8@g 8@gN  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 8@g  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.8@g 8@gx __8_8_8_8@g 8@g <__8@g _8_8_8_8@g V@gf V@g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys toV@g )*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen V@g =?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon V@ge :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpV@g$ 'G.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesV@g WI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.V@g Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsV@gh *M.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.V@g$ (List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and CommandsV@gޥ 5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modest@g t@g t@g4 t@g)  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian t@g-+  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...t@g, EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Clawst@gM. \  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓t@g/ 7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.t@gq9 M__8_t@g: t@gC __8_8_8_t@gP @gk @gq Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d@gx iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes@g @g @g " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll @g  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓@gͶ [34m8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8_@g @g ___8_8_8_@g @g @g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d@g iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes@glR @g\ @gYn " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll @gx  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8@g{ T_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_@gŃ __8_8_8_@g  AgYX  Agf Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d Agh iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes(Ag\ (Agb (AgRn  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian (Agv  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  [(Agz \40m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.(Ag k__8_(AgI e___(Ag FAg\s FAgy Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.FAg kExperience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesdAg dAg dAg > dAg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) dAg Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.dAg 8 $_dAg$@ _8_8_8_8_dAgY __8_8_dAg@ Ag* Ag eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Ag Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, PerformanAg( ce Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesAg. Ag7 Ag@  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓AgD [0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Ag?M ___8_AgO __8_8_8_Ag[ Ag Ag Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dAgU iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesAg Ag Ag^  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓Ag# [0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Agf+ s__Ag- __8_8_8_Ag6 Ag AgN Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dAg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesBg BgN! BgD  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian BgN  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  [0;10;BgV @1m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Bgm "_Bgt s_8_Bgl ___8_8_Bg 6Bg܅ 6BgNJ QDungeon Crawl Help6Bg Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros6Bg , Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesTBgO TBg TBg TBgp " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll TBg#  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8TBg _8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.TBg# ___8_8_8_TBg TBg $_TBg _8_8_8_TBg rBg rBgQDungeon Crawl HelprBgzManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen rBg$?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.rBgExperience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting rBg%: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.rBg Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenrBg7!N.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.rBgc"List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesBgOBgBgBgĝ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian BgĦ ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  g31m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_Bg___8_8_8_BgKBgHBgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dBgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesBg BgeBg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g(4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_Bgl2__8_8_8_Bg<;Bg%Bg.4Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dBgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes Cg  Cg- CgE" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll Cg7H ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered CgP ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command. CgET__8_8_ CgOU CgR^A__ Cg)h'Cg}'CgOiDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats 'Cgh^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items 'Cgx&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.'Cg҅gLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills'CgW4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesECg՜ECgKECgSECg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian ECgº/ ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0ECg  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8ECg   ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: DungeonECg  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws ECg- ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ECgKWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.ECgp_8_8_8_8_ECgjECg Y_8_ECgQcCgCcCgvPDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.cCgAttributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.PhilosophycCgh1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesCgOCgbCg4+" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll Cg!, ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 Cg, ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon Cg-@ ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ Cg. ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Cg7___8_8_8_Cg84Cg9@__8_8_8_8_CgJCgO2Cg6QDungeon Crawl HelpCg7dManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideCg8GD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting Cgo9/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character BackgroundsCg>:C3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesCg2UCg?]Cg CgCfCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 Cgeg ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws CgehJ ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Cg r__8_8_8_Cg sCgB{Y_8_CgCg>CgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsCgC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.CghList of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesCg7CgECgQ" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll CgS ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: DungeonCgT  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Cg]_8_8_8_CgQe_8_8_8_CgoDgtDgVyDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys toDg|*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home[40Dg_\m: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes5DgT5Dg5Dg̦ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓5Dgв[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8___8_5DgSDgSDgݸDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.SDg5kExperience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesqDg qDgqDg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........qDg!Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓qDg*Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_qDg-__8_8_8_qDg5Dge<DgAQDungeon Crawl HelpDgJManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.MacrosDgM, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesDgCDgSDgl_ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8Dgh8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Dgatp___8_8_8___8_8_Dg~DgDgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.DgE[Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesDgDgYDgbv CNCPublicChat the RuffianDgO  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 Dg ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon Dg7, ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered Dg ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. Dg1_Unknown command.Dg$_Dg_8_8_8_DgfDg {___8_Dg Eg_Eg~Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.Eg~B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting Ego/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.InscriptionsEg{M6.Dungeon sprint modes%EgnO%Eg\%Eg*r CNCPublicChat the Ruffian %Egs8 ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 %EgRu ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......%Egv>Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓%EgGxoWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.%Egw_8_8_%Eg=%Eg___8_8_%EgCEgCEg%Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.CEgTargeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.InscriptionsCEg M6.Dungeon sprint modesaEgiaEgaEgaEg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian aEg ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...aEg%pXL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓aEgKWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.aEgC_8_8_8_8_aEg'aEg_8_8_8_8_aEgEgEg´Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items Eg(&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character SpeciesEg=2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesEg)EgS2Eg4EgE CNCPublicChat the Ruffian EgN ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  gQH40m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Eg FgqCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================Fg9(  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ Fg+ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Fg4_8_8_8_Fg7"_Fg?_8_8_8_FgG3FgS3Fg ZDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQ3Fgc,K.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesQFgVyQFgeQFg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........QFgHealth: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8Fg 0;1m_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.QFg%"_QFg_8_8_8_QFg."_QFg7_8_8_QFg oFgoFgg_Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview oFgUaspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesoFgJI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesFgEZFgi CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 Fg} ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat theFg\ Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8___FgӔFgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dFgĦiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesFgĩFg"FgS CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_Fg^__8_8_8_FgaFgFgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*FgTable of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting Fg %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of SkillsFg!4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesGgkGgrGg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓GgCc[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8___8_8_8_8_Gg#Gg~#GgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.#Ggc[Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesAGgeAGgAGg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓AGgg[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8__8_8_8_8_AGg_Gg _Gg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d_Gg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes}Ggu/ }Gg6: }Gg8L  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll}GgIR   ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  [40}GgU m▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.}Gg\ ___8_}Ggmc }__8_}Ggm Gg= GgB Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents GgMK obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.gYW GPhilosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesGg Gg Gg > Gg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) g 9mClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Gg _8_8_8_8_Gg "_Gg _8_8_8_Gg Gg Gg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items Gg -&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesGguI GgP Gg4Y Gge " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll Ggl  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓Ggo h[34m8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_8_Ggu Gg~ K__Gg HghW Hg_ Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dHg;c iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes1HgI 1Hg 1Hg9  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............1HgL Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered 1HgE e[m ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8___8_8_8_1Hg OHg OHg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dOHg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesmHg mHg mHgo' " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll mHg,.  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8mHg5 _8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8_mHg9 __8_8_mHg{B Hg Hg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dHg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesHg\, Hg5 Hg?  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓HgC @[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__HgL __8_8_8_HgFT HgO Hgf Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dHgݗ iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesHg Hg Hgo  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 Hg  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _UnknowHg n command.__8_8_8_HgA __8_8_8_Hg Ig Ig Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dIg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes!Igr !Ig/ !Ig  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓!Ig" x[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_!Ig* ___8_8_8_!Ig3 ?Ig)S ?Igb Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d?Igf iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes]Igc ]Igi ]Igx  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓]Ig [0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8__]Ig] {Ig {Igf Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d{Ig iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesIg< IgD IgO  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian IgW  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  gHZ 540m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8_Igb Ig d __8_8_Igm IgU Ig] Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion IgIm lQ: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesIg2[ Ig}n Ig{ > Ig CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Ig4 Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.IgN _8_8_8_8_Ig* Igu '_Ig Ign Ig Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dIg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesJgFJgJg!Jg/> Jg0CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Jg?Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered [39;49JgCm ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Jg\M__8_8_8_JgAVo_8_8_Jg`/Jg></JgvAjDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version information/JgJL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesMJg_MJg#MJg۪ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓MJg:[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8__8_8_8_kJg$kJg/Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon kJg:: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesJgJg6+Jg9> Jg@CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) JgcClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Jg __8_8_JgJgA__JgJgP1JgY6Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents Jg8obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpJgqG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesJg`Jg0kJgn CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Jg xTroll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered g$em ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8__8_8_8_8_JgSJgJg3Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dJgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesKgKgKgv CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3KgM4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_Kg _8_8_8_Kg~ Kg KgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL. Kg[Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes>Kg.>Kg9>Kg-L CNCPublicChat the Ruffian >KgU ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  [0;10;>KgZR1m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.>Kgb__8_>Kgl_8_8_8_8_>Kgu\Kgx{\Kg`~Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*\KgXTable of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills \KggQ#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeszKgizKg zKg> zKg#CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) zKg>8Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_zKg___8_8_8_zKggKgKg"Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dKg*iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesKgTKgb[Kgj CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g{o4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8____8_8_KgKgKgߣDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dKgDiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesKgKgKg|" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll Kg ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓Kg[34m8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_Kg)___8_8_8_KgLgLgU!Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dLg0iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes.LgmG.LgJ.LgDR.LgHc CNCPublicChat the Ruffian .Lgf ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  [.Lg{n640m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command..Lgy__8_8_8_8____8_8_8_8_.LgLLgLLgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.LLgTargeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesjLgjLg{ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0jLgʟ  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome jLgback, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_jLg}__8_jLgƳLgLgiDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesLg/JI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesLg/ULg6]LgFg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓Lgr[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_Lgv__8_8_8_Lg<LgcbLglDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dLgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesLgqLgLg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Lg3 __8_8_Lg Lgo_8_8_Lg" Mg MgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dMgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesMgMg+Mg< CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓MgG[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_Mg?N___8_Mg1Xc7 GRg2mCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............GRgpy[40m-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8_GRgy_8_8_8_8_GRgeRgLeRgWDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display deRg\iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesRg6Rg+RgR CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓RgjY[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8___8_8_RgRgbRgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations Rgw*V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesRgEMRg>WRge CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 Rgt ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the TRgroll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8____8_8_8_RgRgQYRgadDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dRghiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesRgۤRg(Rg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g#4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8___8_8_8_8_RgKSgrSgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dSgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes7Sg7SgC#7Sg0 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓7Sg{=;[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8___8_8_8_7Sg(HUSg\USgMhDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dUSgxiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modessSgsSgsSg^ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓Sg 4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8____8_8_8_sSgSgSgfDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQSg',K.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesSgSg $Sg6 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓SgF[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_8_Sg$R_8_8_8_SgSg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dSgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesSgSgoSg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓Sgk[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8___8_8_8_8_Sgx Tg TgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d Tg'iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes'Tg#'Tg.)'Tg9 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓'TgS[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8___8_8_8_ETg$VETgcDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dETg€iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modescTgcTg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6cTgStr: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of cTg:commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8__8_cTg"Tg]TgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dTgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesTgYDTgOTg7Z CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓TgUh[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_8_Tg t__8_8_TgITgTgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dTgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesTgHTg Tgv CNCPublicChat the RuffianTgO  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 Tg ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 Tgy ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws Tgr ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Tg>Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. Tg{1_Unknown command.Tg&"_TgH4t_8_8___8_8_8_8_TgBTg/ TgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dTg&iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesUgUgj#UgE> UgHgCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8UgS:  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Ugp_8_8_8_8_Ug@uUg$_Ugϟ_8_8_8_Ug5Ugcr5UgvzDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d5UgÉiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesSUgSUg?SUg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian SUg ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  UgpG40m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8_SUgF___8_SUgqUgqUgbeDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting qUg%: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and CommandsqUg5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesUg%Ug3UgFD CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g.P4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8____8_8_8_UgXUgf8UgI=Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys toUg>f*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon UgL:: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesUg\UgcUgo CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_Ug__8_8_8_UgwUgUg QDungeon Crawl HelpUgmManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Ug7Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys UgFand Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesVg5Vg Vg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3Vg 4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_Vg+ __8_8_8_Vg~/ %Vg@ %VgO Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d%Vgsk iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesCVgOP CVgV CVga 7 CVgb CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 CVgd  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓CVgKl Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._CVgx ___8_8_8_CVg} aVgt aVgv Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents aVg)x obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.aVg} Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesVg Vg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓Vg 8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_Vg <__Vg _8_8_8_8_Vg VgR Vg QDungeon Crawl HelpVg% Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.MacrosVgx; , Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesVg2  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▻Vg8 n8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_Vg D _8_8_8_8_Vg&G VgT Vgę QDungeon Crawl HelpVg< Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats Vg[ ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and CommandsgQ 0;1m5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesVg Vgs Vg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g 4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_8_Vg ___8_8_8_VgN, Wg$ Wgj QDungeon Crawl HelpWg Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsWg$" C.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills Wg# #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesWg$ I.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationWg7& L.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.Wg' List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Wg( Dungeon sprint modes3Wg{ 3Wgp  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  3Wgq =▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_8___8_8_3Wg QWg: QWg$ Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpQWg H.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesoWg^ oWg0 oWg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓Wg 4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_oWgY _8_8_8_8_oWg Wgw Wg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys toWg *Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Homeg \m: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesWgY[ Wg,h Wgm y CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Wgxy Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_Wg~ __8_8_8_Wg߉ Wge Wg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys toWg $*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Wgī 8Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesWg Wg Wg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g# Y4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8____8_8_8_Wg Xg Xg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys toXgh *Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting Xg %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes#Xg"O #Xg] #Xgi  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3#Xgy 4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8___8_8_8_8_#Xg AXg, AXgf Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills AXg> Q#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes_Xg _Xg _Xg%  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3_Xg 4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8____8_8__Xg }Xg}Xg!Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.}Xg+[Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesXgXg?Xg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian Xg ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  gޮR1m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Xg__8_8_Xgm_8_8_8_8_XgXg¬XgRDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.XgsOverview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations XgV: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesXgXgXg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........XgHealth: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8Xg_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8___8_8_XgXg88Xg=Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Xg~Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screeng :39;49mN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesYgRYg[UYgA]Yg-o CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon Yg} ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.YgƊ__8_8_Yg___8_Yg2Yg^2YgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d2Yg-iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesPYg''PYg.PYgG8T CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0PYgJDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_8__8_8_PYgYnYgnYg*Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.nYgnkExperience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesYgqMYge CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓Yg>sU8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_8___8_8_8_8_Yg`YgvoYg1rEDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters Ygot~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesYgYgYgt CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓gI k4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8____8_8_8_YgYgVYgbDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dYg wiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesZgTZgX CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 Zgd ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown commZg%vand._8_8___8_8_8_8_Zg޸"Zg"ZgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d"ZgniagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes@Zg@ZgR@Zg#> @Zg1CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) [39;4@Zgs5\9mClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_@Zg?__8_8_@Zg G^Zgk^ZgoDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History ^Zgq<!: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes|Zg|Zg |Zg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian |Zg ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  [0;10;|Zg@1m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.|Zgh __8_8_|Zg|Zg09_|Zg>ZgZgJDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dZgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesZgL$Zg(Zg-Zg6" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll Zg%8 ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...Zg9sXL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Zg:TWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Zg$B_8_8_ZgTK__8_8_Zg9VZg-|ZgiDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats Zgw^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting Zg%: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesZgZg<Zgr> ZgCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) g9mClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Zg2__Zg!_8_8_ZgU__8_8_8_8_ZgD[gN[gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d[giagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes0[g 0[g0[g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== 0[g($ ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ [30[g-2r9;49m ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_0[g>6_8_8_8_0[gRCN[g5N[g9SDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.N[gc;Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesl[g l[gʦl[gl[g8 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian l[g8 ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 l[gm ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon l[gJ ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓l[gTWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.l[g___8_8_8_l[g}__8_8_8_l[g[go[g ~Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.[g&+B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2[gB.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes[gf[gm[gx CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== [gX ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  [[gEh0;10;1m▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_[g;_[gؚ[g[gՁeDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents [gIPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performan[gce Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes[g"[g[g] " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll [g] ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8[g%l_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8____8_8_8_\gT\grWDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills \gYQ#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes \g \g \g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..))......... \g)Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ \gўTWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command. \gڠw_8_8_ \gn \g_8_8_ \gӲ>\gh>\geDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents >\gڢ.Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.>\gExperience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion >\g>Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species>\g\2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes\\g\\g_ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓\\g@&8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_\\gJ(__8_8_\\g?2z\gnYz\gC^RDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.z\gw_Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpz\g`MF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionz\gaJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.z\gb Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes\g~\gj\gs CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓\gb[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_\gc_8_\g\g\gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d\giagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes\g\gF\g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian \g ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9\gLInt: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............\gNothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.\g_8_8_8_\g\g__8_8_8_\g_ \g\geDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents \gHPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills \g#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.\gx [Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes]go ]ga ]gM ]g~%  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............]g& Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 ]g'  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓]g) TWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.]g0 ___8_8_8_]g3 ]g: __8_8_8_]gD .]g .]g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d.]g iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesL]g L]gc L]g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........L]g Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8L]g _8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_L]g O_8_L]g j]g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*j]g Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screen]g :39;49mN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes]g # ]g* ]g5 > ]g6 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) ]gQ9 " ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.]g@ ___8_8_8_8_]gCB ]gJ _8_8_8_8_]gxU ]g ]gc QDungeon Crawl Help]g Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros]g , Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes]g ]g ]g ]g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............]g Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) ]g  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.]g@ __8_8_8_]g ]g2 ___8_8_8_]g ]g" ]gf% Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents ]g}' obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.[50]g( GPhilosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes^g# ^g* ^gKE  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== ^g}G  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  [^g?Y 31m▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8___8_8_^gTc ^g1 ^g6 ~Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.^g}@ B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2^gK .List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes<^g| <^g~ <^g <^g0 (<^g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 <^g<  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered <^g  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.<^g ___8_8_8_<^g <^g __8_8_<^g Z^g Z^g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations Z^gr V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesx^g x^g x^g$ " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll x^g&  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓x^g) [34m8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.x^g]1 _x^gf3 __8_8_8_8_x^gm< _8_8_8_8_x^gF ^gjz ^gi Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d^g iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes^gն ^gԼ ^gF  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓^g* [0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_^g __8_8_8_^gz ^g ^g` eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents ^g -Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion ^g, lQ: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes^g9 ^gB ^gcJ > ^gK QCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 ^g]M 4 ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.^gFT U__^gU ^g[ {_8_8_^g\c _gL _g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d_g iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes,_g ,_g ,_gl " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll ,_g  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓,_gF j[34m8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_,_g __8_8_8_8_,_g-J_gy J_g ~Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.J_gS B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2J_g .List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesh_g<>h_g~Dh_gO CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓h_gZ`k[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8___8_8_8_h_gm_gE_gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d_giagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes_g_g`_g" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll _g ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓_g$[34m8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._g<_8_8__gv_g#___8_8__gk_g_gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting _g/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes_g8_gE_g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓_g#[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8__gb%___8_8_8_8__g/_g5_g8Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ._g;zReligion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes`g]`gsa`gp" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll `gs ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon `gu ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.`gd}__8_8_8_`g~`g+__8_8_`g;`g;`gٿDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d;`giagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesY`gw Y`gxY`g- CNCPublicChat the Ruffian Y`g.& ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  `g(b1m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Y`g*a__Y`g3__8_8_Y`gB=w`gw`g#Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items w`g*-&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes`g`g*`g< CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3`gK4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.`g["_`g\_8_8_8_`g^`g}`g_8_8_8_8_`g!`g?`gQDungeon Crawl Help`gz Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes`gI8E.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion `gQ: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species`g2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes`g`g``gC CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........`gHealth: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8`gj0_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.`g _8_8_`g^ `g__8_8_8_8_`g`gD`g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d`gSiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes ag`t ag ag>  agCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== ag| ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon ag ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_............. agRNothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ agoWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command. ag'__8_8_8_ ag ag__8_8_ agc+ag+agQDungeon Crawl Help+agS Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notes+agZE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudes+agUJI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesIag1IagIagq+ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓agV;I4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8__8_8_8_IagE=gag *gag1Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys togag2 *Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History gag3<!: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesagagag CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓agh[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8__8_8_8_agagOQDungeon Crawl HelpagManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon ag:: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesagoI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance agDHome: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.InscriptionsagUM6.Dungeon sprint modesag"ag2 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓ag ;x8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_agy=agC___8_8_8_agLag&ag)Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart Guideag60D.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.InscriptionsgwQI10;1m6.Dungeon sprint modesagȗagags CNCPublicChat the Ruffian age ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  g\40m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_ag"__8_8_ag bg%bg9QDungeon Crawl HelpbgRManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.bgGLicence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.bgDungeon sprint modes9bg9bg9bgM> 9bgrCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 9bgg ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.9bg__8_8_8_8_9bg___8_8_8_8_WbgQWbgW\eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Wbg\^Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Wbga,Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations Wbg"gV: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesubgsubgubg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian ubgG8 ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 ubg> ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.bgq39;49mubg{___8_ubg&__8_8_8_ubgUbgbgzDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dbgB(iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesbgDbg bg> bgQCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 bgZ ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.bg"__8_8_bg-__8_8_8_bgv9bgsbgNDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dbg-iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesbg7bgbg" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll bg ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓bg[34m8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.bgu__8_8_8___8_8_8_8_bg cg cg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d cgUiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes)cgf)cg_)cg> )cg!CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 )cg[, ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown comm)cg.and.)cg/U__)cg[1)cg9__8_8_8_)cgqDGcg~GcgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents Gcgobtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.cgGPhilosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesecgecgecgJ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian ecg- ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......ecg $Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_ecgecg__8_8_8_cgcg7Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.cgxMonsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modescgQ>cgJcgZ" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll cgRg ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8cg0l _8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__cgv__8_8_8_cg&cgEcgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dcgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modescgScgcg > cg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) cg( Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8___8_8_cg0 cgcgHeDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents cgPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpcg  F.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesdgTb dgh dgo " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll dg$q  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8dgr _8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.dgex __8_8_8_8_dgy dg __8_8_8_dg 7dg 7dg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d7dg} iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesUdg UdgC Udg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Udg "Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon Udg s ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___UdgR _8_8_8_Udg2 sdg sdg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dsdg] iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesdg[ dgu dgQ  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓dgU _[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8___8_8_dgŸ dg6 dgs Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display ddg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesdgK dg dg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓dg [0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.dg __8_8_8____8_8_8_8_dg] dg dg% Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display ddg4 iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes egY  egf  ego  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..))......... egp NHealth: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered eg~ J ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8___8_8_8_8_ eg 'egq 'egut QDungeon Crawl Help'eg/v Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.'eg| Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesEegg Eeg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓Eeg 8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Eeg __8_8_8___8_8_8_Eeg ceg cegx jDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationceg L.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeseg eg2  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓egaD d8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8__8_8_8_egB eg` Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display degEp iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeseg?H eg[  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓egZh U8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8___8_8_8_egx egE eg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display deg3 iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeseg eg eg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Trolleg&"   ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeoneg#   ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.eg]+ _8_8_8_eg, egw6 __8_8_8_egA fg* fg- iDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats fg/ ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands[0;1fg0 0;1m5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes5fgu 5fg 5fg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll5fg   ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 5fgD  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) 5fgغ  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓5fg1 BWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.5fg ___8_8_8_8_5fg 5fg ___8_8_5fgv SfggSfg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Sfg NTable of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsSfg M.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesqfg<qfgCEqfg"O" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll qfgPM ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws qfgWR^ ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.qfgZ__8_8_8_8_qfg#\qfgd<__qfg2f_8_8_8_8_qfgofgPfgOXDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dfg3}iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesfgdfgfg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Trollfg  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  fgjo▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8___8_8_8_fgfgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*fgT Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items fg3&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenfgoFN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesfg. fgfg{' CNCPublicChat the Ruffian fg/9 ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  g>/1m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_fg ___8_8_8_fggg gg$Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.ggExploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungggeon sprint modes&gg3&gglC&ggP CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓&gg_[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8___8_8_8_8_&ggTjDgg+JDggQDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items Dggf-&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesbgg/dbggnbgg}> bggCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) ggr9mClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_bgg__8_8_8_8_bggggWggDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dggiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgg3gg`gg6 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  gg:H▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8___8_8_8_ggRggAaggzeDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dggriagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesggtgg%zgg~ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================ggF  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_g40m  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8___8_8_8_ggggeDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents ggPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.ggTargeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeshg hg!$ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  hg.▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_hgD__8_8_8_4hg9K4hgTjDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version information4hg kg" kg& Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dkgt) iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeskg kgB kg`  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............kg `Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...kg lEV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)kgo   ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓kg 7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.kg w__8_kg kg _8_8_8_8_kg kg kg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart Guidekg D.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQkgz ,K.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeslgT" lg( lg0  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 lgp3  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back,lg}6  CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.lg9 _8_8_8_lg]; lg A O_8_lgI 0lg/ 0lg= QDungeon Crawl Help0lg@ Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.0lgBB =Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros help0lgD EG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQ0lgG K.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species0lggI 2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesNlg[ NlgT Nlg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Nlgj Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_lg B0m8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.NlgT ___8_8_Nlg Nlg {___8_Nlg< llg llg` Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dllg, iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeslgR lgG! lg3  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian lgG5  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0lg%7 KDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓lg8 TWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.lgF ___8_8_8_lg|H lglX 2__lg7Z [_8_lgk lgyT lgEc Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dlgs iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeslgq lg& lg| " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll lg= m ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 lg  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓lg oWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.lg __8_8_lgi lg _8_8_8_8_lgP lg lgW QDungeon Crawl Helplg Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.lg( Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting lg %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticslg5 RM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commandslg 5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesmg mg mg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓mg [0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.mg ___8_8_8_mgM mg& w_8_8_mg1  mggB  mgE Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG. mgG 8Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes>mg >mg' >mg@  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian >mg  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0>mg Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ >mgֺ  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.>mgw m__8_8_>mgi >mg% _8_8_8_8_>mgR \mg \mg eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents \mg Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.\mg[ Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dump\mg F.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting \mgt /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnostics\mgK M.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills\mg 4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeszmg zmg zmg| > zmg) CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) mg4 9mClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.zmg _8_8_zmg zmg __8_8_zmg mg/b mgd Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.mghf Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance mgh Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesmg~ mg mg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............mg! Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) mg  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.mg __8_8_8_mg mg W___mgK mg mg= mg} RDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.mg` Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Specmg& ies2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesmgmg\!mg-; CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================mg|=  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ mg? ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.mgH_8_8_mgImgP__8_8_8_mg[ngongQDungeon Crawl HelpngcManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ng#~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.ng Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes.ng.ng.ngY" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll .ngb ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓.ngB[34m8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command..ngm___.ng.ng__8_8_8_8_.ngLng9LngWDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dLngiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesjngjng%"jng3kngv CNCPublicChat the Ruffiankngk  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== kngQ, ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  kng1▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.kng:P2__kngS_8_8_8_kng_kng__8_8_8_8_kngng3ng38eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents ng:-Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion ngmSlQ: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesngfnglngL CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓ng T[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8___8_8_ngjng]uDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dngiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesng#ngng" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll ng ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓ng4[34m8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.ng;___8_8_8_ng7 ngx___8_8_ng-og1og&@Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dog1XiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesogTogigogm CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3ogz|4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_og_8_8_og=ogN=ogDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d=oghiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes[og~[og[ogE&" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll [og1( ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓gk*[34m8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.[og.w_8_8_[og0[og6U__[ogb>yogXyog`[Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents yogY]obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.yogs_[Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesog_og0jogQ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓ogY[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.og_8_8_8_8___8_8_8_8_ogogkDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History ogW<!: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesogog og( CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............og*tTroll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Clawsog&,  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.og3__8_8_8_8_og4og;_8_8_8_ogDog&*og.eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents ogB1aPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.og&4Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Speciesog62.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modespg.pg6pgp> CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== pg@ ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_[pgB34m  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.pgF___8_8_8_pg-HpgM__8_8_pgV-pgid-pgngDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*-pgh8Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting -pgj/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesKpggKpg*oKpgր CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓Kpg[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8_Kpg__8_8_ipgipgeDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents ipg.Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.ipg}!Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesipgI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History ipgH!: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of SkillsipgW4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modespg;pgْpg~pgN  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Trollpg  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) pgԧ ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.pgs__8_pgpg__8_8_8_pgKJpgpgB'Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dpg/iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modespg.6pg:pg@pgO CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............pgStTroll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) ClawspgW  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.pga__8_8_8_pgScpgk"_pg5m_8_8_pgupgOpgRDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumppgTF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modespgpgpg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............pg*Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered gm ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8___qgqg!Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dqg9iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes;qg(;qg7;qgC;qgp CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================;qg}  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_gJ0m8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_;qg__8_8_;qgYqgH4Yqg{=Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dYqgDiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeswqg[wqgjwqg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓wqg\[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_wqg8__8_8_8_8_qg`qgZDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesqgE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesqg`qgqgc CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g64m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_qg__8_8_8_qg&qgjqg|oDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting qgEr/: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesqgqg qgS" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll qg ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8qg_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.qg2__qg_8_8_8_qg__8_8_8_qg rg rgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d rgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes+rg+rgg< CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  +rgAA▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.+rgL_+rguN__8_8_8_+rgPW+rgY_8_8_+rgaIrgIrgǑDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents Irg6*obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpIrgϔH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of SkillsIrg94.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgrglgrgַgrggrg\> grgCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 grg ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)grgYj  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] grg_Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.grgt_8_8_8_8_grggrgk__8_grgrgrgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display drgMiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesrgrg6rgZ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian rg ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...rg{EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) rg  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.rgjW__8_rg%rgw_8_8_rgF$rg\rgm`Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills rgbQ#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesrgrg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓rg{8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8___8_8_8_rgrgrgYDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display drgTiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modessgsg sg9 v CNCPublicChat the Ruffiansg L  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)sg   ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.sg# __8_8_sg% sg6 _8_8_8_sg7E 9sg 9sgw' Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d9sg5 iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesWsg*^ Wsg,h Wsgz " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll Wsg|  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8Wsg _8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Wsg __8_8_8_8_Wsg Wsg _8_8_Wsgo usgr usgX Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dusg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modessg sgy sg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon sg  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.sg w___8_8___8_8_8_sgI sgf Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dsg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modessgz sg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓sg# 8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8__8_8_8_sg sga Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dsg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes tgۆ  tg  tg  tg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll tg   ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  [40 tg^ m▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command. tg} __8_8_ tg  tg __8_8_8_8_ tgݹ )tg' )tg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d)tg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesGtg{ Gtg Gtg|  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Gtg8 Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_tg Lm8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Gtg __8_8_8_8_GtgO Gtg ___8_8_GtgD etgU etgX KDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionetg8[ J.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modestg tg^ tgx  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0tg   ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓tgs #Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.tg ___8_8_8_8_tgE tgP ___8_8_tgI tg tg eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents tg Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performantg ce Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modestg( tg tgh > tg6 QCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 tg u ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] tg _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.tg 2__tg _8_8_8_tgI "_tg _8_8_8_8_tg tg tg eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents tg# (Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helptg" vG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophytg,) 1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modestgA tg~N tgc^  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........tgj` Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......tg8b dNoise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓tgd 7Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.tgVm __8_8_8_8_tg(o tgVt ___8_8_8_tg } ugya ugs Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dug iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes7ugb 7ugQk 7ugu " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll 7ugx  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...7ug\z XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.7ug __8_8_8_7ugŇ 7ug9 y_8_8_8_7ugH Uug UugB Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideUugy D.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.Uugg hList of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modessug|' sug2 sug@ " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll sugC  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8sug#F _8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.suggQ __8_8_8_sugS sugza __8_8_sugsr ug3> ugB _Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview ugE aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character SpeciesguH 0;10;1m2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesugQ ugg ugo > ugj CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 ug[  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 ugU \ ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered ugt  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.ugS u__8_ug ugO "_ug: _8_8_ugug# ug Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.ug |Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationugh L.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.ug| List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesug8ug| ug CNCPublicChat the Ruffian ug- ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  g,1m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.ug__8_8_8_8_ug!ug%_8_8_8_ug. vgF vg2 Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents  vg&obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.[50 vg(GPhilosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes'vg='vg]L'vg Z CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 'vg \p ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ 'vgkY ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_'vgo'vgi~__8_8_8_8_'vgEvg}EvgZDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dEvgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modescvgcvgrcvg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓cvgM[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8__8_8_8_8_cvgPvg3vg(Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dvgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesvg0vg=vg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g04m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8___8_vg$vg>Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dvgԋiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesvgGvge CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  vgx@▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8___8_8_vgpvgiDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dvg5iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeswg7$wg8 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓wgj?8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_wgN__8_8_8_8_wgR6wg6wg[Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d6wgBiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesTwgƏTwgETwg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓wga4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8___8_8_8_TwgrwgrwgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display drwgAiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeswgcPwg]wgnn CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8___8_8_8_8_wgwgwgLDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dwgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeswg\wg. CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓wgl8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8___8_8_8_wgEwg(Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dwgXiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesxgh3xg$Cxg6S CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) xgpa ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_xge_8_8_8_xgr&xga&xgVkDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d&xgÖiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesDxg`DxgDxgd CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓Dxgbv[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8____8_8_bxgnbxg-Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesbxgnJI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesxgBxge CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  xgW}|▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8___8_8_8_xg;`xg`yDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dxgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesxgxgxgD CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8____8_xgxgxg&Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dxgJSiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesxg(xgyF CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  xgN▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_xg^___8_8_8_yg0yg[?Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dygCoiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes4ygD4yg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  4yg▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8___8_8_8_RygaRygDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dRyg)iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modespygpygF)pyga= CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓pygNE[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8____8_8_8_pygaygMyg2aDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dygiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesygyg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓yg`Z8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8__8_8_ygygDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dygiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesyg\yg} CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓yg 8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8____8_8_8_yg36zgQzgfDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dzggiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes$zg$zg$zg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓$zg[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_$zg__8_8_8_BzgcBzgBDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dBzgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes`zg`zg`zg1 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian `zg) ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  [0;10;`zgj1n1m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.`zgC__8_8_8_`zg^$_`zgEp1_`zg~zgL~zg@aDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d~zguiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeszg<zg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓zgs8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8___zg zg\Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dzgR iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeszgzgn CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓zgx8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_zg _8_8_zg zg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dzg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes{gB {goL {gZ  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓{gVn _[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8___8_8_8_{gf 2{gD_ 2{gRy Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d2{gI iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesP{g P{g P{g(  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓P{g [0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8_P{g 4P{g n{g) n{gA Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dn{g9 iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes{g[" {g)d  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  {gx ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.{g __8_8_8_8_{g@ $_{g _8_8_8_8_{g$ {gB Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Displ{g ay diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes{gy {g1  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓{g N8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8___8_8_8_8_{gک {gv Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d{g( iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes|gT |gS |gM  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3|g, 4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8__8_8_|g/ "|ga? "|gG_ Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d"|gb iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes@|gY @|g^ @|gvm @|gHs  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian @|gt  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9@|g Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_[40@|g m@|g __8_8_@|gb ^|g ^|g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d^|g iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes||gx ||g?  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓||g 8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.||g __8_8_8_8_||g _8_8_|g |g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d|g J iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes|gg |gw |gЍ v CNCPublicChat the Ruffian|g   ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...|g EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__|gU __8_8_|g |g |g! Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d|g iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes|g} |g |gA " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll |g 4 ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws|gɾ   ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.|g __8_8_8_8_|g |g _8_8_8_8_|gW }g }ge! QDungeon Crawl Help}gK$ Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items }g|' 9&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills}gP* 4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes0}g+ 0}g1 0}gY9  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== 0}g;  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_0}gY>   ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.0}gC __8_8_0}gE 0}g L ___8_8_8_0}gT N}gY N}g2z Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dN}gw iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesl}g l}gS  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  l}g ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.l}g __8_8_l}g_8_8_8_8_}gC>}gSDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d}gFiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes}gj}gv}gw}g> }g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) }gޟLClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_}g-__8_8_8_8_}g}gɐDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d}giagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes}g}g5 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  }gD▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_}g#}g5__8_8_8_~g=~g!Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d~gNiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes!~g6!~g<!~g}F CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓!~gI[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.!~gM_8_8_8_!~gtP!~gW_8_8_8_8_!~g`?~gB?~g2GQDungeon Crawl Help?~gEI\Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills ?~g4K^#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.?~g MYMutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands?~gN5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes]~g]~ge]~g2v CNCPublicChat the Ruffian]~g  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......]~gzsNoise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.]~g.Y_]~g@__8_8_8_{~g{~gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d{~g$iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes~g~go$~g2 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓~gz4[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.~g6_8_8_~g)>_8_8_8_~gF~g~gzQDungeon Crawl Help~gManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.~g=Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros help~gG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion ~g&Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screen~g0N.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions~g{M6.Dungeon sprint modes~g^~gJ~gn> ~g|CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) [39;4~g9mClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.~g__8_8_8_~g~g_8_8_~g~g~g=Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d~gUiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg!gZ@ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......gIjNoise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_g$v_8_8_/gb/gzDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d/gIiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesMgMg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓Mg8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8__kg\kgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dkg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesggp CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓gY+8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8___8_g+ g3LgPDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dglRiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  gQ|▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8____8_8_8_gYgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg6iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg#g" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g>8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8___8_8_gfgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes=g=g7 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓=g))8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8___8_8_8_8_[g[gaDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d[g;iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesyg{yg0ygB CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓gs4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8____8_8_8_8_gg/KDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptiongJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesggg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_gq__8_8_8_g%Ӏg5Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.ӀgkExperience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg+gDgZ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓VrX4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8____8_8_g߂gWDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg*iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes-g1-g-g> -gCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) -gClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.-g<__8_8_8_-g#."_-g@_8_8_Kg$KgSDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dKg=fiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesigigig CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............igɥTroll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered igܫ[m ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_8_ig"~_8_8_ggODungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgbiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesggg+ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== g ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ g"[39;49m ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8___8_8_8_g34ÁgTÁgwDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dÁgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesၡg]ၡgၡgA CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3ၡg4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8___8_8_8_8_ggDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dguiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesggg5> g+;CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9g dInt: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g__8_8_g__8_8_8_g';gi<;gaADungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*;gtCTable of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ;gS~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesYg8wYgF CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  Yg׺▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.____8_8_8_8_wgwgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dwg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesggg* CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...gXL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g ___8_8_8__8_8_8_8_gi g'E gO Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpg$R F.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.g6T Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsgLV M.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.gWX List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesтg{ тg тgK " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll тg!  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8тg} _8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.тg; _8_8_8_тg3 тgB __8_8_8_тgp gC g. Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg@ iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes g  g  g?  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓ g `[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8__8_8_8_8_+g+ +g~= Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d+gY iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesIg Igُ Ig  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........IgW Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8Ig$ A_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8___gg gg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg{ g g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓ 34m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8___8_8_g g g( Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg@ iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgh g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g# \8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8__8_8_8_8_߃gkx ߃g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d߃g iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg g ga  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓t 4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8___8_8_8_g% g0 gQ Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgVZ iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes9g5 9gJ 9gR  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 9gb  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.s 39;49m___8_8_8___8_8_8_8_9gLy WglF Wg+K Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dWgR iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesug ug ug  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓ug [0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_ug ___8_8_8_gq g< Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgI iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg g( gb5  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓o7 4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8_gX9 ___8_8_8_8_g V τg! τg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsτg. C.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills[3τgH 9;49m4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes턡gˇ 턡g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19턡g   ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. [2턡g 0d_Unknown command.___8_8_8_8___ g-  g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d g iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes)gP )g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  )gFB▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8____8_8_Gg GgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dGgEiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeseg eg5eg)v CNCPublicChat the Ruffianeg3  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws gIq9;49m ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.eg$___8_8_eg&egW-__8_8_eg7g1gdADungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgBoiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgGgm CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  g|h▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8___8_8_8_gNgnDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes݅g^݅g|݅g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3݅gh4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_݅g}___8_8_8_݅g gghDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg}g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  g▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_g_8_8_8_g7gB"7g8Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d8gBiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesVg Vg "Vg&7  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............TrollVgP9;  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......VgTzNoise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_Vgk_8_8_tgQtg%Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dtg`iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg~gp CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓gu^8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8____8_8_8_g7gJDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg~hiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesΆg-Άgl6ΆgaD CNCPublicChat the Ruffian ΆgR ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  [0;10;ΆgYk1m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8_Άgh_8_8_8_8_Άgs송grE송gJDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commands송g`OC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills[3송gq9;49m4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes gDn g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)   gf▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8___8_8_(g(gjDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d(gC$iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesFgFgFg+ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Fg-Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a listFg2DZ of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Fg^V_8_8_8_Fg}k2__Fgp{_8_8_FgBdg dgADungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display ddgyHiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgjgg< CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓³4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8__8_8_gggDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesggk CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  g2▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8__8_8_8_܇g E܇g^Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d܇giagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg]gSg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 g4G ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g__8_8_8_8__8_8_8_gg~~Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.g) B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2g .List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes6g6g" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓6gL.\8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8____8_8_8_Tg|TgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys toTg *Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Homeg\m: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesrg6rg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  rg\▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8_rgd__8_8_8_rgg|gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesggj CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  g-[40m▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_g̈g-̈gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d̈g]6iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesꈡg];ꈡgW CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ꈡgt:▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8__8_8_8_g8WgXpDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes&g(&g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓&g8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8___8_8_8_&g Dg:DgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dDgniagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesbgv bgk(bg> CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓bgP[[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8____8_8_8_8_bg0eg g6Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg!QiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgggv" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll g ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8g_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8__ggDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesډgNډg ډg'> ډgCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) ډg}vClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_ډgz__8_ggDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgNiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg]g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0) g7 ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8____8_8_8_geN4gR4gWDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d4g[iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesRgeuRg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓RgO8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_pgtpg{Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dpgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg?&g@gM CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓Obi4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8___8_8_8_gIwgigL{Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesʊg\yʊg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ʊgƨX▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8___8_8_8_芡g芡g'Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d芡giagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgKg= CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g.8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8_g_8_8_g $g $g` $$g{- Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnostics$g2C M.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesBg Bgy Bg'  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓gC o4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8__8_8_Bg [ `gs `g! Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d`g: iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes~g` ~g ~g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓~gR [0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8__8_8_8_g g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgA iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgQ gra gt  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓gv [0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g ___8_8_8_8____8_8_8_؋gR ؋g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d؋gU iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg g g{  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian g ' ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 g  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8_$ 9m__8_8_8_8_g9 gE g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes2gH- 2g{Q  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓2gS 8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8_2gX _8_8_8_2gp PgS Pgo Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dPg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesngP} ng ng  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓ng [0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.ng __8_8_ng 4ng W__8_ng4 go go eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents g lPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items gg #&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.g List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg g g| g} > gx ;CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9gb Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws g\ ^ ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g <__g _8_8_g "_g _8_8_8_g Ȍg Ȍg eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Ȍg> mPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQȌg ,K.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes挡gp 挡gU 挡g'%  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3挡gA' 4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.挡g. __8_8_挡g0 挡g: __8_8_8_挡g(D g g1 Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes"g "g "g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓"g% [0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_"g` ___8_8_"g?! @g1 @g= Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to@g@ *Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting @g9zReligion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes֍g?x֍g֍g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ======================== ֍g$ ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_ ֍g[39;49m ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.֍gT__8_8_8_֍go֍g}__8_8_֍gEggDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History g<!: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgg*g!" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll g# ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓g%[34m8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g=_8_8_g?g<__g _8_8_8_gx@0g0g$EDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters 0g/(~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesOg~Og4 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  OgEN0▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._____8_8_8_mg ǎg;CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9ǎgrInt: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered ǎg ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.ǎg_8_8_ǎg ǎg'__8_8_8_8_ǎg1厡gL厡g_Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d厡gviagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgNgXgp CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........guMagic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓gx\[1KWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g=~U__gƁg_8_8_gw!g!g~Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.!gTB.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQ!g,K.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes?g?g?gb> ?gCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 ?g ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............?g"Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.?g ___8_8_8_?g7?g__8_8_8_?g]g]grDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to[0;10;1m*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.]gtStarting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.]guMacros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes{g{g {g` CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 {g] ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓{gBWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.{g%!___8_8_8_{g##4{g?+__8_8_8_{g5g;gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Displgkay diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgge& CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll g ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quiveredg   ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_gE _8_8_8_8_gՏg_Տg1Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dՏg]@iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  gy1X▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8____8_8_geg}Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes/gҎ/gk/gָ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3/gF4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8___8_8_8_Mg)MgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dMgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeskg kg, CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓kgE8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8___g4qguDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQg,K.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg:pgyg! CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0g  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓T%0mWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.gӋ__8_8_8_gϑ__8_8_8_gŐg ŐgADungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dŐg~iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes㐡g0㐡g 㐡gv CNCPublicChat the Ruffian㐡g#  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws 㐡g*q ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_㐡gj<g=g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpg;F.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg0g;gC" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll gE ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............gGNothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.ggN__8_8_8_gkPgW_8_8_8_8_ga=g4=g 9QDungeon Crawl Help=g;Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options help=g>H.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills=gOA4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes[gP[gZ[ga> [gcCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) [geClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.[gOl$_[gn_8_8_[gQs"_[gu_8_8_[g|ygIygķDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dygLiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg4g<g g> g|xCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19gt  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...g1XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered gR ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. g1_Unknown command.g-2__g/I_8_g-2g^g`Q_8_gggDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesӑg&ӑg 1ӑg@ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓ӑgVC[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_ӑgF___8_8_8_8_ӑgdg^gmDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*goTable of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuidegqD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items gs&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQg]uK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.g9wsPhilosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commandsgx5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgzig9ogx CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........g|Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_[0;g&10m8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g___8_8_g__8_8_gH-gݣ-gͩDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d-giagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesKgKg/Kg' CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8 Kg! ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Kg&_8_8_KgKgs__8_Kgfigig!Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display digRiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesggAg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g=[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.gu___8_8_8_gg(&__8_8_8_gN/ggtDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg*iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesÒgdÒgkÒgv CNCPublicChat the Ruffian Òg'z ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  [0;10;Òg}f1m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Òg>w_8_8_ÒgFÒg_8_8_8_Ògᒡg̀ᒡg|Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dᒡgRiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_g)__8_8_g<g+g5Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg"iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes;g7;gN;g\;gD_ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓;ga[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.;goj__8_8_;gl;g"u__8_8_;gYgPYg}\Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys toYg `*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting Ygd8%: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.YggaInscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modeswgwgQwg6 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓wg[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.wg__8_8_wguwgT__8_8_wgg g% Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys tog' *Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.g) Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.g+ Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophyg- 1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg8 gB g1M v CNCPublicChat the Ruffiang3O   ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...gGQ TAC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: DungeongS   ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓gU TWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g^ _8_8_8_8_g` 4gg 9_gq ѓgA ѓgF QDungeon Crawl HelpѓgI <Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpѓgK +G.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenѓg/N FN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgj g g gb v CNCPublicChat the RuffiangR   ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0g Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered g  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.gX _8_8_8_g g __8_8_8_8_g3  g  g QDungeon Crawl Help g Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters  g (~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance  g Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes+g +g +gB8 v CNCPublicChat the Ruffian+g<   ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9 +g?  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓+g(C BWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.+ga __8_8_8_8_+ge +gD _8_8_8_+gW Igy Ig~ SDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Iga Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgg gg@ gg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........gg Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓gg TWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.gg m___gg gg __8_8_gg5 g% gE Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgkl iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgv, g7 gw?  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian gA  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  TD J40m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.guJ _8_8_8_gL gtT __8_8_8_g _ gG g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg1 iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesߔgD ߔg ߔgb  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian ߔg}  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9ߔg   ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ߔgS BWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.ߔg __8_8_8_ߔg ߔg __8_8_8_ߔg gT g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*g Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items g~ #&: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.ge List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgZ g gK  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........g Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓g" BWelcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.gY& __8_8_gr- }___8_8_g7 9gw 9g} Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d9g iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesWg Wg Wg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓Wg [0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.WgS _8_8_8_8_Wg Wgj _8_8_8_Wgt ug ug eDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents ug Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.ugu 6Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance ug Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.ug0 List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg\ gOf gv  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............TrollgOx   ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...gz XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.ga __8_8_8_g g׎ ___8_8_8_8_gR g g jDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationg֮ L.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesϕg ϕg ϕg ϕgl  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0 ϕg6  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9ϕg<   ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws ϕg r ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.ϕg __8_8_8_8_ϕg ϕg___8_8_ϕgϕg< 핡g 핡g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.핡g [Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes gX gno gz CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓ g|D[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_ g~ g]__8_8_8_8_ g͋)g)gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d)g^iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesGgGg@Ggu CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_Gg__8_8_8_GgeegmegDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display degiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg4g5=g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian g ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9gM  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.gQ _8_8_8_g g__8_8_8_8_gggDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg"iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgeg,gq9 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g;[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g=___8_8_gpD_8_8_8_gNޖg"cޖgrDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dޖgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg`ggO CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓gXv[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8____8_8_8_gSgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*gVTable of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpg=H.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screengi FN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes8g#8g-8gR;" CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll 8g3> ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8g@[34m8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.8g!G__8_8_8_8g_I8gP_8_8_8g,[VgGVgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dVgBiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modestgtgH CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  tg%%O▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_8__8_8_8_8_tg(g'g+QDungeon Crawl Helpgi?Manual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macrosgi, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg^(g2g[B CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓U4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8___8_8_8_g]Ηg{ΗgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dΗgEiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes엡g엡g엡gZ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓엡gC[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.엡g0_8_8_엡gG___8_8_ g1 gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d g(iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes(gFO(gU(gh CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3(g{44m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8___8_8_FgFgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dFgHiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesdg'dgdg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8_dg___8_8_8_dg)gg~Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.gB.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.gzReligion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesggg " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll g ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8g"_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.gx_8_8_8_gtg֣_8_8_g[ggHDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg&iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesܘggܘg ܘg> CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........ܘgMagic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............ܘgY-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.ܘg1$_8_8_8_8_ܘg&ܘg.2__ܘgG1_8_8_8_8_ܘg9g gQDungeon Crawl HelpgqManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpggF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting gy%: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophyg1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg1gGgm> gTp;CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9grInt: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws g$uJ ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g__8_8_8_gg2__gb_8_8_8_gC6gpt6gyDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudes6g؛JI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesTg2TgTg~v CNCPublicChat the RuffianTg  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws Tg_ ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Tg&___8_8_Tg!__8_8_8_rgrgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display drgMiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgVdg~ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6gStr: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _gUnknown command.__8_8_8___8_8_8_ggoDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg;iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes̙g̙g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ̙gn▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8____8_8_8_ꙡgG.ꙡgRGDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dꙡgviagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg+Rgp CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  gT▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8____8_&g|&gfDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d&gkiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesDgDg̟Dg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............TrollDg{  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  Dg ,▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8___8_8_8_8_Dg>bgbg]Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dbg*iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  g-▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8____8_g g'Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgjiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg`gxgg> gCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) 9mClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g$__8_8_8_8_gE _8_8_8_8_gX# ښgښgeDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills ښgQ#: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesggz CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  g R▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_8___8_8_8_gg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg~c iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes4g1 4g0  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  4gF@ ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_4gR w__8_8_4ge Rg"` Rgv Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dRgz iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modespg pg pg > pgҼ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) gl 9mClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.pg a__8_pg pg` pg\ }_8_8_pg0E g)M Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: DisplguT ay diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  g2 ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8__8_8_ʛg3 ʛg] Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dʛg* iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes蛡gP 蛡gz 蛡g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3蛡g ~4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8____8_8_gi g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg+ iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes$g $g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓$g 8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8___Bg Bg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dBg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes`g `g:  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓`g6 8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8____8_8_8_8_~g,y ~gׇ Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d~g iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg1 g g " CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll g  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8g +_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8____8_8_8_g g= g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes؜g ؜gz  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ؜g! ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_8_؜g __8_8_8_8_؜g@ gH0 g,I Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgO iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg g g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================g   ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_[4g) 0m8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8___8_8_8_2g 2g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d2g iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesPg$ Pg Pg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19 Pg  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown commPg# and.___8_8_Pg "_Pg) _8_8_ng= ng/ Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dngg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgQP gb g8n  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓sp 4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g _8_8_8_8_gr ___8_8_8_ge gw Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgk iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesȝgc ȝg ȝg 7 ȝg+ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0ȝgG Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8___8_8_[0ȝgh;10m8_8_条gD条g+Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d条gHiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesghDgd CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  g]▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8__8_8_8_g"g|H"gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d"gpiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes@g5J@gg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  @gdv▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8___8_^g@^g\Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQ^g,K.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes|g|g|g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓|g0[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_|g=}ggw@g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.gfStarting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character BackgroundsUG;42H3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgMge CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓gIp8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8___8_8_8_מg lמggDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dמgKiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesglgK~gLgs> gCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) gnClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__g/_8_8_8_g;_gf ggDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes1gk1gaB CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓1gW^:8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8___8_8_8_OgD9OgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dOg4iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesmgx9mgBi CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓mgي8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_8____8_8_8_8_g kgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesguggɾ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_g__8_8_8_gǟgǟgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dǟgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes埡g埡g= CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓埡g[&8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8___8_8_gS|gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes!gi!g!g3 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3!g4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_!g_8_8_!g?g1?gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d?g+iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes]g]g]g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓]gy)d[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8___8_{gC{gPeDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents {gmPress one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performan{gce Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgegњg> giCNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) gClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_g2__g_8_8_8_8_g?gsgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgRiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesՠgՠgՠga CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓ՠg[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_ՠg24_8_8_8_8_gEg#@Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgeiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgg@5 CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  gIN▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8___8_/gx/gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d/g>iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesMgMgMg v CNCPublicChat the RuffianMg9  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws Mg4 ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8___8_8_MgJkgkgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dkg[iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgg% CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  g(▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8___8_geugDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dghiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesšgšgn CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  šg▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.šgp d___8___8_8_8_šgu㡡gs㡡g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d㡡g!iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesggg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3g0>4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8___8_8_gqgCDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes=g=gz CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓=g.8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8__8_8_8_[gG[gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d[giagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesygUyg+ygG CNCPublicChat the Ruffian ygR ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  gsjP40m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.yg___8_8_8_yg_8_8_yggҀgsDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgfiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgҼgg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓P r4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8___8_8_8_8_Ӣg)ӢgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dӢgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g -8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8___8_8_8_g_g8DDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes-gE-gb CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  -gs|▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8___8_8_8_8_KgIKgVDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dKgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesigig CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  igп▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8___ig>gg#Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgg| g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g~2 e[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8___8_8_8_8_gMI ãgI0 ãgZ Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dãgU iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesᣡg ᣡg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓ᣡg[ 08.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8____8_g g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgP iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g4 8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8_gA __8_8_8_;gN ;g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d;gL iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesYg Yg Ygv2  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓YgM [0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8____8_8_8_8_wgD6 wgR Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dwgΌ iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg8 g"g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  g 6▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8____8_8_ga g@ Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesѤgr Ѥg ѤgQ  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3Ѥg 4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_嵐g 嵐gV Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d嵐g iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes gB  g_  g!{  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3 g< S4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8___8_8_ gP +gͰ +g$ Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d+gQ iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesIg Ig Ig^  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian Ig  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  gG" &40m▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8___8_8_8_Ig7 gg gge# Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dggb iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg$L gRd  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  gwi ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.g| ___8_8_8_8____8_8_g gH g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgu ga  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  gB ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.____8_8_ߥg ߥg Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dߥg- iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgS gz  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  gЋ ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8___8_8_8_8_g g Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.g} zReligion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes9gF 9g  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  9g ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8___8_8_8_8_Wg Wg;Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dWgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesugˊug CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ug▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_gjgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg.iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓gy8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8___8_8_8_8_g[ϦgnϦgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dϦg%iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesggg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g[n[0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8__8_8_8_ g gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d giagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes)g$)g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓)gC8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8___8_8_8_Gg2.Gg?6Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dHg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesfgtnfgfgR CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.fgz_8_8_8_8___8_8_8_fgZgfgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgg0gJgg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓g [0;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8__8_8_8_gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Displgay diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesާgާgާgު CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[3ާg4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8___8_gښgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesggD CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  g~▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8____8_8_8_8g98gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d8gu*iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesVgw4VgIVg_ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓gbo4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_8__8_8_8_8_Vg&etgGtgaDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dtg]iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_g__8_gg3Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg8WiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesΨgΨg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓[0Ψg( ;10m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8___8_8_쨡g/쨡g-Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d쨡gkiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes gw g CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)   g▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command. gww_8_8_ gBd__(g(gWDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d(gv,iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesFgFg} CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9FgnInt: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.Fg7__8_8_8_Fg#_8_8_dg0$dg3Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display ddgLniagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgكgg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓84m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8__8_8_8_gâgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgggs CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓4m8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.____8_8_8_ܩg'Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: DisplܩgDay diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg7gV CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  gqv▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8_8_8_8____8_8_8_8_g:gCDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes6g6g- CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  6gH▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8__8_8_8_Tgj<TgeDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dTgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesrg'org CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓rg-,8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8___8_8_ggeDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg0iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesggׯX CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0gDex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8___8_8_g_^8_8_̪g-̪gbDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d̪g=iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesꪡgnꪡgb< CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓ꪡgNP8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8____gpg0Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg^iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modes&g~.&g{_ CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  &g ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8__8_8_8_DgOrDgDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dDgiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesbgؕbg) CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓bg~8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8_8___8_8_8_g2gJRDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgIuiagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesgwg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  gm_▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8___8_8_8_8_gKg'gDungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dg# iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesګgKګg CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ګg(▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.ګg___8_8_8_ګg+ __8_8_8_8_gq% g17 Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dgBn iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg[ g:b gl  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........gu Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8[0;10;gM 1m_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command._8____8_8_8_g 4gj 4gz Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display d4g iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesRgs Rg~ Rg  CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Rgü Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) Claws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered Rg [m ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.___8_8_8_8___8_8_pg pg 4 Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display dpgh= iagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptions6.Dungeon sprint modesg7 g= gE > gY CNCPublicChat the Ruffian  ▓8.............Troll  ▓_..)).........Health: 22/22 ========================  ▓8..)).........Magic: 0/0  ▓_..)).....%...AC: 6Str: 19  ▓8...).....=...EV: 9Int: 8  ▓_......?......SH: 0Dex: 9  ▓8...[..!../...XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon  ▓_...[.@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1.0 (0.0)  ▓8.............-) lb 49mClaws  ▓_.............Nothing quivered  ▓8_8_8_8_8_8_8_  ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓Welcome back, CNCPublicChat the Troll Chaos Knight. [Dungeon Sprint] _Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Unknown command.__8_8_8___8_8_8_8_ga gCo